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Chapter VII: The General Rule Concerning the Principal Acts of Labor on . labored faithfully in its behalf; but for the most part, if the Talmud could speak.
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This is pretty bad, but it pales in comparison to the implications revealed on February 15 in the British newspaper, The Guardian. And the piece of lying excrement, Rafid al-Janabi, is proud that he brought Saddam Hussein's downfall at such enormous expense. And America is a superpower, an indispensable nation. What a total joke! Full story: Paul Craig Roberts. Spying, data mining, and smear campaigns against progressive bloggers and union members and activists are just part of the mess, which is still unfolding. Lee Fang from Think Progress and Michael Whitney at FireDogLake have been following the story closely, and they join Laura to discuss what we know so far about the sleazy tactics being used by the banksters and their US Chamber allies.

Full story: truth-out. The US Chamber of Commerce is rabidly anti-American and every single independent business owner in this country should walk away from that organization.

1911 Encyclopædia Britannica/Talmud

Collaboration on legislation between the US Chamber of Commerce and the US assume[s] that the recommendations of the Chamber of Commerce of the United States trump the opinions of any hometown chambers or any individual members. It has been clear to most analysts for years, even decades, that the United States favors Israel, but this reality has never been revealed so explicitly until recent events laid the relationship bare, and laid bare the fact that Israel is at the center of virtually every move the United States makes in the region.

There has long been a taboo on talking about these realities, a taboo that has tied the tongues of people like my interlocutor. People do not mention Israel because they might be called anti-Semitic, they might be attacked as 'singling out' Israel for criticism; the media fail to discuss Israel and what it does around the Middle East and, most directly, to the Palestinians who live under its rule because this might provoke angry letters to the editor and canceled subscriptions by Israel supporters. Congressmen will not endanger campaign funds by talking honestly about Israel.

And so Israel is taken off everyone's radar screen. Progressives may 'mention Israel in passing,' as my friend told me, but they do no more. Ultimately, because no one talks about it, everyone stops even thinking about Israel as the prime mover behind so many US policies and actions in the Middle East. It is time we began noticing. Everyone in the Middle East already notices, as the Egyptian revolution has just made clear.

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And probably everyone throughout the world also notices. We should begin listening to the world's people, not to their leaders, who tell us what they think we want to hear. Full story: counterpunch. Today, this nation lies in economic ruins, devastated and destitute, in much the same dire straits in which Germany and Japan found themselves in This is the only question which we have to answer, and we do not have much time left to answer it" Eustace Mullins, The Curse of Canaan, Oswald Spengler, in his monumental "The Decline of the West" says that the modern world is the product of an alliance of Money and rootless Intellect working in opposition to Instinct.


Events have also confirmed the correctness of Spengler's statement that "there is no proletarian revolution, not even a communist one that does not operate in the interest of Money. So, let us begin with the Middle East, "There need be no doubt about the real purpose of the Western initiative in this area: It is to set up an 'expanded' Israel as a military and political firm base.

There, as throughout the so-called Third World, we see the former separate European national imperialisms being replaced by a new global cosmopolitan imperialism with Zionism as the national spearhead of it and backed by a highly concentrated financial power which has drawn all the nations of the West into its service. There is, in fact, no way in which Israel could survive except as one of the agencies of the new global cosmopolitan imperialism.

Hosein, a prominent Islamic intellectual, in a recent issue of Crescent International. This Islamic intellectual can see Revelation manifesting, yet denominational ministers walk like blind men alor. Full story: youtube. The USA, Australia, Germany and other colonies or occupied countries of the 'City of London' are absolutely anti-Christian apostate nations that will shortly fulfill Revelation David Hicks was one of the first "war on terror" detainees to be sent to Guantanamo the day the prison facility opened on January 11, He is one of the small group of detainees who challenged the President George W.

Bush's November 13, executive order authorizing indefinite detention, which led to a landmark Supreme Court case, Rasul v.

Bush, in which the High-Court said detainees have the right to habeas corpus. Hicks spent five-and-a-half years at Guantanamo and was tortured. Last October, he published a memoir, "Guantanamo: My Journey. Hicks was detainee , the second person processed into Guantanamo on January 11, , the day the facility opened. Psychologically and physically for four years, maybe longer. I awoke on a concrete slab with the sun in my face. I looked around and saw that I was in a cage made out of cyclone fencing.

Internal fences divided the cage into ten enclosures. I saw five other concrete slabs with what looked like bird cages constructed on top. A fence covered in green shadecloth and topped with rolls of razor wire was wrapped around these six concrete slabs, able to house sixty unfortunate human beings. Hanging on the inside of this fence were signs saying, "If you attempt escape, you will be shot," complete with a featureless person with a target for a head David Hicks. Their press conference on 14 January was preceded by an invitation-only demonstration of the reactor attended by press and scientists.

Costs are rather low. According to an interview with Rossi. Full story: blog. The genetic code of the planet is being butchered in a hostile corporate takeover.

The Culture of the Babylonian Talmud

Monsanto have said that their objective is to have their genetically modified vegetation and animals take over the biosphere of this planet. Revelation The US government continues to act like a fully owned subsidiary of Monsanto, threatening retaliation against an ally that moved to ban GMO corn in accordance with the desires of a vast majority of its population, approving the deregulation of GMO alfalfa virtually ensuring the end of organic beef as an available option for Americans, and, most recently approving sugar beet planting this spring "despite an earlier court ruling that government approval for planting the beets violated environmental law" truth-out.

Zephaniah ; , "I will bring distress upon men; they shall walk like blind men because they have sinned against the Lord! Their blood shall be poured out as dust, and their flesh as dung. Neither their silver nor their gold will be able to deliver them in the day of the Lord's wrath; all the earth will be consumed by the fire of His jealousy: for He will make a full, sudden riddance of all the inhabitants of the earth.

Seek the Lord, all you humble of the earth, who do His commands; seek righteousness, seek humility: perhaps you will be hid in the day of the Lord's anger". Unknown to the average worshipper, the motivation of each of these religious systems is "the will to power" and the object of their devotion is Satan "the god of fortresses" typed by the rebel Nimrod Daniel ; Alexander Hislop, The Two Babylons , p.

We must understand that God deals personally one on one with those He calls His Own. He deals with Israel as a nation, but only in the Land of their Covenant, and only with an election, so that when "all Israel is born-again in one day" it will number only , souls, because in God's eyes the majority of the group is not Israel Romans ; ; Isaiah ; Revelation There are any number of Jewish, even Mosaic denominations, thousands of so-called Christian denominations, and scores of Islamic denominations; not one of these is in the "common faith.

Anything else is the hiss of the Serpent and the mark of the beast. Satan has a religion or form of worship for everyone, no matter how he is deceived, and like these so-called monotheistic religions, each option bears the mark of the beast, which is the wisdom of human reasoning against the revealed Word of God.

And "Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every Word that proceeds from the mouth of God," so the kingdom of Satan is built by adding to or taking from His Word Matthew ; Revelation The crime of seeking a medium sealed the doom of King Saul I Chronicles , and from this time to the days of Isaiah there is no mention of mediums in the history of Israel. Hezekiah ascended the throne of Judah in about BC, just five years before the Lord God sent Assyria to disperse the apostate northern kingdom of Israel for adopting the trinity.

Before Hezekiah's sons were born, Isaiah prophesied they would be taken captive to serve as eunuchs in the palace of the king of Babylon II Kings The name "Manasseh," which means forgetting, was given to the heir to the throne as a pledge of amnesty of past discords between Israel and Judah, and a bond of union between Hezekiah's crown and the northern kingdom. It embodied his cherished policy to take advantage of Shalmanasser's overthrow of the rival northern kingdom and gather the remnant which was not transported and attach them to one divinely sanctioned worship at Jerusalem II Chronicles , Hezekiah had allied himself with Babylon against Assyria but when he foolishly displayed his treasures to the Babylonian ambassadors, Isaiah foretold the Captivity Isaiah Manasseh inherited his father's legacy of ambition and close union with Babylon which Isaiah had condemned, and the idolatry Hezekiah had checked, not stifled Isaiah , rekindled so that the abominations of various lands, especially of Babylon, were brought together in Jerusalem.

He made his sons pass through the fire [to the Ammonite god Moloch Leviticus ; , and in imitation of the Babylonians he] observed times, used enchantments, witchcraft, and dealt with familiar spirits and wizards" II Kings ; II Chronicles Manasseh build houses for Sodomites and their unspeakable practices adjacent to the Temple II Kings , cast down the altar of sacrifice, displaced the ark of the Covenant, ignored the sabbath II Chronicles ; and sawed Isaiah in half for his faithful protest Hebrews ; Isaiah ; Josephus, Antiquities of the Jews, x, In consequence of these abominable practices the Lord God of Israel promised a judgment so terrible that the ears of him who heard it would tingle: He would level Jerusalem to the ground, even as He destroyed Samaria, and treat the holy city as one wipes a dish, wiping it, and turning it upside down lest a single drop of moisture should remain II Kings Josiah succeeded Manasseh and despite his zeal his reformation was transient.

To the very last the infatuated nation shunned the Word of the Lord and followed false prophets and enchanters so that His Temple and Jerusalem were razed and Judea's citizens transported to Babylon for a lifetime Jeremiah Indeed Zechariah prophesied that Israel would be a land of idolatry and false prophets until the , elect are born-again. The testimony of the Bible against magical arts, false gods and witchcraft is consistent in both Testaments Deuteronomy and found in the catalog of those who are warned that they shall never walk the streets of the golden city but have their part in the lake of Fire Revelation ; Brother Branham said, "All the people have to belong to the world church system or be at the mercy of the elements for they cannot buy or sell without the mark of the beast in the hand or head.

This mark in the head means that they will have to take the doctrine of the world church system which is trinitarianism, etc. With this great power the church systems will persecute the true Bride. This image will try to keep the Bride from preaching and teaching, etc. Her ministers will be forbidden to give comfort and truth to the people who need it.

But before the antichrist in person takes over this complete world system of churches, the true Church will be taken away from this world to be with the Lord. These people bear the mark of the beast NOW, and know it not.

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Jewish scholars and those who wrote the Talmud and Cabala consciously teach and worship a trinity of gods. Their false religion is intellectual reasoning and not faith Deuteronomy Book II.

Project MUSE - The Culture of the Babylonian Talmud

According to the Zohar itself, the "mysteries of Wisdom" were imparted by God to Adam whilst he was still in the Garden of Eden and from Adam the Cabala was passed to Seth, thence to Enoch, Noah, Abraham and Moses, one of its principal exponents. Other Jewish authorities declare that Moses received it for the first time on Mount Sinai and communicated it to the seventy elders, by whom it was handed down to David and Solomon, then to Ezra and Nehemiah, and finally to the great Cabalists of history, including Rabbi Shimon Bar Yochai and Rabbi Isaac Luria.

Luria allegedly received a new Cabala from the prophet Elijah and inaugurated the modern Cabalistic school in Florence. His doctrines were organized into a practical system by the Khazar Hasidim of Eastern Europe for the writing of amulets, the conjugation of demons, mystical juggling with numbers and letters, etc. This is the mark of the beast: wisdom against the revealed Word of God. The concept of a unity in a trinity or even more gods has its roots within the ancient Jewish traditions of the Cabala.

In this late Cabalistic tradition, originating in the 16th century in the city of Safed, an ancient town in the mountains of Northern Israel, an essential part of the representations of the Tree of Life or Etz Hayim is a set of three vertical lines of light, each line being headed by Sefirot numbers or degrees of altruistic quality at the top.

These three Sefirot form a spiritual or heavenly triangle, which rules the whole earthly part of the Tree of Life. This is one form of expressing the Cabalistic trinity. This image portrays the trinity in a Cabalistic definition from an illuminated manuscript in Seville Cathedral.