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By moviewhore , November 11, in Sleepy Hollow [V]. Are you happy enough with the show that another season would be wonderful news or are you mostly dissatisfied with this season to the point of "cancel it now, already? For me I think the show has lost it's way too much to regain it's previous good storytelling. Another season would be terrible if it continues with the Katrina propping and Abbie being sidelined. I don't think Abbie's been sidelined maybe demoted would be a better word?

Abbie is still the lead female of the show and gets more screen time than Katrina overall.

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I would like to see another season, just to see where the Crabbie better than Ichabbie bond goes. Not sure where Hawley fits in - he doesn't bother me too much and serves as a laid back contrast to Crane's priggishness. They need to get back to what made S1 compelling - interesting characters and some good scares. I really don't care one or the other at this point. I enjoyed the craziness, chemistry and fun of last season.

However, this season the show seems to have lost a lot of what made it entertaining TV.


I'd certainly hate for the cast and crew to lose their jobs with a cancellation, but I can't say I'd be torn up if cancellation was announced. Here is your thread to discuss whether there should be a Sleepy Hollow season 3.

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Now that we have a season 3, what would you like to see happen in the show. There will be 18 episodes, so lots of story development times and with significant deaths and a new showrunner, there is a great opportunity to make the show great. It's like a series reboot! Let you minds run wild! I do want a season 3. If the backhalf of the season can somehow - somehow - resolve the mess from the front half, give some answers and move on, then I am here for it.

Even Hawley is good. The rest can go, even Reyes, because Irving needs his job back. I would like to see the show expand it's base a bit. I remember reading in the spring that they might shoot in London, and I was hoping to have Crane and Abbie on a plane. There was also talk about them going to downtown New York City, but this season seems so much more shielded from everything around them than even last season. The small town seems so much smaller. I don't think I want a S3 at this point. The show has become as stale as its favorite character, Katrina, and as annoying as its favorite plot, the Cranes drama.

I don't want to keep watching a show, where Abbie keeps getting sidelined or demoted, the moment Katrina, the special snowflake, interacts with the main characters. I love Abbie, I love Nicole, but there is something I want even more, than watch her every week: respect for her. If Sleepy Hollow can bounce back from the horrid choices they've been making, then I'll root for a S3. I don't think that's likely though. Ichy is beyond redeemable at this point with his aggressive disdain and disloyalty against Abbie. The bad guys are boring. The charm is gone and the stakes have never been lower.

I've always hoped they'd do a NYC episode filmed on location. Imagine Crane horrified by the big city noise, traffic, construction etc.

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Imagine the possibilities. The real Sleepy Hollow is about an hour outside Manhattan anyway, so it wouldn't be too far of a stretch. More humor, fun and the we-know-we're-crazy-and-are-gleefully-embracing-it energy that made S1 so addictive. More amusing insights that come from Crane being a 'fish out of water' and more of the vulnerability that Tom Mison can pull off so well.

Fewer reminders that he knows pretty much everyone and everything, was instrumental in pretty much every historical event to ever take place and was and is desired by EVERY female with whom he crosses path. Creative, interesting mysteries en route to saving the whole freaking world.

I'd love to see an Agatha Christie-ish whodunit, with Abbie and Ichabod in a country house andeh, feel free to ignore me; I ALWAYS want my shows to do Agatha Christie-ish whodunits, and I tend to lose interest in lofty arcs about apocalypses awfully quickly! I would still want a Season 3 even though the show has become feast or famine with good moments and very frustrating moments in the same episode. I still feel though there is a lot of potential within the show and have become such a big fan of Nicole that I would want to see Sleepy Hollow remain on the air.

It might reach the point where the writers do enough damage to change my mind, but for now I am still holding out hope that things will turn around. I am just thankful this show is on Fox where a 1.

I would be very surprised if it got canceled. I'm not sure yet re: cancelation - but I did want to mention one scene from this season that sums up the batsh! That moment when Hawley first saw the Pied Piper demon?

And he went, "Aw Dayum! That awesome moment of "Holy crap this ish is really happening and wtf?!? One of the things the show has lost while it is drowning in the CFD is the element of contrast. Last year and early this year, the show had a perfect balance showing Ichabod against the modern world and him ALONE in it. We got to react to him through the eyes of Abbie. The first 2 eppies of this season managed to hold onto that magic - but since then, it's all gone downhill.

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I still think the first episode of this season were written by the show creators and the new writers didn't have as much to do with those - even if credits say otherwise. If they are given a chance with a 3rd season, I want them to go back to 13 episodes, cut the fat out and have the original showrunners back into the mix. With the new Star Trek in the works and their being execs for Scorpion, a small season is the only way to have them more available for involvement. I want the creative process to be the same as S1, with a fully fleshed out plan from the beginning.

This season so far seems to have suffered from a lot of indecision and uncertainty with how to go about certain characters. Just re-watching multiple times to get all the layers of the story and performances. I said this in a different thread but I really want them to tie in more with the biblical depiction of Revelations.

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I want to see evidence that the rest of the town is experiencing signs of the end of days. I want to see plagues ,locusts rivers turning to blood.. If they want to literally have a whore riding a beast with on it's head I'll take that too-- it wouldn't be any more ridiculous than some of the plots we've had so far. I would love to see some actual angels-- or even just one- come in and help our Witnesses. It would add to the epicness of the battle against good and evil. As for our characters I want Crane and Abbie to continue their platonic partnership.

I want Irving restored as police chief and Jenny back at Team Witness headquarters strategizing again. I want Hawley to stick around to badger Crane. I like their rapport and the signs of a bromance we saw in the Heartless episode. I want Katrina to die so Crane and the viewers -- can be free of her soul-sucking presence. I really think they ought to have a "fully fleshed out plan" for the whole show's run.

They should assume a 5 year series and have an outline of the whole major plot line and work with that. Get More Votes Report.

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