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The Fig Tree: A Lesson in the Patience and Judgment of God In Christ's parable of the barren fig tree, the owner was going to have it cut . And if it hasn't produced fruit for three years in a row, a remedy needs to be applied. . He and his wife, Debbie, have served in the ministry for more than 43 years.
Table of contents

The Fig Tree: A Lesson in the Patience and Judgment of God

Christmas is a special occasion for celebration and for many of us, decorating our workstations and our homes, gets us into the festive spirit. They are used for building scaffold structures, including holding toeboards in place. The Jetting Operative proceeded to open his escape set and leave the tank. Whilst attempting to pick up a bag of aggregate, an individual stubbed his right middle finger on the top of the bag.

Whilst erecting out board scaffolding access for the installation of infill plates, a scaffolder went to remove a spigot from the top part of the standard. Whilst dismantling long term underdeck scaffolding - the battery pack of a battery operated Impact Wrench dropped to sea after the release mechanism came into contact with the… 13 Jun Safety Alert - Safety Harness Buckle Types Personnel have recently noted letter box type belt buckle harnesses have been available for use at various client locations. A scaffold crew were constructing a system scaffold and were about 22m above the cellar deck of the platform.

The Fig Tree: A Lesson in the Patience and Judgment of God

The first standard was topped out and one of the crew moved on… 01 Jun Safety Alert - Corroded Handrail During a task to move an antenna from a platform handrail, a scaffold fitting which secured a tube to the antenna was in the process of being released, when the handrail snapped. We are now over a quarter of the way into and celebrated our success of being 1 year Lost Time Incident LTI free at the end of Recently, an incident occurred offshore when a Scaffolder trapped his left little finger when moving a single scaffold tube.

Stork's worldwide and diverse operations demand the use of all types of equipment and plant on a daily basis. During destruct of long term scaffold, a Stork personnel was using a hammer to open a scaffold fitting gate whilst another was holding the scaffold tube. This is not just luck, this was achieved… 06 Dec Safety Alert - Adverse Weather In anticipation of adverse weather conditions over the winter period in the UKCS, we would like to remind operational teams of good working practices at Stork and Client locations.

From the corporate offices we do our best to support you with the tools you need to be… 14 Nov Lesson Learned - Dropped Ratchet Spanner A scaffold team were erecting a scaffold offshore when during the course of their activities a ratchet spanner dropped on to a lower deck walkway.

The crew were using standard… 10 Nov Lesson Learned - Dropped Scaffold Tube A scaffold crew were constructing a system scaffold and were about 22m above the cellar deck of the platform. The first standard was topped out and one of the crew moved… 09 Nov Safety Alert - Hidden Trip Hazards Recently, an incident occurred on an offshore platform when a Stork employee went over his ankle whilst walking through a temporary workplace habitat.

Fortunately, all 3 employees are making steady individual recoveries as… 07 Nov Lesson Learned - Flame Retardant Coveralls Our offshore personnel use Tyvek suits as part of their PPE for designated scopes.

These suits are ordered by the onshore team, as per the job specific risk assessments. We have reason to believe that a batch of Eurogrit, an aluminium silicate coal slag blasting cleaning abrasive, commonly used for shot blasting operations, may have become… 25 Oct Safety Alert - Dropped objects during rope access A rope access team were descending fixed vertical ladders with a back scratcher. In August, we launched two new programmes to improve our personal protection for eyes. Recently, two Stork personnel were injured offshore when climbing in and out of bed due to the bunk bed ladders breaking.

These incidents are a reminder… 09 Oct Safety Alert - T-Bolt Fittings Common practice when using an impact wrench during a scaffold dismantle would be to hold the back of the fitting to prevent it becoming a dropped object. However, when using… 06 Oct Lessons Learned A Stork Scaffolder Injured Party hurt their finger while modifying an existing scaffold on an offshore platform. The IP removed a scaffold tube from the scaffold structure… 04 Oct Lesson Learned - Upper Arm Injury Recently a Stork Scaffolder suffered the injured party a strain injury to his upper arm whilst working on an offshore platform.

This is backed up by the vast amount of jobs and trips being… 22 Sep Safety Alert - Alustar Access Hatch A third party was working on a Stork assembled Alustar scaffold shown above which had been accessed via the pictured hatch. Most hand injuries occur… 29 Aug Lesson Learned - Cut to hand A Stork worker was using shrink wrap to wrap up a pallet of materials.

When tearing the shrink wrap it subsequently snarled on the roll. He reported to the medic who tried to wash out debris. Congratulations and well done to everyone… 16 Aug Lesson Learned - Gas released during live line surface preparation A fabric maintenance team were tasked with conducting surface preparation on a vessel body, skirt and level gauge containing hydrocarbons. Whilst dismantling a scaffold, several items were found inserted into the open end of the scaffold tubes. Entries can be submitted via www.

Remember, everyone is eligible… 20 Jun Lesson Learned - Working at height A near miss was reccorded when a work party were working on a scaffold and were changing out a ladder. It is common for us to work on aging assests and due to the nature of the work that we undertake, many members of staff may come across asbestos during the course of their duties. Latest activity. During this activity there is the potential for dropped objects and the added risk of a fall whilst….

The vehicle caught fire, subsequently jumping…. Although the pockets were inspected prior to transport, the debris was not identified, which…. The injured party IP was positioned on their back with the blast hogger hose…. As the IP was moving to an upright position, he caught…. The tasks were carried out wearing PPE as per procedure, including a 3M …. Hazards should be identified…. This resulted i n one….

Sda family life presentations ppt

This resulted in the staple…. It is an exciting time of year…. He probably thought he was hidden away anonymously.

But Jesus knew better. He looked straight up at the guy and called him out by name. Not only that, but he invited himself over for dinner! Whatever it was, he was excited, because the verse tells us he hurried down and received Jesus joyfully. Fortunately, Jesus was not after public opinion boosts, but individual heart healing…and in this case, it worked.

Jesus was not worried about how others viewed Him.

Executive Summary

He knew that His mission came from God, and that it involved loving all people. He also knew change was possible for all, and that He would grant forgiveness to all who asked. Zacchaeus was transformed by his encounter with Jesus. He got up and promised that if he had done any dishonest dealing, he would repay it with extra! That probably amounted to quite a bit of money, but he realized he had found something more important.

Sda family life presentations ppt

Zacchaeus became a new man and received the love and mercy of Jesus. And Jesus emphasized that He did not come just for good people, but for those who were truly lost and in need of healing. This is good news for us, because of course we sure are lost, too! This story has another important element: Jesus loved everyone. What does that mean for us? It should mean we demonstrate love and forgiveness, too. Now, some people still do wrong things and need consequences, sure. But we know that love and mercy are possible for all.

Close the lesson with prayer and thank God for loving us and knowing us by name. Ask for help in sharing the love of Christ with one another, especially those who struggle or are less popular. Extra craft ideas …. You might hone in on the idea of a changed heart by encouraging students to decorate heart-shaped papers or other heart-related items. Or you can discuss the element of generosity and create a special tithing envelope or coin collection bank.

For a simple craft with younger audiences, talk about the importance of Jesus knowing the name of Zacchaeus. Have children write out their names with decorative lettering, or use the letters as an acrostic poem.

Originally from California, Kristin now teaches preschool in Athens, Georgia. When she isn't teaching or waiting tables at her "tent-making" job, Kristin works with children and youth ministry at her church, leading Sunday School and summer programs. An avid runner, she also coaches middle school track and cross-country. Kristin enjoys baking, reading, playing the flute, and studying random trivia.