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“I'd love to, Jimmy. On the ride home, Coach Gail McGinn told *Jimmy the Messiah* about the time in Coach Gail McGinn hadn't felt that way in a long time.
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I mean, you lived - one really crazy thing happening to me, having a weird opportunity, Museum of Modern Art in my 50s. To have something that I made displayed there in an exhibition. I would have never thought that any kind of an amazing opportunity like that would come my way at this point in my 50s.

Brooke: What is that about? It would have happened when we were in college or when we were going to school or whatever. What if - like, I look at my amazing life already and what if my future is way better than anything? What if the grandkids are? Something else is? When I think about how I felt and what I thought and what was going on for me in my youth, you can have it. I just feel so much more peaceful and confident and at home in my body and with my life.

But one of the titles I toyed with in an episode was are we older and wiser or are we older and worse? Brooke: Oh gosh. I had someone in their early 50s asking me if they were too old to become a life coach. I was thinking, I was saying to Chris, maybe I want to learn Italian. Maybe I want to learn how to play the guitar. As a freshman? Not stay in the dorm, for goodness sake, but just go and take classes? I can go back and get a degree if I wanted.

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I could start playing golf. All the things. So then all of a sudden it can get, alright, that sounds like fun. What do you mean? Go do it. Now listen all you youngsters. This is common so get ready. You jumped in and I went, I think I just had a midlife moment. Suzy: Oh my gosh yeah, I just totally went blank and it was something really good. Suzy: Okay, so sparking joy.

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So the thing is that so many of us are so disconnected to reflecting on this kind of thing. So I take clients through an exercise of going through different chapters of their life. You can divide it up however you want. It could be elementary school, it could be junior high, it could be when your parents got divorced. The idea is to look for a moment of joy in whatever period that was. So even when something traumatic happened, there can be a moment of joy during that phase. And that became really clear to me.

My father died when I was 12, but when I took myself through this exercise, I remembered something extremely joyful that happened in , and that was when I took tap dancing for the first time.

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And what do you know? Suzy: Oh my gosh. So the example I like to give is mud pies. I enjoyed making mud pies when I was around Really getting my hands muddy and really creating the mud pies and watching them dry and whatever. So what can I take from that? And what I realized is I really did enjoy working with my hands, and now I remember how much I enjoyed taking a cake decorating class, and I see how much I enjoy playing with beads and wire.

And so what happens with clients is by just pausing and carving up their life into different times and just look for moments of joy. Not trauma. Not crazy stuff that happened, but just what was really great about that period. And the clients have had so many interesting things, and then it really gets them thinking.

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But why did I like that camp ground so much when I was a kid? What was it about going horseback riding? What was it about being competitive? Why did I like marching band so much?

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  • What was it about that that I could bring forward? And I think that sort of thing is very positive. It focuses on joy. Your world really is your oyster. Brooke: I love it. I loved playing volleyball. When I played volleyball in high school competitively. And we just drove by here in our town, we just drove by this place that has competitive volleyball for anyone who wants to sign up. And I was like, oh my gosh, we should totally do that. That would be so much fun. But those are the kind of things.

    I totally agree with you. Okay, what was the thing you forgot to tell me? And so, so many people tell me that. Because right again, the habitual thinking is well, my kids need something or the house needs something or I need to fix the bathroom. Brooke: Oh my gosh, so interesting.

    I love it. I love everything about it. Okay, so if somebody wants to join your membership or work with you or is going through a midlife awakening like I am and wants to talk more, read more about it, where can they find you? Suzy: Okay, awesome. Or they can check out the Iamfinallyfirst. But it all goes to my website.

    Brooke: Lovely. And Suzy is also a part of my community at The Life Coach School, so if you join there to get certified, you will definitely meet her and get to enjoy all of the wonderful things that is Suzy. And I just appreciate you coming on. And what seems to happen is when we have an empty nest and we feel a loss, this is an amazing opportunity to show some love on a dog. And I think too just having their energy in the house too makes a huge difference.

    Thanks to my friends at True Sport, below is a powerful video from the other side, the son being driven home by his parent. As parents, or parent coaches, all we need to do in the ride home is talk about the positives, the process of learning not the result of a game and tell our kids how much we love watching them play. By doing so we will instill the passion, love of the game so they not only play the following season but ultimately for many, many years to come vs.

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    Surftrips: Spain, Indonesia, Madeira and Canarias. I am a funny guy that always see the bright side… also like to surf, bodyboard and football. Languages: Portuguese, English and Spanish.