Leadership: A Reflection

1 day ago The practice of self-awareness and self-reflection for those in leadership roles goes back thousands of years to the ancient philosophers and.
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But in time, every executive reaches a point when their performance suffers and failure persists. Very few understand why or how to prevent it. Change really does start from within. There is always more room to grow, places to look and long-held beliefs to better understand.

Along the way purpose can shift as we know more about who we truly are and most want to become. If we reflecting more about ourselves and how we can do better, we would have a much better world, a much richer society, and much more meaningful relationships. We are at the heart of any changes we wish to make in our lives, families, teams or organizations. We cannot change other people, but we can demonstrate an ability to take in new information and make changes in ourselves.

We cannot often change situations or circumstances, but we can master how we choose to react to them.

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As leaders, one of our duties is to exemplify the behaviors we seek in others. We cannot continue to be recalcitrant, locked in the past, and refuse to make any changes in our attitudes or behaviors, and expect those around us, and especially those we lead, to act or feel any differently. We need to tap into our purpose-filled identity and then develop it, letting it shine from our inside out while letting our communities feed our spirit to keep growing and doing. This is something I learned a few years back when I did the 30 day Ignatian Retreat.

It is so true, that sometimes we are so busy trying to change other that we fail to change ourselves, and like LaRae commented getting to the center of our being is not for the weak hearted, so I will take the challenge to change my self before trying to change others, or better yet get to know my self better each day and modify my being everyday, little by little.

Looking inside of ourselves and being honest in how we might go about making change can be a challenge and very hard work. Leadership growth involves asking why we are here and where it is we want to go. It is ever-changing in a healthy way. Lolly Another great post, your point about learning to lead ourselves first before we can lead others hits the nail on its head. Change that begins from within has a ripple effect on the outside. Taking greater responsibility for self may seem challenging however, is a crucial step in making the inner change happen and once adopted is extremely empowering.

This is the thing I struggle with the most.

Why Self-Reflection Is the Key to Effective Leadership

Amazing article and very enlightening! It spells out precisely the internal process we all have at any given age, in reaching forward, higher. I went on a leadership course the other day and a lot of what you have discussed resonates in this article, a big take away from the course was about listening, and not just listening to others you need to listen to yourself as well.

Lolly I tell you the truth, that since I started following you I am full of knowledge I drop my position as a leader because I was not doing well, but I am going back to take that position and I will lead from within. Toggle navigation Lolly Daskal. The Strength to Change Ourselves.

Are you ready to take the challenge and write yourself that letter?

He sat drinking tea as he reflected on his life: I pray for the strength to at least change myself In life we must learn to first assemble the inner, than the outer. We must first acknowledge the important rather than the insignificant. We must recognize the great rather then the trivial. We must first lead ourselves, and then only then we can lead others. What is my purpose? Who do I want to be? The only place you can truly create change is within you. What Gets Between You and Your Greatness After decades of coaching powerful executives around the world, Lolly Daskal has observed that leaders rise to their positions relying on a specific set of values and traits.

It will help you know how best to lead. Hire the right people — surround yourself with people that you can nurture or learn from. Make sure you also have an irritant. They will make you think differently and whilst working with them will take your energy and test your patience, the value they bring will be worth it. Tell stories — about yourself in particular. When you share your own opinions, thoughts, fears, choices, challenges, failures and decisions and talk or write about it people will begin to see who you are and what you stand for — it makes you genuine.

Develop the next generation of leaders — mentor, guide, spend time with them. It will be the greatest investment you make. Over time the people will talk about you and that will gradually build a reputation for you that is much more meaningful.

Find someone yourself who will give you tough messages and guide you. Empower people — do NOT micro manage. It will stretch and develop people around you and they will respect the fact you have trusted them. They will make you proud.

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  5. Why Self-Reflection Is the Key to Effective Leadership • Leadership Thoughts Blog.
  6. E is for Elephant (eAnimal Alphabet Book 5).
  7. Engage widely with all members of groups you lead — not just your own direct reports. Ask everyone to contribute their thoughts on topics where you are the final decision maker; always make that point clear up front.


    Avoid hierarchical leadership at all times but balance it with a leadership presence that engages people to WANT to work for you. Talk about what made you proud, what you would like to have done differently and show your appreciation. When someone tells you someone else has done something good then reach out to them to add your gratitude.

    A simple email or phone call is worth a lot with people.

    Leadership Reflection: The Strength to Change Ourselves - Lolly Daskal | Leadership | Lolly Daskal

    Go on walkabouts , have coffee, stop and talk — wherever you are. Make sure you listen, act and feedback. Deliver on your commitments.

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    6. Drive for extraordinary results. Showcase the work your group does and give airtime to others to get the credit. Understanding our strengths, weaknesses, talents and behaviours will help us to respond effectively in a range of leadership situations. Without self-awareness we dismantle confidence and trust. Creative Commons image courtesy Ixia Jouriana.

      Jacqui Spencer is the owner of anything-is-possible , a small consultancy focusing on leadership, team excellence, change management, and employee engagement. Jacqui spent 25 years in the pharmaceutical industry and found these areas were the critical success factors for her own global leadership journey.

      What was the underlying reason for failure?