Geophysical Data Analysis: Discrete Inverse Theory (International Geophysics)

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Table of contents

The Unit Covariance Matrix. Resolution and Covariance of Some Generalized Inverses. Measures of Goodness of Resolution and Covariance. Generalized Inverses with Good Resolution and Covariance.

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Sidelobes and the Backus-Gilbert Spread Function. Including the Covariance Size. The Trade-off of Resolution and Variance. Maximum Likelihood for an Exact Theory. The General Linear, Gaussian Case. Equivalence of the Three Viewpoints. Derivation of the Formulas of Section 5. Null Vectors of a Simple Inverse Problem.

Localized Averages of Model Parameters. Relationship to the Resolution Matrix. The Solution of the Mixed-Determined Problem. Derivation of the Singular-Value Decomposition. Simplifying Linear Equality and Inequality Constraints. It includes detailed discussion of application of inverse theory to tectonic, gravitational and geomagnetic studies. Nielsen Book Data Publication date Series International geophysics series ; v. Browse related items Start at call number: Nonlinear Dynamical Systems and Control. Discrete Fourier and Wavelet Transforms. Cellular Automata And Complexity.

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Least Squares Data Fitting with Applications. Discrete Stochastic Processes and Optimal Filtering. Information-Based Inversion and Processing with Applications. Nonlinear Least Squares for Inverse Problems. Basics of Geological Remote Sensing. The Global Carbon Cycle. Detection of Signals in Noise. Introduction to Applied Linear Algebra. Computational Methods for Physicists. Lagrangian Modeling of the Atmosphere. Functional Equations in Applied Sciences. Soft Plate and Impact Tectonics. Laser Scanning Applications in Landslide Assessment. Probability Concepts and Theory for Engineers. The Mw 7.

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Numerical Models for Differential Problems. Fluid Dynamics for Global Environmental Studies. Forensic Seismology and Nuclear Test Bans.

A Wavelet Tour of Signal Processing. Principles of Electromagnetic Methods in Surface Geophysics. Data Analysis Techniques for Physical Scientists.

Geophysical Data Analysis: Discrete Inverse Theory: Volume 45 : MATLAB Edition

Dynamic Probabilistic Systems, Volume I. Modern Solvers for Helmholtz Problems. Turbulence in the Solar Wind. Mathematics of Energy and Climate Change. Risk, Media and Stigma. Scaling, Fractals and Wavelets. Environmental Data Analysis with MatLab.

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