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Numerology: The 9 Personal Universal Years (The White Dove and The Beat Book 1) eBook: Elizabeth Allen: Kindle Store.
Table of contents

No doubt I would be living within the closed circle of small duties had not my life been seized and swung into the flow of the Cause. My first existence has Vanished into a second in His Faith, Which overrides my temperament and disinclinations: it makes me to do what I am not big enough to achieve. As an example, it brings an insistence that Iwithout literary pretensions—dare my pen on the theme Which is the secret of all pertinent themes of our time, forasmuch as each universe of discourse has been conditioned today by the world—destroying consequence and rebirth that attends the Arrival of the Lord of Hosts.

Consistent with the modern temper that left religion out of the running, the only structural attempt to bring peace came through the League of Nations and was wholly secular. The delusion that human intellection is an exercise adequate to cope with the inevitable problems of international society was the biggest of handicaps, so I submit. Without benefit of Revelation, the League failed to create a new sense of collective consciousness binding a spiritual community of faith and law. These political quarrels were treated by the method of free discussion; afterwards the decision was handed down as nothing more potent than "an advisory opinion.

Almost that. For the United States of America did not give full-bodied participation to this experiment. By no means was there unanimity among them.

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Nor is there today. Even though these crusaders revised the presentation of traditional doctrines, they were hard put to it to win peoples over to peace through religion because of the inner moral breakdown concealed behind the outward religious forms. Institutionalized' Christianity did not succeed in this enterprise because its dominion had passed. The past we know. In the future we are free to believe. Jesus said, ". In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer.

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I have overcome the world. They attained the Kingdom of God within the heart and renounced the World for the hope of the Kingdom to come on earth with "the Second Coming. Saints whose names we know and devout Christians whose names we do not know have lived by pacific precepts, but the nations have not. Frequent religious strife and the institution of war as a means of settling disputes between peoples and nations are proof of the militant spirit of group Christianity.

There have been no Christian nations in the pacifist sense. When the primitive Church triumphed over the Roman state it brought no plan for the amicable settlement of disputes as a new policy for the Roman Empire. And the later Churches which also laid claim to a corporate Sonship of all the children of God in Christ did not advance a peace program until our own time and on the road to the Second Armageddon.

These demands for greater clarity on the moral questions of our time are with us now, in the twentieth century, because there is a new Prophetic expression at work in the world of mankind. Yet towards that new expression of life men are groping each after his own style, secular or religious. Let it be in unity.

I quote from a capital work on the Jewish question. By a prophet I mean a courageous speaker of the truth, a man who by virtue of a higher, divine authority dares to tell'the mighty of the earth in concrete cases and in specific. There it is again! Unfaith in Revelation for today. That God has spoken through His Prophets in past ages is implicit in the lament; so Why the denial of the divine guidance for our time?

Such insistence that. God either cannot or will not speak leaves the thorough-going modern without resource beyond himself as the ultimate authority. If everybody goes that way there can be no unity for the Jews or mankind. This famous man, Pierre van Paassen, has prodigious talent. He is a sober man, this Hollander, and a pleader of great causes.

Our Forgotten Ally is an appeal to the English—speaking peoples to hasten the fulfillment of the long racial hope of the Jews for the restoration of Palestine. The author tells of hearing the despair of an aged Jew, Who renounces the hope for himself but not for his Children. To him Mr. These manifestations tenewed four Dispensations of spiritual power. But Israel deprived herself. Notwithstanding, her capacity for repentance and adoration can yet be proved by her acceptance of the new Mediator to the realm of values.

For only the holy Prophet is the bearer of the Word that creates the new ethos.

The Master Numbers:

The parallel obtains in our time and He says:. Thou art surely aware of their idle contention, that all Revelation is ended, that the portals of Divine Mercy are closed, that from the day springs of eternal holiness no Sun shall rise again, that the Ocean of everlasting bounty is forever stilled, and that out of the Tabernacle of ancient glory the Messengers of God have ceased to be made manifest. In fact, God gave the Jews what He had taken away and promised to return to them —the land of Israel!

But how are they to keep it without keeping their promise to recognize Him by whom that Covenant was fulfilled? Even the earth of Mount. Only the Queen heard Him graciously. To her He promised a long and happy reign. Nor did her prestige wane. But most of the others came to a bad end! Not only did their own affairs attest the want of right guidance, even historically they picked the losing side. And what befell the Czardom of the Romanovs, the dynasty of the Hohenzollerns, the empire of the Hapsburgs?

In these concrete cases and in specific circumstances the Prophetic warnings passed unheeded. As it had been foretold, these monarchs passed under the law of fatality, carrying their overweening pride, their dynasties and empires with them. Not only does the Prophet return! What more can we ask of the first hundred years than the recurrence of the age-old drama of the Prophet opposed by priests and kings? This, only this: the Prophetic Message that found the kings unready found the common man of ready heart.

The Book of Numbers

Today the seed of the Word fell into some fertile soil, too. First, the divine Fiat proclaimed by the Messenger granted the Iong-awaited Kingdom of God as a gift from the Creator. There is nothing tame about this historical process. It only appears to be so to the literal mind which cannot recognize divinity at work through the generative forces of evolution.

For blindness to the blazing Glory of God is failure to see spirit 5Lloyd C. Griscom, Diplomatically Speaking, p. The literal mind gives a grossly material interpretation to the Scriptural symbols promising the return of the Prophet and becomes clouded by notions and fantasies.

Just as clouds are interposed between sight and the sun so are these veils cast by the mind over the insight also clouds that conceal the risen Sun. They Were not watchful. Indubitably, the renewed Word itself is the proof of the Manifestation.

T. S. Eliot and Mysticism

Its radical basis is the oneness of mankind and the oneness of religion. He raised the call for the abrogation of all forms of tribal consciousness: he proclaimed that superstitions of nationalism and racialism and the separations engendered by class struggle and religious rivalry shall die so that man may live. These are His words:. The world is but one country and mankind its citizens. Let not a man glory in that, he loves his country; let him rather glory in this, that he loves his kind. No arguments against unity taken for granted by the unschooled or newly fashioned by the educated still in bondage to some party line can invade and split the consciousness born of the most recent Word from God.

Undisseverably linked to the oneness of mankind is the oneness of religion. And this is a fact of Revelation. For the Holy Prophets were the Founders of revealed religion; and the Scriptures they inspired are one essential testimony and one wisdom. Through Revelation the Law of God has been set forth progressively and now culminates in the Law for the whole planet. They may not call the capitalists the bogeyman or identify the devil as the proletariat. Nor is it for them to assign guilt to the state and exalt the individual conscience as sovereign, as the uncompromising among Christian pacifists are wont to do.

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Neither can they volunteer to fight with nations against nations for that is civil war within the human race. After His Kingdom is won and the world institutions are rooted in justice, the very existence of the worldwide Kingdom should preclude the rise of any would-be aggressor forever. Let us bear in mind that no individual conscience however differentiated will name the enemy, no City and no nation, no combine of nations Will pronounce war against that enemy of man and God. Only the World Court of Justice representing the collective conscience of individuals, nations and races making up the divine Kingdom of the planet shall name that Lucifer who goes out from it and begins all over again the eternal battle against God.

There is an ingredient missing from our flatly human selves, without Which we are not fit for world unity and peace.

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Nor even good enough for science. For He was not to remain invisible forever. He was certain to appear when humanity became mature enough to accept Him.


By heavenly armies those souls are intended who are entirely freed from the human World, transformed into celestial spirits and have become angels. Such souls are the rays of the Sun of Reality who Will illumine all the continents. Each one is holding in his hand a trumpet, blowing the breath of life over all regions. Still others Who were not so bright He made over—and they all constituted a host. The healer of all thy ills is thy remembrance of Me, forget it not.

Make My love thy all—precious treasure and cherish it even as thine own sight and life.