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20/20 Leadership Lessons: Seeing Visions and Focusing on Reality [Dr Cedrick D Bridgeforth] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. This book.
Table of contents

Download KB Jun. In Acts 15, we find a description of how this conflict was handled with the result of being an encouraged and strengthened church vs. Jesus' teaching on forgiveness challenges us to face our own inner struggle with pardoning people who may not even be remorseful. Nonetheless, we are to forgive. On the day Jesus rose from the dead, He came up from behind two of His followers as they were walking to their home. These two had heavy hearts, thinking He was still dead. They didn't recognize Jesus until He joined them for a meal and "broke bread" with them. Everything Jesus claimed about Himself was true.

Download KB Apr. When this did not happen, the same crowd singing Jesus' praise on Palm Sunday was shouting "Crucify Him! These people wanted Jesus as a military conqueror, not as Bread of Life.

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In these weeks leading up to Easter, we are exploring what it means that Jesus is the Bread of Life, using various ingredients of bread as doorways to deepen our understanding. Today we will look at how the ingredient of yeast speaks to the transforming power of God.

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Today we will look at how the ingredient of honey ex. Download KB Mar. Today, we will look at how the ingredient of salt can inform and challenge our walk with God.

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Their experiences can strengthen and encourage us to keep a healthy perspective as we live our faith both deep and wide. Download KB Feb. In announcing the birth of Christ, the angels declared that His coming to earth was news of great joy which can be defined as the experience of gladness or well-being. What is it about the coming of Jesus that offers true joy?

As Jesus' love caused Him to move outward, today we'll see how His early followers followed His examples Acts and also moved outward in expressing and extending His love. Where they saw a man who had grown materially successful without any regard to God, Jesus saw real inner need. This contrast confronts us with some important questions as we find ourselves living among many people who are doing well by culture's standards, yet seem disinterested or even resistant with regard to God. Today we focus on a scene where Jesus was invited to the home of a respectable Pharisee.

While He was there, a very disreputable woman showed up and created quite the scene by washing his feet with her hair. This scandalous act caused Jesus' host to react in negative judgement toward the woman and toward Jesus. Jesus response to them both reveals a lot about the kind of perspective he desires to grow in those who walk with him. Truly, walking with Jesus impacts our eyesight. Must we choose between faith and evidence? We are glad you have joined us for Kickoff Sunday. Today, we launch our ministry year by focusing on the new statement of our chuech's values.

Download KB. August 4, - When Life is Hard July 28, - Making Space for God We live in a world that is filled with clutter, distraction, and misplaced priorities.

Vision 2020+: A Future to Be Built

July 21, - A Deep and Wide Heart As Paul was on his way to Jerusalem, fully aware it would lead to life-threatening danger, he gathered the leaders of the church in Ephesus and shared his heart with them in a tearful good-bye. July 14, - Deep and Wide Together As Paul begins a difficult journey to Jerusalem, he does so in a context of godly encouragement Acts 20; 1, 2, June 16, - Prayer as a Plunge As we continue our journey through the book of Acts, we come to the familiar story of Paul and Silas in a Philippian jail.

June 9, - Entering the Mystery of Worship Today we're looking at what it means to enter into the mystery of worship as we look at two different versions of the throne room, written about years apart. May 26, Going wide, where do I start? May 12, - Navigating Through Conflict As the Church expands in its early years, a serious conflict arose regarding a person's need to be circumcised according to Jewish law in order to be truly saved brought into relationship with God.

April 28, - Forgiveness Forgiveness is key to us being the people God created us to be. April 21, - The Bakery Is Open! Lyle Buyer Download KB. Walking with Jesus through Suburban Neighbourhoods In telling this story, Luke pays significant attention to the contrast between Jesus' view of Zacchaeus and that of the crowd.

How has Emmanuel seen himself scale in his role as CEO? What have been the most challenging element to scale into? How did Emmanuel get through them and what does he do to mitigate them now? Why did David feel now was the right time to raise external funding after 10 years of self-funding? How has taking on external capital changed his investing mindset?

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Does David believe investors can change the trajectory of a company? Where can they help the most? Where do many think they help but they actually do not? Why does David believe that founders do not speak openly about bad experiences with VCs? Do founders really want direct and honest feedback?

Is it actually damaging to give it to them? How does David approach this? Why was it not interesting for a while? How does that mean David is approaching the category? Is David concerned by the state of CACs today? What are the key signals? Before that Jason founded Bask, a company providing both technical support and pro-active maintenance.

How Jason came to change the world of consumer finance with Tally having spent 5 years in the solar financing sector and even a year in venture? Does Jason believe that founders should always be raising? What is the right way to truly determine whether an investor is aligned to your mission? What should you look for in how they behave and speak? How does Jason like to build relationships with investors pre-term sheet? Is Jason concerned by the compressed fundraising timelines today? Why does Jason believe that VC funded companies are largely not over-priced?

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What elements of the macro-economy does Jason attribute as the reason for the high valuations today? Why does Jason believe that we should not celebrate new fundraising? Is the celebration not good for the morale of the team? What should we celebrate instead?

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  3. Meet the Experts;
  4. Why does Jason believe that the target for investors is they provide no value? What are you looking to avoid? What are the core ways an investor can damage the success of a company? What can founders do to truly extract the most from their investor base? Does Jason believe one should focus on the VC partner or the firm? What does Jason believe makes the best board members? What advice would Jason give to new board members on how they can truly be the best board member? Why does Jason do onboarding sessions for all new board members?

    What does he look to instil in this process? What behaviour at the board should not be tolerated? How should the founder communicate this to their investor? How did Josh make his way into the world of startups at the age of just 15? How did that lead to becoming the youngest YC founder ever? How does Josh think about capital efficiency today?

    How does Josh advise his portfolio today on raising big rounds? Capital efficiency?

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