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The Ghost and the Darkness is a American historical adventure film directed by Stephen Hopkins and starring Val Kilmer and Michael Douglas.
Table of contents

Ghosts of the Shadow Market

Yochanan's sister R. Dorai's prostitute Abba Hilkah's wife R. Akiva's daughter R.

Riders in the Sky

Sheshet's mother R. Hisda's daughter. She's a Witch Don't Talk to Women! Woman in Hiding Streetwalker Silence! They often subvert the male rabbinic thinking, provide the counter-voice and bring about changes in the narrative. With scant details they cast a shadow and assert their presence. These multi-layered embroideries quote the Talmudic text, and use the formal layout of the Vilna Talmud. But beneath those layers there are glimpses of the female form and hints towards their stories. Yohnan persuaded Resh Lakish to learn Torah with him, by offering his sister as a wife saying that she was more beautiful than him.

The two men later fell out in a bitter angry argument, and despite her pleading, they died, unreconciled. Bava Metziah 84a. Eliezer was plagued with doubts that in his anger he had condemned a man to die. His doubts manifested in his body, covering him with bleeding sores that his wife would tend to. When she realised his physical suffering was self-inflicted, she left him. Bava Metziah 84b. The one who was spurned for asking a question This rich lady asked R.

Eliezer a Torah question. She stopped being his patron. Talmud Yerusalmi, Sotah The Rabbis accepted this and they were allowed to marry. The rabbis later realised that they were daughters of a scholar, and therefore they knew how to play the system.

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Ketubot 23a. In the absence of a dedicated and accessible procedure to identify people who are stateless, they were left in legal limbo for years. What is interesting from a comparative perspective is how, as covered in previous blog posts on this site, UNHCR mapping studies in both Belgium and the Netherlands revealed a very similar picture with stateless migrants in those countries also stuck in the same endless limbo without respect for their fundamental rights.

A Ghost in his Shadow () - IMDb

The difference is of course that the UK Government has finally taken action to break this cycle and to bring these legal ghosts out of the shadows. For this it is to be heartily applauded even if aspects of the new procedure are far from ideal. It is also questionable whether adequate support will be in place for stateless people while their claim is considered, or whether they will have access to an effective right of appeal in the event of refusal. Moreover, it remains to be seen whether Home Office officials will play their part in gathering the complex evidence needed to demonstrate that someone is stateless, evidence which can be notoriously difficult for people to obtain on their own.

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A further notable deficiency is a lack of dedicated legal aid provision for claimants under the new procedure which will likely undermine its efficacy and exacerbate evidentiary problems if unrepresented individuals are unable to adequately navigate proceedings in what is universally accepted as a complex determination exercise. However, aside from the simple fact of having in place provisions for stateless persons where none previously existed, there are elements of the new procedure which should particularly be welcomed.

For example, the fact that the procedure is accessible to any stateless person present in the UK, and not limited to those with lawful residence, as is the case for example in Hungary.

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There is also no time limit within which a statelessness claim must be lodged following entry, as for example is the case in Spain. The UK procedure also allows for stateless persons to be granted permanent residence after five years with the subsequent opportunity to naturalise as British citizens soon thereafter and thereby finally escape statelessness altogether.

Moreover, any identified shortcomings should not be allowed to unduly detract from the hugely positive impact the new policy will have for stateless migrants in the UK. The changes also serve as a very positive example to a number of other European states who have ratified the relevant international instruments but failed to properly implement their obligations by setting up a dedicated statelessness determination procedure and route to regularisation.

Equally, the UK experience provides a timely reminder of the value of joined up policy development between government and civil society, as well as the important role of sound research as a catalyst for change. In this regard, successful advocacy in the UK should properly be seen as testament to, and part of, a wider UNHCR strategy in motion to tackle statelessness at the global level.

The appetite to address this hitherto hidden issue is also evident in the successful development of the European Network on Statelessness This civil society alliance is less than a year old but already has 71 members in over 30 European countries. If this expansion is to be matched with impact in raising awareness about and mainstreaming efforts to tackle statelessness then as a next step its members need proper resourcing, including to effectively complement the work of UNHCR.

Equally, and despite recent progress, the fact that only a handful of EU Member States have functioning statelessness determination procedures gives the lie to any notion that Europe can claim to be setting an example to the rest of the world. Developments in the UK are a welcome step in the right direction but much work remains to be done.

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Asylum Aid hosts and coordinates the European Network on Statelessness.