Manual A Gathering of Vultures

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In Scripture, a wake (gathering) of vultures is an indicator of God's judgment for rebellion. In the blessings and curses given to Israel, God warns them, “Your.
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Murder, mutilation, and carrion Unfortunately, Terri's recurring back and health problems place that goal well out of reach.

Matthew Wherever there is a carcass, there the vultures will gather.

They travel to Terri's birthplace, Florianopolis, on the scenic island of Santa Catarina off the coast of Brazil to vacation and visit their best friends and mentors. Along the picturesque beaches, dead penguins and eviscerated bodies wash up on the shores of paradise, and Antarctic blasts play counterpoint to the tropical storms that rock the island. The scenic wonder is home not only to urubus, a unique sub-species of the black vulture, but also to a clique of mysterious women who offer Terri perfect health and the promise of fame-at a terrible price.

Rick fears Terri is being drawn into a cult and that his own life may be in danger.

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Will it be too late when he discovers something even more terrifying lives beneath the tranquil, tropical veneer of the island? Idyllic one moment and nightmarish the next, you never know what you'll encounter in the city of Florianopolis-murder, mutilations, carrion, or the lure of eternal youth.

Praise for "A Gathering of Vultures " "Discovering a truly different sort of horror novel is a rare pleasure Even the exotic Brazilian locale and the back story-involving competitive ballroom dancing-may be unique within the genre. This is the darkest of dark fantasies. To enthusiastic cheering, whoops, and calls from their fans, Rick led Terri onto the glossy maple wood dance floor longer and wider than a basketball court. They separated and affected their mirror-pose, with arched eyebrows and flared nostrils, dramatic exaggerations to give them a scoring edge.

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They focused only on each other, although their acute peripheral vision enabled them to see everything going on under the glittering chandeliers:. The enthusiastic audience in their seats and elbow-to-elbow in the SRO sections along the far walls of the hangar-sized ballroom—. Rick thought his wife looked sensational. Her long arms and legs had no ugly muscle or bone, and her tapering fingers added graceful extension and completeness to each move.

Her coloring, a natural olive complexion intensified by a rich Florida tan, saved her the time and expense of body makeup. Her dark brown eyes blazed with an intense inner fire. Like a ravenous bird of prey on the perch, she was ready to devour the opposition. Terri adored her sexy, handsome husband. His straight metallic white-blond hair, blue eyes, and fair skin dramatically contrasted with her complexion. A natural athlete who had been a swivel-hipped wide receiver on his high school football team, he brought the same coordination, timing, and panache to professional competitive dancing.

The music began. They had chosen the theme from Somewhere in Time, a romantic classic from the s. Terri and Rick closed the distance between them, their hips rotating fluidly in Cuban motion, their facial expressions expressing intense passion.. The pace was slower, the moves sweeping and sensual.

Terri gyrated against his pelvis, then flirtatiously turned away from him. Rick twisted her around to face him again and moved his hands less than an inch away from her face, body, and legs. He raised her to his torso, and they moved across the floor as one to the sensual music. She writhed and coiled around every part of his body, while he caressed her in a dance of desire, first denied then fulfilled.

A boisterous ovation cheered their final erotic embrace as they flashed bright smiles at the judges, and sashayed towards the lounge where the other competitors awaited their turns. Terri hugged and kissed him. Our timing was perfect, and you were so completely in control. Rick always smiled whenever his wife used the affectionate diminutive Portuguese variation of his name. You followed perfectly, and you were never sexier. But tell me the truth. How is your back? From age twelve, Terri had suffered from excruciating back spasms, the cause of which baffled every physician she had seen.

No matter, though.

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  • I know we danced well enough to place in the top three. Maybe, just maybe, we have an outside chance for first. Terri and Rick stood in front of a inch plasma monitor in the lounge to watch the other couples compete.

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    The worst phase had begun for them. Because they had gone first, they would have to wait five eternities. Tonight they had made the final cuts in the Open International Division for the first time in a major regional competition. Earlier, they had placed sixth overall in the International Standard Five-Dance program consisting of foxtrot, waltz, quick-step, Viennese waltz, and tango.

    They also had made the finals in the Latin program dancing the rumba, samba, cha-cha-cha, pasodoble, and jive. The four-day competition had been brutal for all the contenders—muscles and tendons strained, their blistered feet rubbed raw, toes bleeding. Because their adrenaline continued to surge, they would not feel real pain until tomorrow. Short and with a low center of gravity, Pierre and Jolie Cadoux from Montreal were personable and energetic in their vivid gold and teal costumes, but their jive had too much stop and flash.

    Mimi was the weaker performer of the two. Tourkov and Sosnovskaya stepped onto the floor after the Yamamotos. Now in their late thirties, the former champions were on a downhill slide. Terri, will you look at that?

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    • Credit Card Christ: Selected Sermons 1965-2012.
    • A Gathering of Vultures.
    • And that jarring segue into their tango. I know we did better. The fourth couple, the Pashniakovs, a solid pair from New York, had been taking second place to the DeMarcos at most competitions during the past two years. Oleg should be using more speed and attack in their jive although Kyra is doing well shaking her fringes. But the Pashniakovs are definitely off their game tonight.

      Their rhythm is light, their choreography is disjointed. Last to perform, the DeMarcos were all showbiz and glitz. From the start, they involved the audience with eye contact and facial mugging as they flashed through an original flawless samba and jive combo choreographed for expressive humor and spectacular lifts and drops. Rick put an arm around Terri to console her. Great choreography. No first place for us tonight. The audience loved the DeMarcos and gave them an extended standing ovation.

      The M. Rick and Terri stood at one end next to the Canadians as all six couples faced the Master of Ceremonies, organizers, judges, and TV hosts. He squinted under the harsh lighting, and Terri gripped his hand in anticipation of the results. The first rankings would be for the Latin Division, and the second for their freestyle performances.

      Sixth place went to the Yamamotos, who made a lonely walk across the floor to receive their award from the judges. Tourkov and Sosnovskaya took fifth place. Terri and Rick glanced at each other. At the very least, they would take third, their highest placement to-date, but he could see from her expression third would not be good enough for her.

      Vultures make themselves at home in Shenandoah Valley

      Although Terri and Rick recited a riff of expletives to each other while their supporters booed the decision, they did not expose their disappointment to the judges and the audience. Instead, she flashed a dimpled smile and he a broad grin when they walked across the floor to accept their trophy and prize money. It was no consolation for them to know if the knowledgeable audience had been polled, they would have taken second instead of the Pashniakovs.

      The rankings did not change for the Freestyle. Terri awoke screaming. Rick held his trembling wife while she recovered from her nightmare.

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      He knew its cause. Last month, her father had at last passed away in California at the Patton facility for the criminally insane, and old repressed memories returned to haunt her with dreams she would not share with him. This much Rick did know. When Terri was twelve, her father went on an unaccountable murder spree. Alves also murdered her maternal grandmother and two aunts from Brazil who had been visiting. Only Terri had survived because of her quickness.

      After that, she had lived in foster care with a family in West Los Angeles. Without telling Terri, Rick had looked up the case on the Internet.