The Diary of Road Rage

The Diary of Road Rage. likes. Starts out with many but boils down to ~ YOU. Visit my website to pick up your copy of my book today. Be informed, get.
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In some jurisdictions, there can be a legal difference between "road rage" and " aggressive driving. The legal definition of road rage encompasses a group of behaviors expressed while driving, or stemming from traffic-related incidents.

The Diary of Road Rage: Starts Out with Many But Boils Down to You by Marcus Davis

National Highway Traffic Safety Administration defines road rage as when "The operation of a motor vehicle in a manner that endangers or is likely to endanger persons or property. Generally, drivers who scored high on aggression tests used direct confrontation strategies when faced with stress while driving.

Strategies include long horn honks, swerving, tailgating and attempting to fight the other driver. Many drivers who experience road rage have admitted that they believe they commit more traffic violations. As stress increases, the likelihood of a person having road rage increases dramatically, and if a person has road rage, their stress levels increase. Typically, younger males are most susceptible to road rage. According to one study, people who customize their cars with stickers and other adornments are more prone to road rage. The number of territory markers predicted road rage better than vehicle value or condition.

Furthermore, only the number of bumper stickers, and not their content, predicted road rage.

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Road rage is not an official mental disorder recognized in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders DSM , although according to an article published by the Associated Press in June , the behaviors typically associated with road rage can be the result of a disorder known as intermittent explosive disorder that is recognized in the DSM. This conclusion was drawn from surveys of some 9, adults in the United States between and and was funded by the National Institute of Mental Health.

ROAD RAGE! In a Pink Mini Cooper Drive home From Work! Dunstable

Road rage is a relatively serious act: It may be seen as an endangerment of public safety. It is, however, not always possible to judge intent by external observation, so "road ragers" who are stopped by police may be charged with other offences such as careless or reckless driving , or may be fined. Road ragers may be considered as criminals.

In New South Wales , Australia , road rage is considered an extremely serious act. Additionally, most common-law countries prohibit common assault, which could apply to road rage where the personal safety of the victim is seen to be threatened. The common law regards assault as both a criminal and civil matter, leading to both public criminal penalties and private civil liabilities. Road rage, insults and rude gestures in traffic can lead to fines and even prison sentences to drivers who shout insults or make offensive gestures while driving.

The Diary of Road Rage

In New Zealand , Road Rage in itself is not an offence, [14] but Drivers are usually charged with other offences committed during an act of road rage usually assault or unlawful possession of an offensive weapon. Drivers have a legal duty to take reasonable care to avoid endangerment of human life when operating a vehicle s Crimes Act ; failure to discharge this duty, such as an act of aggressive driving, can give rise to liability in criminal nuisance s Crimes Act Ramming a vehicle constitutes intentional or reckless damage to property, a criminal offence, with a maximum penalty of 7 years imprisonment s Crimes Act New Zealand courts currently have no powers to disqualify drivers who physically assault another road user.

Road rage is a criminal offence in Singapore. In the UK, road rage can result in criminal penalties for assault or more serious offences against the person. The Public Order Act can also apply to road rage. Sections 4A and 5 of the Act prohibit public acts likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress.

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Section 4 also prohibits threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour with intent to cause a victim to believe that violence will be used against himself or another. In some jurisdictions, such as the Commonwealth of Virginia , it is easier to prosecute road rage as reckless driving instead of aggressive driving simply because the burden of proof does not require "intent" to successfully convict.

It is likely that those causing serious injury or death during "road rage" incidents will suffer more serious penalties than those applicable to similar outcomes from simple negligence. In April , a Colorado driver was convicted of first-degree murder for causing the deaths of two motorists in November Only one state, California , has turned "road rage" into a legal term of art by giving it a particular meaning. A study of the largest U.

The Diary of Road Rage: Starts Out with Many But Boils Down to You

The cities with the most courteous drivers least road rage are Minneapolis , Nashville , St. Louis , Seattle , and Atlanta. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Refresh and try again.

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Open Preview See a Problem? Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. The Diary of Road Rage: When I started seeing reports of rage almost on a daily basis, not just on the streets in action, but on the news channels, loaded with report after report, acts of rage on the road, in places of business, in schools; It was then I realized that I had to engage in finding the answer to what seems to be a mad epidemic. Through this book you will hear Marcus narrate accounts When I started seeing reports of rage almost on a daily basis, not just on the streets in action, but on the news channels, loaded with report after report, acts of rage on the road, in places of business, in schools; It was then I realized that I had to engage in finding the answer to what seems to be a mad epidemic.

Through this book you will hear Marcus narrate accounts of true situations that you will not only be able to relate to, but that you will be able to take a back seat and become an observer not as a back-seat-driver but from a broad point of view take "the High Road"!! Published May 10th by Authorhouse first published May