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Define breaking and entering (noun) and get synonyms. What is Synonyms and related words View American English definition of breaking and entering.
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The sheriff department refused to give me records and they refused to take my complaint with out the officers badge and details I can only get from the records.

Tonight Alive (live at Warped Tour 2012): "Breaking & Entering; Starlight"

This may all be true and it would be wonderful to live in a world where you could politely state your rights to a police officer and go about your business unharmed. But any one of the above statements, however correct and polite they may be, is more than enough to get you severely beaten, charged with resisting arrest, and possibly sent to prison in Mississippi. I have learned that you ask if you are under arrest if you dont get an anser keep asking until you get one. When officier tells you that you are not ask to leave. As a criminal defense attorney in Minnesota, this is a really fun and interesting chart.

That being said, each State is different i. DUI roadblocks are unconstitutional under the Minnesota Constitution , and the laws are constantly changing i. When the State can get a blood draw without a warrant. These are some great basic starting blocks, but please reach out to an attorney in your state to find out any changes, or additional protections under your State Constitution.

I have something to say and I need some answers if you or anyone that is reading this statement can help I would be grateful and not forgetful. At this point you can tell that I am very confused as well as concerned or afraid. I was handcuffed placed in the police cruiser and taken to jail booked and placed into a holding cell.

Now mind you I am trying to figure out what is going on; a lot of thoughts are going on in my head trying to get a grip on what just took place asking myself am I dreaming could this be a joke and at the same time I feel extremely anxious. My 5th Amendment Miranda Rights were violated. Can anyone tell me what should be done, the first thing I should do in tackling this illegal action against me?

As long as no one questioned you before reading your rights, your rights were not violated.

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The only time the cops are absolutely required to read anyone arrested their rights right after arrest is on TV. Sad thing is that we are required by law to tell the truth. Police officers are not required to tell the truth and use lies to get you to admit things, yet when they appear in our public schools they like to leave the impression to our children that they do tell the truth and the children can be depended on them for help. I think it is important to teach our children to keep their mouths shut and remember that the police are not their friends because they have the legal right to lie to you.

Do your friends lie to you? I think not……. While perhaps a bit overly suspicious and pessimistic, nothing he said is factually incorrect. Police are allowed to lie to you. I would trust my children to get help from them, but I think also teaching them about their rights and the job of the police is a good idea. I agree completely. My son now knows the difference between what the police are supposed to be doing and what they are allowed and capable of doing.

The chart states that in some areas you are required to produce ID. An Ivy League educated black male was used as bait by dressing down and walking through rich neighborhoods. This was done in many areas of the country. He nearly always was arrested it was secretly filmed. The case worked their way through the system and were ruled unconstitutional. If you were driving, for example, you are required to show ID.

There are many situations where officers can require you to show identification: age restricted places, purchases, and activities, hunting, fishing, conducting business or any transaction with the government, when you are on probation or parole, when there is reasonable suspicion to temporarily detain you for the purposes of investigating whether a crime is occurring, and when you are being placed under arrest with probable cause, just to name a few common ones.

Screw this police state. But when I drove off and I start reading my ticket it said I was driving unsafe speed so what can I do with that? Or what should I do? And thanks in advance. The Fourth Amendment embodies unalienable rights that cannot be taken, given or diminished in any way. By statute, one of those conditions is that you have implicitly consented to alcohol testing under specific conditions when using your license to operate a motor vehicle on public roads.

It is no different than individuals or companies that accept certain licenses or contracts to do particular business gun makers and dealers, alcohol makers, restaurants, contractors doing government work, etc. What about someone that has No Liscence and Never had one….

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How do the police deal with this? I am asking about California. Unfortunately however, driving is a privilege. And in most municipalities, when a person test for their license, the sign documentation stating the they waive the right to refuse a breathalyzer. This happened in New Mexico after being stopped going 5 mi over the posted speed limit of 30 mph, just a few ft from where the speed limit changed to 55 mph. We were followed several miles before being stopped. We were pulled over on a very busy highway. The officer even approached the vehicle on the passenger side.

Why would he ask a senior driver to walk back to his car on a busy highway? This happened to me in Arizona and I am disabled. I had to get out with my cane and walk along a very busy interstate I could barely walk it was a very bad day for me.

Programs: Breaking And Entering — Triple R FM, Melbourne Independent Radio

I felt very, very unsafe, and I am wondering what I should have done and what I can do after the fact. They — the police, the government, just want to control you. Control and generate money for the local, county, and State.

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  • Their generating income. Much more than a speeder, a cell phone user or texter. We allready lost the Constitution,Federal judges are untouchable,they can lie,they can discriminate, and do whatever they have the whim for,if you are not well connected or rich you have a snowballs chance in hell when it comes to legal matters! Actually the supreme court recently held that not answering CAN be held against you.

    Also a federal judge recently ruled on a mile buffer zone around the entire US border. My view on this is COOL! All US laws are based on the Constitution. Since the Constitution is not in effect where I live, Laws are not in effect where I live. Also the Constitution authorizes the federal government, so federal agents have no constitutional authority where I live. Re the mile zone — interesting idea! I drive a truck cross-country, and am frequently in the deep Southwest, where there are several Border Patrol check points, within miles of Mexico.

    Do you have a link with more info?

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    This is actually a pretty cool concept. Immigration is a constitutional duty of the federal government at the border. I know you would never win in a roadside confrontation using this but it just goes to show you what an absolute fantasyland TPTB have constructed. A place where the Constitution is not enforceable to protect you and me but gives them the authority to be federal agents. This is not completely accurate. Often this is simply giving your name, date of birth, and home address verbally.

    Also, in reference to recording: if referring to wiretap laws, these laws do not apply to a stop in public where there is no expectation of privacy, especially if you make it obvious you are recording. I would say it is much better having it than not regardless of the law. In terms of providing your name however I think you do have such an obligation when questioned by a sworn law enforcement officer.

    Unfortunately, Floriduh is one of those states.