Fashion,Money and You!

Do you polish your fashion taste over time and knowledge, or do you buy it? We are going to discuss whether dressing well is a skill you learn or purchase!.
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Later that night, from the comfort of my couch, enabled by my iPhone, I hopped online and after browsing a few different sites an ad jumped out at me that I wanted to click on. Yes, reader, an online ad, that was so perfectly targeted I clicked without pause.

How dress rental sites can save you money on fashion

Renting a dress can be more cost-effective than buying, but you need to consider it on a cost-per-wear basis. Until that very minute I hadn't, but now that it was suggested it certainly seemed worthwhile exploring.

LIFE HACKS + TIPS: How To Land a Job in Fashion + MAKE MONEY!

Soon enough I was down a burrow of designer dress rental sites wondering why this hadn't dawned on me earlier. Dress rental sites are plentiful, there are an estimated 70 in Australia , and the proposition is attractive.

These sites cater to different sizes and different occasions: On most sites the rental price includes the cost of dry-cleaning and postage. As a rough guide the rental price is somewhere between per cent of the retail price. It's not hard to see why.

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Plus, accessorizing is one of the fashion tips that can make you look ten pounds thinner. Focus on finding quality closet staples that will last you forever. A belted trench, black leather jacket, raw denim, and a navy, camel, or black pea coat will never go out of style.

5 Ways You're Wasting Money On Clothing | Mens Fashion Magazine

If you spot a loose thread, give it a snip. Need to get rid of pills on a sweater? Use a disposable razor to shave them away. Got a pulled thread?

2. You’re Buying Into A Label

Gently stretch the fabric back into shape and use a sewing needle to push the snag through to the inside of the sweater. And obviously, never wear an item of clothing with a stain, hole, or missing button. If you love wearing jeans but not spending money, learn these tips that can make cheap jeans look expensive. A steamer is easier to manage and faster to use than an iron.

The Soul's Garment

To keep your clothes wrinkle free, fold or hang them as soon as they come out of the dryer, and give them a steam the night before wearing. Investing in a Nest Learning Thermostat is another great way to save. When you do your laundry, you probably fill up the detergent cap, right? Carefully read the instructions and try adding less detergent to each load. Then again, you might not need any brand-name detergents, as white vinegar often works just as well.

Instead, simply change where you shop. F and NYX can be found in the shelves of your local dollar store for much less than what you would pay for the exact same products anywhere else.

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Talk to your dermatologist and do some research before investing your hard-earned cash in a cosmetic that seems too good to be true. We know, we know: Americans spend about 11 percent of their discretionary budgets on apparel and footwear, according to a Wells Fargo analyst , but we often overspend for name brands.