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Ironically, Robespierre hoped that martyrdom would grant him immortality, 82 This passage remarkably parallels the king's last words. Robespierre, CEuvres completes, vol. 10 (Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, ),
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Sleep brings an end to all the days activities. Sleep disassociates us from those who are awake, and from their activities. Normal sleep renders the emotions inactive.

In sleep men do not praise God. Sleep presupposes an awakening. The Person Returns to Dust. To understand what happens to a person at death, one must understand what makes up his or her nature. The Bible portrays a person as an organic unity see chapter 7 of this book. At times it uses the word soul to refer to the whole person, and at other times to the affections and emotions.

But it does not teach that man comprises two separate parts. Body and soul only exist together; they form an indivisible union. At humanity's creation, the union of the dust of the ground earth's elements and the breath of life produced a living being or soul. Adam did not receive a soul as a separate entity; he became a living soul Gen. At death the inverse takes place: the dust of the ground minus the breath of life yields a dead person or dead soul without any consciousness Ps. The elements that made up the body return to the earth from which they came Gen.

The soul has no conscious existence apart from the body, and no scripture indicates that at death the soul survives as a conscious entity. Indeed, "'the soul who sins shall die'" Eze. The Abode of the Dead. In the Scripture, sheol most often simply means the grave. All the dead go into this place Ps. Jacob said, "'I shall go down into the grave [ sheol ]'" Gen.

When the earth opened "its mouth" to swallow the wicked Korah and his company, they went "'down alive into the pit [ sheol ]'" Num. Sheol receives the whole person at death. When Christ died, He went into the grave hades but at the Resurrection His soul left the grave hades , Acts , 31, or sheol , Ps. When David thanked God for healing, he testified that his soul was saved "from the grave [ sheol ]" Ps. The grave is not a place of consciousness.

The Spirit Returns of God.

The Real Immortal Words of John Paul Jones

Though the body returns to dust, the spirit returns to God. Solomon said that at death "the dust will return to the earth as it was, and the spirit will return to God who gave it" Eccl. This is true of all, both the righteous and the wicked.

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Many have thought that this text gives evidence that the essence of the person continues to live after death. But in the Bible neither the Hebrew nor the Greek term for spirit ruach and pneuma , respectively refers to an intelligent entity capable of a conscious existence apart from the body. Solomon wrote, "'Man's fate is like that of the animals; the same fate awaits them both: As one dies, so dies the other. All have the same breath ["spirit," margin; ruach ]; man has no advantage over the animal.

All go to the same place; all come from dust, and to dust all return. Who knows if the spirit [ ruach ] of man rises upward and if the spirit [ ruach ] of the animal goes down into the earth? So, according to Solomon, at death there is no difference between the spirits of man and beast. Solomon's statement that the spirit ruach returns to God who gave it indicates that what returns to God is simply the life principle that He imparted.

There is no indication that the spirit, or breath, was a conscious entity separate from the body. This ruach can be equated with the "breath of life" that God breathed into the first human being to animate his lifeless body cf. Harmony Through the Scriptures. Many honest Christians who have not studied the complete teaching of the Bible on death have been unaware that death is a sleep until the resurrection. They have assumed that various passages support the idea that the spirit or soul has a conscious existence after death.

Careful study reveals that the consistent teaching of the Bible is that death causes the cessation of consciousness. If the dead are completely insensate, with whom or what do spiritualist mediums communicate? Every honest person will admit that at least some of these phenomena are fraudulent; but others cannot be explained as such. There obviously is some supernatural power connected with spiritualism. What does the Bible teach on this point? The basis of spiritualism.

His words were the first sermon on the immortality of the soul.

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Today, throughout the world, religions of all sorts unwittingly repeat this error. For many, the divine sentence that "the soul who sins shall die" Eze. This erroneous doctrine of natural immortality has led to belief in consciousness in death. As we have seen, these positions directly contradict the Biblical teaching on this subject. These beliefs became the prevailing view within Christianity and continue to be the dominant view today. Belief that the dead are conscious has prepared many Christians to accept spiritualism. If the dead are alive and in the presence of God, why could they not return to earth as ministering spirits?

And if they can, why not try to communicate with them to receive their counsel and instruction, to avoid misfortune, or to receive comfort in sorrow? Building on this line of reasoning, Satan and his angels Rev. Through such means as spiritualistic seances they impersonate departed loved ones, bringing supposed comfort and assurance to the living.

At times they predict future events, which, when proved to be accurate, give them credibility.

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Then the dangerous heresies they proclaim take on the patina of authenticity, even though they contradict the Bible and God's law. Having removed the barriers against evil, Satan has free rein to lead people away from God and to certain destruction. Warning against spiritualism. No one need be deceived by spiritualism. The Bible clearly exposes its claims as false. As we have seen, the Bible tells us that the dead do not know anything, that they lie unconscious in the grave.

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The Bible also strongly forbids any attempt to communicate with the dead or the spirit world. It says that those who claim to communicate with the dead, as spiritualistic mediums do today, are actually communicating with "familiar spirits" that are "spirits of devils. Isaiah expressed well the foolishness of spiritualism: "When they say to you, 'Seek those who are mediums and wizards, who whisper and mutter,' should not a people seek their God?

Should they seek the dead on behalf of the living? To the law and to the testimony!