Manual Straight As In 30 Days: Most Students Are Too Busy Studying To Make Straight As

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Most college students believe that straight A's can be achieved only through But Cal Newport knows that real straight-A students don't study harder—they This book is a must-have for anyone who wants to do well at college and enjoy it too. are simply not enough hours in the day to stay on top of all their schoolwork.
Table of contents

Many students already have a knack for how to handle busywork, but for others it takes practice. It's a huge time saver once you get the hang of it. Revamp your handwriting. Try for a style that is legible, but quick.

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Your teacher isn't grading you on your penmanship and neat handwriting takes valuable time, especially when doing busy work. Handwriting that is ideal for this is quick yet legible - put down words on the page fast, but at the same time aim to make each word readable without too much effort. You may also have to consider using a different type of pen for this - 0. The Sarasa Clip 0. Consider taking challenging classes if possible. It may seem counter-intuitive if you are trying to get high grades with minimal effort, but learning how to do well in difficult classes will teach you how to excel in easy classes.

Remember that these strategies work in almost every class, including the challenging ones. Pay attention in class. Even though it's tempting to text or sleep during class, especially when there's a lecture, don't do it. There are two benefits to this: first, you'll eliminate time spent at home learning the information from scratch and you'll do better on tests because you'll know exactly what the teacher wants you to know. Paying attention is key. Take notes actively.

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If you can, think of something funny to remember them called a mnemonic. Do your homework. That doesn't mean you need to spend hours every night; try utilizing the time at the end of classes. Tackle one assignment at a time. Your first section should be worksheets as they take the least amount of time. Then you should do any homework that is broken down into independent parts, such as math.

That way you can work for a few minutes at the end of various classes without wasting time finding your place. Eliminate distractions. When you really don't feel like doing homework, but need to, get rid of things that normally divide your attention. Turn off the TV.

Work Accomplished = Time Spent x Intensity

Put your phone in another room. Log off your social media. Lock yourself in a room. Prioritize the bulk of your work based on how hard your teacher grades. Do the work that you know will be read in depth first, and do a good job so you can build trust with that teacher.

Then do all of the work that might not be checked so closely and don't worry so much about the quality; just make sure your writing is on topic and looks lengthy and detailed. If you begin to run out of time with just a few unimportant assignments to do, work quickly through them all making sure to complete them all. Teachers value effort greatly and will appreciate it if you do your homework and the easiest way to an A is to make your teacher happy.

Know how to write papers. Compartmentalize the tasks needed to complete the assignment. Read the assignment. Conduct the necessary research.


Outline your paper. Write your paper. Edit your paper. Do any pre-writing work you have to turn in after you write the paper to save time. If you make your paper long enough, chances are that the teacher will only read halfway through, so you have two options.

You could either make it really short and good, or really long with several mistakes. After the first few times you try, you'll realize how easy and quick it is to write perfect papers with half of the rewriting you used to do.

Dangers of being a Straight A student

Use a thesaurus to avoid redundancy and vary your sentence structure. Don't study until your homework is done. As stressed as you may be about the test, think about the differences between studying and doing homework. Use your homework to study for the test. Most of the time, the key points needed for the test are discussed in the homework. If you do the work, you get the points, if you don't, those points are lost. Your teacher doesn't give you points for studying, just for the test. If the test is hard, no matter how much studying you do, you might still get a bad grade. Then you'll want the cushion homework points will give you.

Study over time. Don't cram! Your brain will retain the information a lot better if you gradually memorize information. Cramming helps in the short term, but if you hope to retain the information for the entire semester, it is best to study over a longer period of time. Don't cheat. The risks far outweigh the rewards.

Relax before tests. Nap, exercise, listen to music Calm yourself.

The last thing you want to do is freak out right before an exam. You won't be able to concentrate. Even if you haven't studied at all, if you paid attention in class, chances are you will do fine. If you stress too much, you will blank out and end up with a worse grade. Eat a peppermint during a test. Studies have shown that peppermint improves memory and recall. Find a way to motivate yourself.

Give yourself permission to do something fun when you have completed an assignment, done well on a test, or written an excellent paper. If you have the motivation to work, you will be able to concentrate more. Have a good breakfast. If you are not hungry at the start of the day, you will be able to concentrate better in classes and on your work.

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