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As it must to every Christian soldier, this question presented itself to me. I trusted my life to the Lord Jesus Christ, who gave His life on the cross, feelings I was having on whether a Christian should join the military or not.
Table of contents

To one he gave a soul and to the other he did not give a soul. The one without a soul is the creature known in Christianity as the Serpent.

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The Kabbalists call the serpent the Nahash which means the serpent in Hebrew. Two beings [Adam and Nachash] had intercourse with Eve, and she conceived from both and bore two children. Each followed one of the male parents, and their spirits parted, one to this side and one to the other, and similarly their characters. On the side of Cain are all the haunts of the evil species; from the side of Abel comes a more merciful class, yet not wholly beneficial — good wine mixed with bad.

In the book Carroll concluded that Adam only gave birth to the White race and the White race was made in the image and likeness of God, while Negroes are pre-Adamite beasts who could not possibly have been made in God's image and likeness because they are beast-like, immoral and ugly.

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Carroll believed that race mixing was an insult to God because it spoiled His racial plan of creation. According to Carroll, the mixing of races had also led to the errors of Atheism and evolutionism. Racialism , or race-based philosophy, is the core tenet of Christian Identity, and most CI adherents are white nationalists who support racial segregation.

General questions

Some CI adherents believe that Jews are genetically compelled by their Satanic or Edomite ancestry to carry on a conspiracy against the Adamic seedline and that Jews have today achieved almost complete control of the Earth through their claim to hold the white race's status as God's chosen people. In addition to their strict fundamentalist racial views, Christian Identity adherents distinguish themselves from mainstream Protestant Fundamentalism in various areas of theology. Some Christian Identity writers criticize modern Bible editions as well as the Jews for their removal of the original Hebrew name of God from the Bible.

Although their adherence to Old Testament Mosaic law may make them appear "Jewish"; they claim that the Jewish interpretation of the law has been corrupted through the Jews' Talmud. Unlike many Protestant Fundamentalists, Christian Identity adherents reject the notion of a Rapture , believing it to be a Judaized doctrine which the Bible does not teach.

Cameron after the Great Depression. In , Rand published the article "Digest of the Divine Law" which discussed the political and economic challenges at that time. An excerpt from the article states: "We shall not be able to continue in accord with the old order. Certain groups are already planning an economy of regimentation for our nation; but it will only intensify the suffering and want of the past and bring to our peoples all the evils that will result from such planning by a group of men who are failing to take into consideration the fundamental principles underlying the law of the Lord.

While Rand never formally admitted to what groups he was specifically referring, his hatred for Jews, racial integration , and the country's economic state at the time made the direction of his comments obvious. Identifying specific economic problems was not the only goal which Rand had in mind. He began to analyze how to make these changes happen through legal changes; thus creating strategic plans to integrate the Bible into American law and economics.

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The first goal was to denounce all man-made laws and to replace them with laws from the Bible. The second goal was to create an economic state that would reflect teachings from the Bible. Since they had access to more information, they were responsible for influencing current civil law in order to maintain God's standards. While William Cameron agreed with Rand's initial argument, he focused his writings more specifically on changing American economics.

One of Cameron's articles "The Economic Law of God" spoke of the Bible supporting individualism and social justice in regards to economics. He also believed that the government had no right to tax land, or other forms of property. In accordance with this doctrine, tax refunds should be applied to family vacation trips or be applied to national festivals for Christian Identity movements. The mutual point which both Rand and Cameron shared, was that while they may have disagreed with how the government was operating, neither of them resisted the current tax policies.

Gordon Kahl was the first CI believer who took the founding principles from Rand and Cameron, and applied them in order to take action against the government. In he stopped paying taxes because he felt he was paying "tithes to the Synagogue of Satan. Before he was caught for the murders, Kahl wrote a note in which he said "our nation has fallen into the hands of alien people.

Christian Identity supporters believe in the Second Coming and Armageddon. Predictions vary, including a race war or a Jewish-backed United Nations takeover of the US, and they endorse physical struggle against what they see as the forces of evil. Identity preachers proclaim that, according to the Bible, "the penalties for race-mixing, homo-sexuality, and usury are death.

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  5. He shall not live: he hath done all these abominations; he shall surely die; his blood shall be upon him" and is quoted as justification for killing Jews. Identity followers reject the label "antisemitic", stating that they cannot be antisemitic, since the true Semites "today are the great White Christian nations of the western world", with modern Jews being considered descendants of the Canaanites.

    Identity doctrine asserts that the "root of all evil" is paper money in particular Federal Reserve Notes , and usury and banking systems are controlled by Jews. Identity preacher Sheldon Emry said that "Most of the owners of the largest banks in America are of Eastern European Jewish ancestry and connected with the Jewish Rothschild European banks ", thus, in Identity doctrine, the global banking conspiracy is led and controlled by Jewish interests. South African branches of Christian Identity have been accused of involvement in terrorist activities, including the Soweto bombings.

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.

    Early Women’s Rights Activists Wanted Much More than Suffrage

    This article is about the white supremacist ideology. For people who identify as Christian, see Christians and Christendom. A racist, anti-Semitic, and white supremacist interpretation of Christianity. Main article: British Israelism. See also: Serpent seed. See also: Curse of Ham and Curse and mark of Cain. See also: Racial segregation of churches in the United States , Christianity and homosexuality , and Antisemitism in Christianity.

    Main article: Economic antisemitism. Either way, we know nothing about it, so speculating is futile. In , we have a story that would be easy to dismiss were it not documented by five sources. The Quadi met the legion with a superior force and drove them to an open field away from water sources. It was a hot day, and the Quadi halted their attack to allow heat and thirst to take its toll.

    Surrounded, outnumbered, out of water, growing weak from thirst and in desperate straights, what is clear from the sources is that lots of men began to pray.

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    7. Soon, a thunderstorm materialized. Lightning struck the treeline where some of the Quadi had gathered, scattering many of them. Rain and hail poured from the sky. No battle could be fought in such weather, so the Quadi withdrew, which was fortunate for the Romans as they were so busy gulping down water collected in their helmets and shields that they were hardly in a position to fight.

      Relief on the Column of Marcus Aurelius in Rome, showing Roman troops surrounded by the Quadi as a rain god arrives with a thunderstorm on the upper right. Christian authors Tertullian and Apollinarius said that the Christians in the legion prayed and credited them with providing rain, adding that Marcus Aurelius thanked his Christian soldiers for their prayers. The event is also depicted in a relief on a column commissioned by Marcus Aurelius in Rome, where the rain is seen coming in anthropomorphic form, with a rain god spreading his arms over the troops. What can one make of this? The legion was normally based in Melitene in Cappadocia, a place with a large Christian population.

      The earliest Christian writer to mention the incident was Tertullian, who wrote about it a mere thirty years after it happened. Apollinarius, the other Christian to mention it, was from Melitene. One can surmise that once the unit was surrounded and in dire straits, the men began praying to the gods of whatever religion they happened to follow. The Christians prayed their God and the pagans to every god they could possibly think of. When rain fortuitously came, each man walked away convinced that his prayers had caused his personal deity to come through for everyone.

      Since Cadoux and Yoder first published their views some decades ago, archaeology has shed new light on Christians in the Roman Army in the late 2nd and early 3rd centuries. Leclerq recorded 8 pre-Constantian Christian gravestones of soldiers. The remains of two Christian churches from the early 3rd century have been excavated by archaeologists, and both of them are linked to the Roman army. The oldest was discovered at Megiddo in Israel in the late s. On the floor there is a mosaic depicting two fish as a symbol of Jesus Christ.

      Brutius carried out the work. Mosaic on the floor of an early Christian church within the Roman army fortress at Megiddo. This indicates women played some role in this church as well, despite having benefactors and a congregation likely made up of soldiers. The second church was located inside a house built against the city wall in the fortress city of Dura-Europos, on the west bank of the Euphrates on the Syrian frontier. The church was built around The city also featured a synagogue as well as temples to Mithras and numerous polytheistic deities.

      Unlike Megiddo, we have no direct evidence that soldiers attended the church save the circumstantial evidence of its location inside a heavily fortified border garrison town that was home to thousands of Roman soldiers. The church only operated for fifteen years. In preparation for the siege, both the synagogue and the church were filled in with dirt in order to strengthen the walls this preserved the numerous paintings which adorned the insides. It was futile. The city was taken in a violent assault that included one of the first recorded cases of the use of poison gas in warfare.

      The city was razed to the ground, its population deported, and was never rebuilt. Aerial view of the fortress town of Dura-Europos, on the west bank of the Euphrates on the border of Roman Syria. Most of this archaeological evidence was unknown when Cadoux and Yoder were writing their works.

      As a result, the most discussed pieces of evidence are not the archaeological finds but the textual evidence from the early church fathers. An often overlooked individual in this debate is a Christian named Sextus Julius Africanus. Born in Aelia Capitolina formerly known as Jerusalem , he served as an officer in the Roman army before joining the civil service as a diplomat during the reign of Severus Alexander. For the rest of his life he traveled widely. He met and later corresponded with Origen.

      The topics of his writings reveal him to be a polymath and one of the first Christian intellectuals to branch out of theology and into other fields. He wrote a work of history called the Chronography which drew on Christian, Jewish and Pagan sources. He engaged in textual criticism of the book of Daniel, proving that the additional sections in the Septuagint were not in the original text. Another work called the Kestoi dealt with science, magic and technology. Here he offered advice on military morale, tactics and technology, including swordsmanship, the proper use of war elephants and a recipe for making burning phosphorus.

      Unfortunately for his place in history, the vast majority of his writings have been lost.