Manual Questions That Need to Be Asked About, and By, America and Americans But Afraid to Ask

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Last year we had before us on a similar motion an effort to make a crippling cut of the who were asking factual information about our programs were not intelligent people, but of the United States is asked to indicate that it is afraid of the American people. The American people have a right to hear from their government.
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But we had that covered too, just in case. The level of intelligence, the level of work, was pretty amazing. When we landed with eight helicopters, a large crew of brilliant fighters ran out of those helicopters and blew holes into the side of the building, not wanting to go through the main door because that was booby-trapped. And there was something — it was something really amazing to see. And we watched it so clearly. It was — that — the technology there alone is really great.

A big part of the trip that was of great danger was the — it was approximately an hour and minute flight, and we were flying over very, very dangerous territory.

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In fact, some of our leaders said that that could be the most dangerous — flying in and flying out. But the flight in, the flight out, was a very, very dangerous part. There was a chance that we would have met unbelievable fire. Russia treated us great. They opened up. We had to fly over certain Russia areas, Russia-held areas. Russia was great. Iraq was excellent. We really had great cooperation. But the ISIS fighters are hated as much by Russia and some of these other countries as they are by us.

Q: Do I have to answer questions asked by law enforcement officers?

They know we were going in. We flew over some territory. They were terrific. No problem.

They were not problem. You know, they could start shooting, and then we will take them out. But a lot of bad things can happen. Plus, it was a very secret mission. We flew very, very low and very, very fast. But it was a big — it was a very dangerous part of the mission. Getting in and getting out too, equal. We went in identical — we took an identical route. We met with gunfire coming in, but it was local gunfire. That gunfire was immediately terminated. These people are amazing. They had the gunfire terminated immediately, meaning they were shot from the airships.

You talked earlier — you know, several weeks — about pulling troops out, you know, and then troops were put back in. I want al-Baghdadi. You know, these people are very smart. You know, they use the Internet better than almost anybody in the world, perhaps other than Donald Trump. But they use the Internet incredibly well. He was whimpering, screaming, and crying. He died a coward — crying, whimpering, screaming, and bringing three kids with him to die a certain death. And he knew the tunnel had no end.

I mean, it was a — it was a closed-end — they call it a closed-end tunnel.

Not a good place to be. I started getting some very positive feedback about a month ago, and we had some incredible intelligence officials that did a great job. And have you notified the leaders on —. He was. Things started checking out very well. Brilliant people that love our country. Highly intelligent people. But he tends to change immediately. He had a lot of cash. But this was one where we knew he was there. But we thought he was there, and then we got a confirmation. And when we went in, they were greeted with a lot of firepower.

A lot of firepower. They are so brave and so good. And, so importantly, many of his people were killed. But many were killed.

On American critics, Pope says he doesn’t want a schism but he’s not afraid of it

We lost nobody. Think of that. Actually, the K-9 was hurt, went into the tunnel. But we lost nobody. What did you tell them —. So, no, we did not tell — they did not know the mission, but they knew we were going over an area that they had — they had a lot of firepower. Others are being notified now, as I speak. And Washington is a leaking machine. And I told my people we will not notify them until the — our great people are out. Not just in, but out. So we were able to get in. It was top secret.

  1. Fast Company!
  2. US-Iran tensions: All the latest updates.
  3. Reported speech: indirect speech!
  4. Pope Francis on plane: ‘I am not afraid of schisms. I pray they do not happen.’ | America Magazine!
  5. I Testify.
  6. Dealing with Law Enforcement | ACLU of Southern California.

It was kept. There were no leaks, no nothing.

Dealing with Law Enforcement | ACLU of Southern California

The only people that knew were the few people that I dealt with. We had some tremendous backup. Pence, I told you, he was great. We had very, very few people.