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Sexuality & the Soul Sacred Sexuality book. Read reviews from world's largest community for readers. Edition Updated 9th December (Updates via Kindl.
Table of contents

It is said that one becomes trapped in Hell because one must suffer for a long period of time until these Lunar Bodies are destroyed. The entire process is called the Second Death; the death of the body is the first death, the death of the ego is the Second Death. The Essence trapped within the ego is immortal. The Second Birth is that which Jesus attempts to teach Nicodemus about.

From Sex to Intense Focus and Creativity

Jesus states that one must be born again in order to enter Heaven. Jesus declared, "I tell you the truth, no one can see the kingdom of God unless he is born again. You should not be surprised at my saying, 'You must be born again. What Nicodemus failed to understand was that the same energy that gives birth to the flesh can also give birth to the "spirit," the Solar Bodies. Sex is the only pathway to be born, and it is the only path to be born again.

The waters of life are the waters of Genesis upon which Jehovah Elohim hovered. They are the waters of Creation, the creative waters, the sexual energy. To see the kingdom of God one must reach the Second Birth, because when this occurs one operates with flesh that did not come from nature, but from one's own inner divinity.

The Solar Bodies are immortal and self sustaining — they are not related with the evolutive and devolutive mechanics of mother nature. Building the Solar Bodies is how one properly prepares themselves for what is described in the parabale of the "Wedding Banquet," in which the King thew out the man who was not dressed properly. In other words, that man attempted to enter Heaven with the filthy rags of the ego, thus he was thrown into Hell.

Sex or Spirituality? What is Tantra?

Those students of occultism who think they can attain Self-realization without the Arcanum A. Madame Blavatsky, after having written the six volumes of The Secret Doctrine, stated that those who want to know the mysteries of Chiram must search among the ancient Alchemists. She was in Agarthi. She renounced Nirvana in order to achieve the Venustic Initiation. She is already a Twice-Born because she possesses the Solar Bodies and lives in the sacred monasteries.

She is going to return into this world which is more bitter than bile. She is preparing to take a physical body in the United States, in New York. Only in this way did she achieve in-depth realization. Thus, this is how the Yogi-Avatar was Self-realized. Authentic Yogis practice Sexual Magic with their spouse. There are two types of Bramacharya sexual abstinence , solar and lunar. The solar type is for those that have performed the Second Birth.

The lunar type is that absurd sexual abstinence that serves only to produce filthy, nocturnal sexual pollutions with all of its fatal consequences. Bramacharya without the methods of sexual transmutation always result in failure. It is good to note that some Yogis, such as Swami Sivananda, publicly teach "Bramacharya" with the knowledge of sexual transmutation, and therefore the infamous nocturnal emissions of those attempting to renounce sex are avoided.

Nevertheless, without Sexual Magic total self-realization cannot be attained. In Tibetan Buddhism, especially if you look at the iconography of the deities with their consorts, you can see a lot of very explicit sexual symbolism which often gives the wrong impression. Actually, in this case the sexual organ is utilized, but the energy movement which is taking place is, in the end, fully controlled.

The energy should never be let out. This energy must be controlled and eventually returned to other parts of the body. What is required for a Tantric practitioner is to develop the capacity to utilize one's faculties of bliss and the blissful experiences which are specifically generated due to the flow of regenerative fluids within one's own energy channels. It is crucial to have the ability to protect oneself from the fault of emission.

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It is not just a purely ordinary sexual act. And here we can see there is a kind of special connection with celibacy. Especially in the practice of the Kalachakra Tantra, this precept of protecting oneself from the emission of energy is considered to be very important. The Kalachakra literature mentions three types of blissful experience: one is the blissful experience induced by the flow of energy; one is the immutable blissful experience; and one is the mutable blissful experience.

To me, when Buddha took the celibacy vow, at that level he did not explain all the reasons behind that rule or that discipline. The complete explanation comes when we know the Tantrayana system. Buddha, Jesus, Krishna, Mohammad, Quetzalquatl, etc. In the previous era, in order to be initiated into the mysteries of sexuality, one had to first purify themselves through many years of intense efforts, and only then would they be told the secret of sexual magic.

For example, a Tibetan monk who claimed that he had reached the stage of anuttarayoga tantra asked the Thirteenth Dalai Lama if he could practice with a consort; when the Dalai Lama asked for proof of his attainment, this monk took a yak's horn and tied it into a knot, therefore demonstrating his mastery over energy and matter. Only then did the Dalai Lama give his blessing for this monk to practice the Highest Yoga Tantrayana sexual magic.

Tantalizing, Tasty Tantra: 10 Ways to Harness Sex Magic for

In the past everything related with sexual magic was kept in the deepest secrecy. Today this is no longer true. The times have changed. Changing the way one thinks is not to be born again. Believing does not give birth. Who has ever seen a child born out of a belief? What does give birth is the water. Water throughout all culture symbolizes fertility, birth, the eternal mother, and the womb. The water gives birth to everything: it is the first thing mentioned in the book of Genesis, itself being a treatise on the creative sexual power of God. Jesus states that one must be born of the Water and the Spirit in order to be born again and to be received in Heaven.

The Spirit of God hovers over the waters during Creation.

Sex, Sacred Sexuality, Tantra, Ejaculation and Porn

In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. The earth was without form, and void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God was hovering over the face of the waters — Genesis , 2. Within the waters is where the Genesis of any Creation takes place. The Book of Genesis tells the allegorical story of not just The Creation, but the creation of anything.

There is Creation within the birth and development of a child, a Creation within the birth and development of a planet, a star, and even a soul.

In this interview, Nadine shares:

The Spirit of God Ruach Elohim is always hovering over the waters. Within man, waters are related with his semen, sperm, and all the hormones of the endocrine system. Within a woman it is the same, yet it is obvious that instead of sperm, she has ovum.

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When the word semen in both this book and any religious text is used it is not in the exclusive context of men, it is in regards to the creative energy in both sexes. When man and woman sexually unite, then the Spirit of God becomes active within them. This is how the Spirit of God hovers over the face of the sexual waters prior to a new creation. Yet, this new creation can be the creation of a new child, or an inner creation of a spiritual nature.

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  6. Transformation of Sexual Energy. Transmutation is a word that has its history in Alchemy. Hence, transmutation means to change from one substance into another; from one energy-matter, into another energy-matter. Sexual transmutation, therefore, means to change the basic, crude, or unrefined sexual energy, into a refined, subtle, volatile, spiritual energy that manifests itself in such ways as spiritual devotion, divinely influenced masterworks of art and music, and a supreme clarity of the mind.

    This sex energy was seen as the fuel for opening these channels of experience, not only in the East but in the alchemy of the Europeans during the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Those who practice transmutation awaken many latent talents from within.

    It becomes second nature to create and express, being in tune with the essence of creative energy. All the energy of the body becomes directed in the channel of sex when the consciousness is coupled or coordinated with the will to release or dissipate this energy. The mental processes then become slow and sluggish, as does the body, if carried to excess. A remedy to this is the reverse. The mind will then become awakened, and the body will begin to glow. According to how we use our energy, so we become. If we use our energies in harmful ways, we acquire Karma and we degenerate.

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    Look at humanity: how is humanity using the energies they have? To feed lust, to feed hate, to feed pride; the result is that humanity is degenerating faster and faster. Life is not getting easier. We like to think it is; we have these ideals about technology and culture, but life is not getting easier.

    Look sincerely at the suffering of the world: look past what the media is telling us, what our books and movies and tv are telling us, and look at the facts of what is happening. Broaden your view and see how you are contributing to it through your own actions, through your own use of energy.