Pillows, Cushions and Tuffets

Pillows, Cushions and Tuffets - Kindle edition by Carol Zentgraf. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like.
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Over 50 pillow, tuffet, and cushion projects Clear, easy, step-by-step directions and abundant photographs Great tips on fabric selection, assembly, and sewing techniques Much of the fun of decorating is mixing and matching fabrics to create an inviting ensemble, and you'll find plenty of ideas in "Pillows, Cushions, Tuffets. Inside, you'll learn all the sewing techniques and trade secrets to create gorgeous accessories for every room in your home.

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Paperback , pages. Published January 12th by Krause Publications first published January 1st To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Pillows, Cushions and Tuffets , please sign up. Be the first to ask a question about Pillows, Cushions and Tuffets.

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Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Darlene Spinks rated it really liked it May 18, Diane Harvey rated it it was amazing Jun 02, Sandra Grieger-Block rated it it was amazing Nov 28, To prevent fraying, stitch around the outside edges using a zigzag stitch. Alternately cut two 19 inch circles and then stitch around the outside edge using a zigzag stitch.

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Press the seam open. Attach a zipper foot to your machine. With right sides out, fold the fabric strip over the cable cord and stitch next to the cording. Repeat to create a second length of piping.

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With right sides together; stitch along the long edge. Turn right side out and press.

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Top stitch along either side of the strap. Fold the cushion side piece along the seam line and place a pin at the center front. Fold once again and mark halfway between the front and back on either side. Be sure to place markings along the top and bottom edge of the cushion side piece. Fold the 19 inch circles cut earlier in half and then in half again to mark the center front, back and sides. With right sides together; pin one of the circles along the top side edge of the cushion sides being sure to match the marks made earlier.

Pillows Cushions Tuffets Carol Zentgraf

Baste all of the layers together. Using the iron and gently pulling the gathering stitches; turn under the raw edges of the fabric to form a perfect 18 inch circle. Sew the cushion bottom to the cushion sides by hand using a needle and thread and matching the marks made earlier. Storybook Tuffet Cushion Categories: I found the instructions for applying various braids and the insertion of different fabrics to be clear and easily to understand. I have made my own pillows for years and this book has given me more ideas for future projects.

Storybook Tuffet Cushion

I love this book. I saw it and did not want to pay the price they were asking bur really wanted it so I went to my favorite place, Ebay. And there it was a a very good price and brand new too! I love to sew and do not have a creative mind but am good at following instructions and understanding designs.

So I brought this book and have already tagged lots of pages of projects I will be working on.