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Year-Old Wrote The Most Significant Poem Of The 21st Century. A poem with a surprisingly inspirational message made an impact on one London bar.
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Her poetry holds up a mirror to contemporary life in a voice like no other. Born wrong.

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Buy Hold Your Own. Buy Plum. Addressing themes of feminism, body-image, violence and her experience of being a first-generation immigrant, Rupi Kaur began publishing her poetry and illustration on Instagram when she was in her early twenties. Her debut collection Milk and Honey went on to be a New York Times best-seller when it was published in Her poetry exposes both the dazzle and the darkness of the decadent s and s in New York.

Inspirational Poems of the 21st Century

Despite only publishing one collection of poems in her lifetime, Sylvia Plath is one of the defining voices in twentieth-century poetry. This four-part work follows him through his transformations from child, man and woman to blind prophet; through this structure, Tempest holds up a mirror to contemporary life in a direct and provocative way rarely associated with poetry.

Plum Plum , Hollie McNish's debut for Picador Poetry, is a wise, sometimes rude and piercingly candid account of her memories from childhood to attempted adulthood. This is a book about growing up, about flesh, fruit, friendships, work and play — and the urgent need to find a voice for the poems that will somehow do the whole glorious riot of it justice. The World's Wife This unique collection of poems from the Poet Laureate, filled with her characteristic wit, is a feminist classic and a modern take on age-old mythology.

Frederick Seidel Sure he's filthy rich, but the man knows how to spend his money. He owns four Ducati motorcycles and he writes poems about them probably while wearing a suit. Floyd Skloot Despite virus-induced brain damage, he writes with surprising tenderness and candor about recreating a life for himself and, in the process, makes us think about our own. Wole Soyinka The first black writer to win the Nobel Prize in Literature, he's written in nearly ever genre while relentlessly pursuing freedom in his homeland of Nigeria. Ruth Stone Six years ago, when she was a mere eighty-nine years old, the poet was quoted in our pages as saying, "You have to allow yourself to take joy.

Otherwise, you're no good to anyone. The eighty-six-year-old Nobel laureate has published no more than poems. Elie Wiesel "I was the accuser, God the accused.

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My eyes were open and I was alone—terribly alone in a world without God and without man. Wright She's a true original, who manages to be odd, beautiful, tough as nails, and wonderfully inventive all in the same poetic line. Now we want to hear from you: Which authors inspire you most? Post a comment and let us know. Without a doubt Paulo Coelho is one of the most inspirational authors in the world.

He writes about people on quests and his books are full of beautiful and enlightening proverbs.

Poems of Protest, Resistance, and Empowerment

It's a must read for every one, because it enlightens without promoting a specific religion, just a higher power and the power of the self. As an author myself, I really enjoy this article. Fifty of the Most Inspiring Authors in the World. Anne Carson was my favorite from these list of all times.

David Whyte's writing is particularly inciteful to me as a man who is continuously probing internally to understand how I see what I see, and wrestling with the dancing choices inside, especially those sitting on the sides afraid to join the dance. I am acquainted with his writings.

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I didn't read none of the remaining. The list is dominated by the American Writers.

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I felt sorry to learn that no Indian author is enlisted. Special Section. Gay Talese The New Journalism. Comments Lucille Clifton should be on this list. For a list of authors of the world, I find it surprisingly American-centric, with a couple of token foreigners thrown in for good measure. I'm only qualified to speak about poets.

Ashbery is the most overrated poet in the world, maybe for all time. Forgettable musings from a man preoccupied by the quotidian, in no way as fresh as his forebear, Frank O'Hara. Kay Ryan is likely only popular because of the Twitter length of her verses as a rhyming minimalist. Refreshing but forgettable.

Levine is boring in his old age; he was never very lyrical to begin with. Donald Hall--another insider whose work does not approach the quality of his late wife's.

Life Poems: Inspirational Poems About Life

Zymborska, Collins deserving. Missing are Strand, Kundera, and many others--but such lists satisfy no one. Thanks for the foredoomed attempt, CE. I find this list distressing, and not only because I don't agree with every name on it or every name left off. Moreover, the squibs attached to the names reveal some pretty punk values, in my opinion. Seidel knows how to spend money: that's a recommendation? I know quite a few poets smarter than Carson.

And so on. On the other hand, you left off Neil Gaiman. That seems monumentally, resoundingly foolish. He wrote The Sandman, which is the only comic book to ever win the Hugo Award, which changed comic book storytelling, and which practically created the graphic novel market as we know it today. And the film of his book Coraline is likely to receive an academy award nomination for the upcoming. Beyond that and the oodles of other books, comics, and movies he's written , he has maintained one of the most effusive blogs, full of jokes, recipes, pictures, and good solid advice on life and on the processes of writing, is one of the most gracious creators, always spending hours on end signing books for anyone willing to wait in the lines, and seems by and large to be able to remain inspiring, interesting, and a very nice person all at once.

I Am An Artist - Inspirational Reverse Poem

Why have a list such as this one when they are so many people who are worthy and aren't on it? And why limit the list to 50? Why such a scarcity model? Some of these writers are more famous than particularly inspiring John Ashbery, Billy Collins. And to talk about Seidel's money is just crass. Plus, don't you have to be actually read to be inspiring?

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The only people I've ever known to read Seidel and I like him, don't get me wrong are poets. But most disturbing, why are the dead writers who didn't get on the "list" any less inspiring now that they're dead.

Edited by Rishi Dastidar

You'd think in their afterlife, they'd be even more inspiring. And don't you think Adrienne Rich and Arundati Roy are just slightly inspiring? Would have added Bolano but the remit is living writers. There's lots of genuinely exciting writing around which is international in its aspect and is often far removed from the bland stuff put out by the big publishers who colonise the book review pages. For me, exciting writing is coming out of Dalkey Archive Press, McSweeney's which is doing a great job reminding us that the big wide world out there isn't particularly pleasant or benign; and they're experimenting with new formats too, which is exciting; for instance, their iPhone ap.

These writers are the real heros and we should all be trying to hear what they have to say. See PEN America We can all criticise lists but I find them quite educational, always pointing out writers I hadn't previously heard of. I will check out the American poets listed as, being an Australian, I am really only familiar with Ashbery.