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Consider changing the search query. List is empty. Account Log in Registration. In Stock. Emily's dad is in Mongolia, helping to set up a new project to help endangered snow leopards in the area. When Emily goes to visit him at half term, she can't believe her luck when she makes friends with snow leopard cub, Leo.

With the help of local boy Bataar, can Emily show the villagers that there's a way to live peacefully with the leopards? Very Good Good Well Read. Qty: Add to cart. When Emily goes to visit him at half term, she can't believe her luck when she makes friends with adorable snow leopard cub, Leo. But not everyone is as pleased that the leopards are making themselves at home. Our excellent value books literally don't cost the earth. Anne Cervantes created our project letterhead. John and Ellen Sanger provided their house for my back-to-Nepal fund-raiser, and John provided the computer on which this book was produced.

All our friends gave us their unstinting support and encouragement: They came willingly to our food packing parties , they wrote us letters, knowing they may never reach us, and they dug into their pockets or wrote personal checks to help us keep the project going.

Of all that life has given, this abundance of friends and family is our most treasured gift. Alan Rabinowitz, author of Jaguar an Arbor House book about his radio-tracking study of jaguars in Central America , introduced me to his editor, James Raimes, an introduction that led to my publishing contract. My agent, Carl Brandt, has provided a much-needed voice of experience and wise judgment throughout. Jerry Gross, rich in editorial experience, has been my writing guru while offering constructive and insightful direction.

Finally, I want to emphasize again the role of our expedition team. Consistently true to his heart and his beliefs, Karan Shah weathered the hardships and conflicts without compromise in his own style. I hope that he, like Rod, Gary, and myself, feels richer for having known the Langu, and looks back on his experiences with the same good feelings about having known one another. All the funding in the world would not have made the study possible without the Sherpas.

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We simply could not have lived in the Langu without their help. Working on the Snow Leopard Project was arguably the least desirable job any of them could have been offered, and yet having once made the commitment, they stuck to it, often going out of their way to see to our comfort, our safety, or, happily for us, to our entertainment when times were hard. To Lopsang, Nema Nurbu, and Kirken we extend our heartfelt gratitude. Karma, likely never to see or have this read to him, was to me like a younger brother. He might have been considered gifted in our society—exceptionally bright, motivated, and quick to learn.

He is instead the proverbial opportunist, always alert for the soft-scam. I doubt he'll ever change; I hope he lives a long, prosperous, and, above all, free life. I haven't thanked Rod or Gary; I can only hope these pages say for me what ordinary words cannot. Choosing a title was more difficult than one might think. Of our equipment sponsors, several have made especially significant contributions. Over the project's duration, Hain Pure Food Company provided hundreds of dollars' worth of lightweight, nutritious soups, seasonings, and fast-cooking prepared dinners.

REI also supplied the seat harnesses for our cable bridges and made a much-appreciated funding appeal for our project in their quarterly newsletter. Nikon, Inc. Bushnell provided spotting scopes and binoculars.

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Cascade Designs of Seattle gave us our treasured Therm-a-Rest mattresses. We did not know one another then. I was a secretary, thirty years old, working in an engineering firm in San Francisco. Before our study, most of what was known about the snow leopard in its natural habitat was guesswork. Beginning in and continuing into the s, the renowned field biologist George B. Schaller had conducted a series of expeditions throughout the Himalayas.

He later wrote, in Stones of Silence:. I met many animals, marmots and wolves and high altitude birds. But none possessed me as did the snow leopard, a rare and elusive creature which lured me on, only seldom permitting a glimpse. He devised a plan to study the cats while continuing his observations of the sheep and goats. The old naturalistic techniques of following tracks, examining feces, and glimpsing an occasional animal were obviously not the best means of studying the habits of this cat.

If I could place a radio transmitter mounted on a collar around the necks of several individuals, I would be able to locate them by picking up the signals on a receiving set. But the study never took place. Seven snow leopards in and around the Chitral Valley were shot between and The traps that were set to catch and radio-collar any survivors remained empty until at last Schaller gave up, expressing his bitter disappointment:. Markhor may still scamper over the precipices of the Chitral Gol and chukor may cackle among the sagebrush, but one of my dreams vanished with the last snow leopard.

He invited Peter Matthiessen to join him. Naturally, they planned to look for signs of snow leopards. In the introduction to his book The Snow Leopard, Matthiessen wrote:. But only when leaving the study area did Schaller briefly see a cat.

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In the time Peter Matthiessen spent in Dolpo, his hope to see one never materialized. No one knows how many snow leopards may be left in the world. They are still being killed in retaliation for livestock raids, to supply the demands of wealthy Westerners for fur coats despite fur-trade bans , or simply to prove the prowess of the hunter.

But they also face an even more lethal threat, for the mountains themselves are at critical risk. The clearing of increasingly marginal land for agriculture, wood, and fodder, and the overgrazing of high-altitude pastures accelerate massive erosion. It is an inexorable, ongoing occurrence in the geologically young Himalayas. Measures are desperately needed to reverse environmental trends that will, if allowed to continue, have a much farther-reaching effect than just the extinction of the snow leopard.

Here the cats can play an unwitting but vital role. Within their ideal habitat they are at the top of the chain, living on the native ungulates or hoofed mammals , as well as smaller mammals such as marmots and pikas where they occur, and even game birds. Snow leopards are therefore dependent on a healthy population of prey, which in turn is dependent on a variety of plants. Where all of these interdependent species occur in numbers, you have a healthy mountain ecosystem. Born in South Africa on January 19, , Rod Jackson spent his childhood in the bush surrounding his home, searching for and finding pugmarks, or tracks, of leopard and antelope in the dusty yellow earth.

As he grew up, he focused his studies on the animals, reading every account of early African exploration he could get his hands on, dreaming of the day he might fulfill his destiny as a wildlife researcher in the African forests and savannas. Rod, then a Rhodesian resident, was attending the University of Rhodesia in when the country, led by Ian Smith, declared unilateral independence from Britain.

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It was to be a futile effort to stave off majority black rule. Facing imminent army induction, he decided his only option to avoid being forced to fight those whom he felt had legitimate rights was to leave the country. He had been working for several years as a wildlife biologist when he attended a lecture that would change the course of his life.

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Rod agreed with Tyson that the area seemed more than likely to support snow leopards. He decided to go to Nepal in , to see if he could find and photograph the beautiful, haunting, and mysterious cat.

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During the few weeks that Rod spent that fall and winter in the Langu, he had little trouble finding evidence of the big cats. Abundant tracks, scraped depressions in the soil, and numerous droppings were ample sign that several leopards lived in the gorge. He bought a goat and staked it out. In theory, the leopard would kill the goat under cover of darkness and still be there early in the morning when Rod would approach, cautiously, with his camera.