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Table of contents

A Chicago vice unit cop stumbles on a CIA plot to finance black ops with crack cocaine. Absolute Power [1]. A master burglar goes on the run after witnessing the President murdering his mistress. Air America [ citation needed ].

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Pilots in Laos discover that they are patsies for a CIA heroin -smuggling plot. All the President's Men [2]. Two young reporters uncover the Watergate scandal. Angels and Demons [3]. Antitrust [4]. A computer engineer who graduates from Stanford joins a Portland -based computer firm and uncovers the terrible truth of the company's operation. The Arrival [ citation needed ].

  1. List of conspiracy-thriller films and television series;
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Mysterious forces cover up an alien invasion. Arlington Road [5].

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  • Don't try to silence populists – listen to them.
  • A former FBI agent, grieving for his deceased wife, suspects his next-door neighbors are terrorists. The Assassination Bureau [ citation needed ]. An international anarchist organization performs political assassinations of the "socially undesirable" for pay. A movie sound effects man goes on the run after recording the Chappaquiddick incident -style assassination of a prominent politician. A helicopter pilot cop discovers that rogue military and government officials are plotting to use a high-tech police helicopter for sinister purposes.

    Mockumentary ; a right-wing politician, embroiled in the Iran-Contra affair , is the apparent target of an assassination. The Bourne Identity. An amnesiac CIA assassin goes on the run from his superiors, who want to cover up their illegal activities. The Boys from Brazil. Nazi fugitive Josef Mengele plots to use cloning to create the Fourth Reich. Science Fiction: A marketing executive in a dystopian future discovers that ads are alien life forms feeding off humans.

    Rogue U. Army officers plot to assassinate General George S. Patton to cover up a massive theft of Nazi gold. Comedy ; the President and his advisers seek to boost his approval rating by fabricating a cold war with Canada. Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Superhero film ; Captain America discovers that a terrorist organization has infiltrated the espionage agency he works for.

    The government fabricates the first manned mission to Mars. Charlie Wilson's War.

    Revealed: populists far more likely to believe in conspiracy theories

    Management covers up safety flaws at a nuclear power plant ; foreshadowed the Three Mile Island accident. Film noir ; a private eye stumbles onto murder and political corruption involving real estate interests in Southern California. A big hospital illegally harvests organs from comatose patients. Conspiracy Theory. A conspiracy theorist cabbie goes on the run after stumbling onto a real conspiracy involving brainwashing. The Constant Gardener [6]. A paranoid surveillance expert thinks he has overheard a murder plot and that he is being spied on.

    1. List of conspiracy theories - Wikipedia.
    3. The Circle and The Sword;
    4. Sabotage Boulder.
    5. Why is populism suddenly all the rage?;

    The Da Vinci Code [7]. A Harvard symbologist discovers a cover-up of the secret history of Christianity. The Dancer Upstairs. Hunting terrorists in South America , a policeman encounters roadblocks in a corrupted state. An amnesiac awakes to discover that he is accused of murder, and that a mysterious group of men who possess the power to stop time and change reality are involved.

    The Day of the Jackal. Death of a President. Faux documentary ; government officials cover up the truth of President Bush 's assassination to push an anti-terrorism agenda. Defence of the Realm. A reporter investigating an MP 's sex scandal stumbles onto a web of MI5 cover-ups involving murder and nuclear weapons.

    The Domino Principle. A mysterious organization busts a Vietnam War vet out of prison for an assassination.

    Don't try to silence populists – listen to them

    Comedy; an innocent investment banker goes on the run from the CIA and a Mexican drug cartel after stumbling onto a money laundering scheme. Two people are guided by a mysterious and seemingly omnipotent female voice on their phones towards the end result of wiping out most of the U.

    Presidential line of succession. When a journalist fabricates a story that a prominent right-wing Australian politician is a Nazi sympathizer and this hurts the government, a revenge plot to use the journalist as patsy in a political assassination is conceived. Enemy of the State. An attorney goes on the run from rogue NSA operatives after he is passed a videotape of them assassinating a congressman.

    Rogue Pentagon officials sell high-tech arms under the table and eliminate the witnesses with the help of rogue U. Executive Action. A group of right-wing business magnates and mercenary covert ops specialists plot and carry out the John F. Kennedy assassination. Fire Down Below. A EPA agent battles and investigates a corrupt corporation in Kentucky that is dumping toxic waste in the state's abandoned mine which leads him to the death of his partner and best friend.

    A Harvard Law graduate from Boston joins a firm in Memphis and discovers that the company murders its associates. A woman's daughter disappears without a trace aboard an airplane. Two Texas border-patrol men find a Jeep that has been buried for twenty years in the desert. Foreign Correspondent [8].

    Why is populism suddenly all the rage?

    Spies masquerading as leaders of a peace movement arrange a peace conference and a phony assassination in order to kidnap a diplomat. Comedy; an innocent librarian stumbles onto a bizarre plot to assassinate the Pope. The Fourth Protocol. A psychic detective in Victorian era London investigates the Jack the Ripper killings and uncovers a Masonic plot.

    The real reason conspiracy theories work

    The Fugitive.