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WOMEN'S CARDIGAN VINTAGE KNITTING PATTERN eBook: Princess of Patterns: Kindle Store.
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I'll try to have him look into the forum. Yeay children and yeay JK for the characters!!!! Are we almost there yet???? Julia, I'm so sorry your ankle is still hurting. Bad ankle! I hope it feels better soon! Mike, glad to have provided your daily entertainment. Today Baby Pince was doing the same charms, except this time he used a wand made of Legos chained together to about a inch length. He's also started using "Bespecto Patronum! Marie, hope Shayla feels better soon too. It's great that her meds are helping so well! About that proposal to outlaw the big baggy pants: I was wondering what they're going to do about all the plumbers, etc.?

The guy who was over here on his hands and knees hooking up the cable line for my new ISP the other day would've been arrested for sure! However, I did once see a "public service announcement" or some such that demonstrated a perfectly normal-looking teen wearing those type of pants, and then he started pulling out an arsenal of weapons which he had stashed therein. I was absolutely amazed at what could be concealed in there. So perhaps that has something to do with the proposed law?

Except that Virginia has a "right-to-carry" law, too, so I don't know I've been moping around the house most of the day nursing a sore throat and general malaise. I didn't even feel like reading, and that is saying something. I have been re-reading OoP, and I am finding that I am not nearly as annoyed by Harry's attitude as I was the first time around. I think the last time I was so pumped up by the ending of GoF and was thinking "Hooray! Now they're really going to get down to brass tacks and start battling Voldemort! How silly of me. Anyway, now I'm enjoying this re-reading much more.

As far as skunks go, I can't imagine never having smelled on before. In the spring, you can rarely drive on ANY 2 lane or larger highway in Michigan without smelling a skunk at least every other day. WHen I used to park my car in Ann Arbor, I used to see them near the cemetary and arboretum as I was walking back to my dorm. I would, of course cross to the other side of the road as to avoid it I have also heard of the tomato juice bath from my grandma, I would also suggest vinegar.

It gets out a lot of other amonia-based smells.

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I think I have decided to give up soda pop for fellow midwesterners Which is really difficult right now, as the only beverages we have in our house are pop, and our water is of very poor quality here. It also appears that I was the only one in my family that celebrated fat Tuesday by eating Packi's yesterday. Oh well, their loss. Finally, I am heading out to Vegas tomorrow night!

My parents are taking my husband and I out there for our anniversary, which is Monday. I'm so geeked!

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I haven't been to Vegas since I was 11, and in all honesty, it wasn't a whole lot of fun then, as I couldn't do much. I'm dying to see the Treasure Island street show again. Who knows, maybe we'll even get to eat at Bobby Flay's Grill I doubt it though. Okay, well, off to go pack.

Have a great weekend everyone! What would happen if you were wearing reasonbly waisted pants, but high waisted underwear? Or if the waistband on your pants simply is too big for you though the rest of the jeans fit fine , and thus shows you underwear when you sit down? I used to have both of these problems in high school, but I never wore ridiculously low-riders.

Madame Pince, maybe I misunderstood the news, but I was assuming that the law was for people who wore the extremely tight-fitting, low-cut pants that showed off your tush. I totally agree with the people who wear their pants 5 sizes too big and hanging off their tushes, though. THat drive me nuts. I'll be sitting in the mall, watching people go by, and I always find one or two guys that I swear their pants are about to fall off. That's quite the ultimate threat for teenagers.

I hope everyone is doing well today. It now goes to the state Senate. Gina R Snape - Feb 9, pm of Wow. In NYC it's the trend for some girls to wear very tight low-waist jeans with the straps of their underwear usually they type with the letter 'G' deliberately hiked up over their hips I am not one of them You could never outlaw the visibility of underwear here! Someone, was it Barb?

Long live the white sale at Macy's! I got embroidered sheets and 'bed in a bag' including that blanket for cheap cheap cheap! I am surprised, but nobody noticed my copy of GoF on the windowsill behind Faberge. Anyway, I'm in a good mood today.

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Weird, huh? Since JKR hasn't seen fit to legislate wizards' display of underpants, I will restrain myself. Currently, our Humane Society has TV spots once weekly, but I think that radio adverts would do the trick as well, at least with alerting people to our very presence and location. I welcome your input. It's raining now, then all the water on the ground is going to freeze and become ice. Then it is going to snow. I've heard everything from to inches.

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Dude, I'm on crutches for G-d sake! How am I supposed to move?! OK, rant over. We now return to your regurlarly sort of scheduled chat. Please do be careful while you're hobbling around out there -- you don't want anything else broken! Gina, that was me who had the similar bed linens. I wrote a whole paragraph on the "underwear law," but I just deleted it because of Forum philosophy. Also, well really, it's just kind of ridiculous, isn't it? Catherine, JKR did write about Sirius exposing Snape's greying undies, and also the poor Muggles at the Cup, although no laws were passed!

Yohji, Or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love The Looser Fit (Yohji Yamamoto Thread)

But I don't suppose that would mean we could go onto that tangent too much, except to say that it seems that Jo is not much in favor of viewing people's underthings. Duke beat Carolina !!!! That was a great game! Julia, I'm sorry about the snow. I guess I don't have to tell you to be careful. Too bad you can't just ride your broom to class! I'll be thinking about you tomorrow.

Oh, well, I just wanted to tell you, Denise, that I was looking over the Survivor contestants' previews, and I hate to tell you, but I'm thinking your Katie might not go too far Double shoot, I should've watched that game, Accio! Sounds like a good one! I'm always caught unawares by everyone walking around with such dirty foreheads. Had to tell my husband and son to stay off the good furniture until they get cleaned up tomorrow.

So now we start Lent. I was going to prepare ribs tonight before I remembered--no meat. I think I'm going to have to break out my fish cakes recipe. Mmmmmm, fish cakes. Say it with me now, Old Bay Seasoning. Everything's tastier with Old Bay. I don't know what I'm going to give up for Lent, but I better think of something And for those who weighed in, I still haven't sated my desire to educate my son's vocabulary-challenged teacher. But I will! Sirius - Feb 9, pm of Julia don't panic, well not just yet anyway. They now think it will likely stay all-rain in Connecticut.

Oh Marie, I'm glad the medication has worked for you and Shayla. We have one more trip to the naturalpath, and if we don't get marked results I think we are going to try traditional drugs. Gina so sorry about Faberge, my last 2 cast needed lots of medical care towards the end one had diabetes and the have kidney failure. You just want to whatever you can to make them comfortable and pain free. I remember the skunk episode of the Partridge family.