A Hanukah Story (Jewish Stories)

The Chanukah Story (Audio). by Chaim Clorfene and Simcha Gottlieb. This action-filled radio play portrays the miracle of Chanukah as a victory of Jewish spirit.
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This new big candle holder was brought in for its annual cleaning and polishing.

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The little Hanukiyah shook with joy as it looked at the new candle holder. It was enormous — it must have stood 4 feet high and its arms stretched 3 feet across. It looked so beautiful and proud, standing there tall and straight. The little Hanukiyah just stood there and stared at it all day long. Then, the large Hanukiyah looked around finally spotting the little dusty, cobweb covered Hanukiyah that was sitting up high.

The large Hanukiyah smiled and they began to talk. Why are we different? The large Hanukiyah stood quietly for a moment before it began to speak. In time, the foreign rulers became crueler and they forced the people to adopt a new religion.

But the people would not have it. They believed in freedom and that no once could force another how to think or believe. They tried everything to convince the foreign rulers that freedom was important to them. Finally, from among the people a small army arose who were willing to fight for freedom.

My Yellow Sticky Hanukkah

Though fighting is not the best way to solve a problem, in this situation it was the only way. Because of their courage, dedication, and belief that what they were fighting for was right, they eventually won. After winning the war, these people rededicated their temple — and held a celebration which lasted eight days.

You and I are the special candle-holders which they use for those 8 nights. But, one question — that all sounds really good — but if this celebration lasts for 8 days — why do we have 9 places for candles? And just then, the shopkeeper opened the door and entered the store.

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And the shopkeeper had no idea that the two of them had talked the night away. Yom Kippur in Bergen Belsen. It was remission that was so difficult. Chanukah in the Soviet Gulag by Natan Sharansky.

Hanukkah Stories

Chanukah in Iowa by Miriam Meir I was the only Jewish child in the auditorium, and sometimes felt I was the only Jewish girl in the entire world. A Jewish Child on Christmas by Sarah Shapiro My parents succeeded in creating a wonderful Christmas - yet inside me something was amiss. The Candles and the Tree by Rabbi Yonason Goldson A child who sees no difference between the flames of the menorah and the twinkling lights of the tree.

Most Popular In Chanukah. History Crash Course Revolt of the Maccabees. They worked for days to make sure that everything would be just as it should be, so that the spirit of the Sabbath would descend as it never had before. The Clotheslines This tale is about a woman who lived in the Old City of Jerusalem about a century ago. Washing clothes for a family then was a chore of almost unimaginable difficulty. So after six hours of backbreaking labor, this pious housewife hung her laundry out to dry in the sun, on two clotheslines that were stretched between poles and went the whole length of the courtyard.

An innocent Jew is being held by the local authorities. Let us take up a collection, to give the officials the sum they demand for his release.

  1. The Forgotten Hanukiyah | Hanukkah for Kids | Our Jewish Community.
  2. Beneath the Sassafras.
  3. The Bible in History: How the Texts Have Shaped the Times.
  4. Chanukah Stories.
  5. A Hanukkah Children’s Story.
  6. Hanukkah Stories: From Holiday Stories at leondumoulin.nl!

The five boys and girls sitting at the table waited eagerly for the last question. This was the final round of the citywide spelling contest. These five boys and girls had spelled their way through almost an hour of increasingly difficult words. In the previous round they had all successfully spelled antidisestablishmentarianism.

The five of them were the best spellers in the city. They knew all the spelling rules, and all of them read a great many books.

Seeing More with One Eye

What word could the judges ask that would be so hard to spell, that only one of the five would come up as the winner? First, they began to whisper to one another. Then they began to argue. After a few minutes they started shouting at one another. The best person to get would be a rabbi.

Which rabbi shall we ask? An hour later, four rabbis and a priest had gathered together with the judges.

Chanukah Stories: A Magical Latke Story

Jews believe that there are several different ways of thinking about God. If we have more than one way to think about God, who is very important, why should we have only one way to spell Hanukkah, which is much less important than God?

However, in my opinion, the best spelling would be one that has eight letters in it, since there are eight days to Hannukah. Every Jew should pay attention to the teachings of the Torah and our tradition; to the teachings of your rabbi; and to what the majority of the people in your community are doing.

But within the teachings of Torah and tradition, there are many honest differences and opinions. For example, 2, years ago there was a debate between two learned rabbis.