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In esoteric cosmology, a plane is conceived as a subtle state, level, or region of reality, each Edition, First Printing, Himalayan Academy online; ^ Joshua David Stone, Janna Shelley A Beginner's Guide to the Path of Ascension p.
Table of contents

The causal plane is the world of light and blessedness, the highest of heavenly regions, extolled in the scriptures of all faiths. It is the foundation of existence, the source of visions, the point of conception, the apex of creation. The causal plane is the abode of Lord Siva and his entourage of Mahadevas and other highly evolved souls who exist in their own self-effulgent form—radiant bodies of centillions of quantum light particles.

In this cosmology, there are seven cosmic planes, three lower, corresponding to relative existence the Physical , Vital , and Mental , and four higher, representing infinite divine reality Life Divine bk. The buddhic plane is described as a realm of pure consciousness. Persistent, conscious, spiritual awareness. This is the full consciousness of the buddhic or intuitional level. This is the perceptive consciousness which is the outstanding characteristic of the Hierarchy.

The life focus of the man shifts to the buddhic plane. This is the fourth or middle state of consciousness. Sri Aurobindo calls the level above the mental plane the supermind. George Winslow Plummer wrote that the spiritual plane is split into many sub-planes and that on these planes live spiritual beings who are more advanced in development and status than ordinary man.

According to some occult teachings, all souls are born on the divine plane and then descend down through the lower planes; however souls will work their way back to the divine plane. Rosicrucianism teaches that the divine plane is where Jesus dwelt in Christ consciousness. The logoic plane is the highest plane, it has been described as a plane of total oneness, the "I AM Presence". Joshua David Stone describes the plane as complete unity with God.

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In Buddhism, the world is made up of 31 planes of existence that one can be reborn into, separated into 3 realms. The Summerland is the name given by Theosophists , Spiritualists , Wiccans , and some earth-based contemporary pagan religions to their conceptualization of existence on a plane in an afterlife. Emanuel Swedenborg — inspired Andrew Jackson Davis — , in his major work The Great Harmonia to say that Summerland is the pinnacle of spiritual achievement in the afterlife; that is, it is the highest level, or sphere , of the afterlife we can hope to enter.

The common portrayal of the Summerland is as a place of rest for souls after or between their earthly incarnations.

Some believe spirits will stay in the Summerland for an eternal afterlife, though others believe after an amount of time some spirits will reincarnate. The Summerland is also envisioned as a place for recollection and reunion with deceased loved ones. As the name suggests, it is often imagined as a place of beauty and peace, where everything people hold close to their hearts is preserved in its fullest beauty for eternity.

It is envisioned as containing wide possibly eternal fields of rolling green hills and lush grass. In many ways, this ideology is similar to the Welsh view of Annwn as an afterlife realm. The Summerland is also viewed as the place where one goes in the afterlife in traditions of Spiritualism and Theosophy, which is where Wicca got the term. In Theosophy, the term "Summerland" is used without the definite article "the".

Summerland, also called the Astral plane Heaven, is depicted as where souls who have been good in their previous lives go between incarnations. Those who have been bad go to Hell , which is believed to be located below the surface of the Earth and is on the astral plane and is composed of the densest astral matter; the Spiritual Hierarchy functioning within Earth functions on the etheric plane below the surface of the Earth.

It is believed by Theosophists that most people those at high levels of initiation go to a specific Summerland that is set up for people of each religion.

8. The Vedic Planes

For example, Christians go to a Christian heaven, Jews go to a Jewish heaven, Muslims go to a Muslim heaven, Hindus goes to a Hindu heaven, Theosophists go to a Theosophical heaven, and so forth, each heaven being like that described in the scriptures of that religion. There is also a generic Summerland for those who were atheists or agnostics in their previous lives. People who belong to religions that don't believe in reincarnation are surprised to find out when they get to heaven that they will have to reincarnate again within a few dozen to a few hundred years.

Theosophists also believe there is another higher level of heaven called Devachan , also called the Mental plane Heaven, which some but not all souls reach between incarnations—only those souls that are more highly developed spiritually reach this level, those souls that are at the first, second, and third levels of initiation. The final permanent eternal afterlife heaven to which Theosophists believe most people will go millions or billions of years in the future, after our cycle of reincarnations in this Round is over.

Occult writers such as Geoffrey Hodson , Mellie Uyldert, and Dora van Gelder had attempted to classify different spiritual beings into a hierarchy based on their assumed place and function on the planes of existence. Charles Webster Leadbeater fundamentally described and incorporated his comprehension of intangible beings for Theosophy.

Ascension of the Soul, Part 2: The Second Heaven/Causal Plane

Along with him there are various planes intertwined with the quotidian human world and are all inhabited by multitudes of entities. Each plane is purported as composed of discrete density of astral or ethereal matter and frequently the denizens of a plane have no discernment of other ones. Other Theosophical writers such as Alice Bailey , a contemporary of Leadbeater, also gave continuousness to Theosophical concepts of ethereal beings and her works had a great impact over New Age movement. The ethereal entities of the four kingdoms, Earth, Air, Fire, and Water, are forces of nature. The Dutch writer and clairvoyant Mellie Uyldert characterized the semblance and behavior of ethereal entities on the etheric plane, which, she said, hover above plants and transfer energy for vitalizing the plant, then nourishing themselves on rays of sunlight.

Ascension to a Higher Plane of Existence

She depicted them as asexual gender, and composed of etheric matter. They fly three meters over the ground, some have wings like butterflies while others only have a small face and an aura waving graciously. Some are huge while others may have the size of one inch. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. A subtle state, level, or region of reality.

Full list. Material plane : Material body. This box: view talk edit. Further information: Emanationism.

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Main article: Physical plane. Main article: Astral plane. Main article: Mental plane. This section needs expansion. You can help by adding to it. January Main article: Divine plane. Main article: Monadic plane. Main article: Buddhist cosmology. Main article: The Summerland. Retrieved Frequently Asked Questions in Cosmology.

McClelland Encyclopedia of Reincarnation and Karma , p. Human personality and its survival of death. London: Longmans. Desmond Lee, Harmondsworth. Autobiography of a Yogi Google books. The Philosophical Library, Inc. Retrieved 20 July McBride and company, , p. Afterlife locations. Sach Khand. Tian Diyu Youdu. Chinvat Bridge Hamistagan. Happy hunting ground. The Summerland. Summerland Devachan Nirvana. Aaru Duat. Categories : Esoteric cosmology Esotericism Occult Paranormal terminology Theosophical philosophical concepts.

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