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that he is “worthy of all the honor, worthy of all the glory, worthy of all the praise.​” The presence of the Holy Spirit is there in the music and can be seen in the The Holy Spirit is like when a gardener plants seeds and watches them grow. No matter where we are in the world or in our faith journey, the Holy Spirit is there​.
Table of contents

Faith may begin like a tiny seed. When we exercise our faith, it grows. We tend to it, fertilize nourish it, and it grows.


We need to keep the weeds away from it. Our spirituality is much the same. The Holy Spirit of God prepares our hearts as the seed of faith is planted. That tiny seed of faith is nourished through prayer, studying the Bible, and surrounding ourselves with like-minded Christians.

Online Publications from Living Stream Ministry

As it grows, we begin to share with others what God has done for us. When we do not give into the temptation to sin, we will spiritually grow and draw closer to the Lord. This will yield the fruit in our lives that He has designed for us. God brings us a joy and peace in life that defies all circumstances.

This creates a deeper, personal relationship with Him and causes us to yearn for all that He has for us. It is a realm that our human minds often cannot understand; it requires trust and faith in God. The Lord God gives us a mental, emotional, and spiritual peace that passes all understanding Philippians He has many more blessings for us that are brought through the Holy Spirit.

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Spiritual Growth - What are spiritual blessings? In the vertices, connections between components of good and bond highlighted by the Father or the Son is possible. Desire of Live and Desire to Act have no assignments of "features T", because they are emphasized by ourselves. X The greedy state of the will, as explained earlier, can be associated with what Jesus said: " From within people, from their hearts, come evil thoughts This condition can also be correlated with the Biblical original sin.

The Bible symbolically describes the behavior of Adam and Eve Genesis 3 The first people tempted by evil ate the fruit of the forbidden tree, which was accessible to them. The Bible does not describe this fruit because it and the tree "knowledge of good and evil" are only symbols used in this story. In other words, the tree might be called the tree of "the fruits of wisdom". Wisdom is not a bad feature, after all, a tree of wisdom grew in God's garden.

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But the first people were not yet ready to "enjoy its fruits. He did not have any impact on God but he had one on the people. In my model Wisdom is made up of five components, which form a "pentagonal area of wisdom" in the spiritual sphere. Perhaps the symbolism of the forbidden fruit was not accidental in this story.

Some fruit, such as the apple, feature the shape of the pentagon in their internal structure. We just have to slice them in half to see the tops of the five seeds designating the pentagon see photographs below. Y The first human who spiritually developed a perfect "seed of goodness" immune to the temptations of the evil was the Mary the Mother of God. Mary trusted in God and proved that a human is capable of reaching the heights of spirituality and creating an indestructible good, if they are guided by an openness to God's help. Mary trusted God and gave birth to her Son Jesus, who gave her body and spirit eternal life.

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Mary assists us. The Rosary , which she encourages us to pray, may help us in building our "seed of goodness".

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Moreover, by virtue of its meditative character, with the tranquil succession of Hail Marys, the Rosary has a peaceful effect on those who pray it, disposing them to receive and experience in their innermost depths, and to spread around them, that true peace which is the special gift of the Risen Lord. The Rosary is also a prayer for peace because of the fruits of charity which it produces. When prayed well in a truly meditative way, the Rosary leads to an encounter with Christ in his mysteries and so cannot fail to draw attention to the face of Christ in others, especially in the most afflicted.

Elements of the Rosary can be seen in the construction of the "seed of our goodness". The Rosary begins just like any prayer with performing the sign of the cross and saying: " In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit - Amen". So we direct our thoughts to the Holy Trinity. The perfect "seed" has 5 triples that you can refer to the Trinity:. These features determine our conscience.

The Heart of God is one but it has three faces point R. The word Amen means the confirmation of our faith and our intention to activate our will in position to connect to the Desire for Reciprocity. The beginning of the Rosary reminds of the shape of a perfect "seed" because the prayers of the Rosary each relate to its construction. The prayer "I believe in God, the Father Almighty Then, we go back through our will to the base foundation which is the Desire to Live and recite the "Our Father" and begin to ponder the mysteries.

The Rosary consists of four parts, each part consists of five mysteries:. The Annunciation of Gabriel to Mary. The Visitation of Mary to Elizabeth.

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The Birth of Jesus. The Presentation of the Infant Jesus in the Temple. The Finding of the Child Jesus in the Temple. These Desires can be seen simultaneously only when the "seed" is exposed from the top to the bottom in the "light" of Faith-Hope-Love:. The Baptism of Jesus in the Jordan. The Revelation of Himself at the Wedding in Cana. Jesus' Proclamation of the Kingdom of God and His call to conversion. The Transfiguration of Jesus on Mount Tabor. The Last Supper , the Holy Eucharist. The Agony of Jesus in the Garden. The Scourging of Jesus at the Pillar.

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    Also, in our personal "seed" we have 5 triangles that represent our Desires. Through our will and God's help we are able to build indestructible good as did Mary. The Rosary is one of the forms of divine aid to help us in achieving this goal. Meditation on the mysteries begins immediately after the prayer "Our Father", when our will links our Desire to Live to the Desires for Reciprocity and hopes that through our consciousness and the gift of Faith-Hope-Love we can spiritually connect our Desire to Live with the existence of God.

    The Mother of God helps us to obtain this connection, when we recite the "Hail Mary". When considering any of the secrets we recite the "Hail Mary" 10 times, because every feature of our good, which is represented by the pentagon has 10 visible elements: 5 edges 5 fundamental components and the five vertices. Those can be linked, as I wrote in the point S, with the blessings of the Lord Jesus, the fruit of the Spirit and the ten commandments.

    This is also the enlightenment of our consciousness spreading in the "seed" from top to bottom.