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Thieving Fear [Ramsey Campbell] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Charlotte Nolan and her cousins may not have ended up in the jobs.
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That Four friends camped at the coast as youngsters, and had a very bad night's sleep. That could easily have provided the inspiration for this book. Why don't they talk to each other? What if they can't?

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What if something is stopping them? So it's all about characters who talk at cross-purposes, mishear and misconstrue words, and run everything through the filter of their own misery. In short, it's extremely realistic! But it makes this a profoundly miserable and often frustrating reading experience, but a brilliant one. I haven't read anything so determined to make and unafraid of making the reader miserable since Dostoevskys's Notes from the Underground!

For example, it begins with one lead being unfairly accused of racism in an employment tribunal The weak point of human society and relationships or maybe the thing that makes society possible! It was very ambitious and difficult - you'd have thought it the work of a angry young man, if it wasn't for the absolute confidence of every word.

I loved it. Except for one thing, that is: the absence of commas before speech.

I read an afterword by Campbell to one of his books where he had a little rant about small-minded proofreaders adding commas to his work. It's easy to overdo them, but they're generally useful and their absence in some circumstances causes confusion. The problem here is that if someone's talking, it says something like: he said "Goodbye to the world".

The comma that should appear after "said" tells you something, it tells you to break what follows off from the descriptive text, it's a separate utterance by a different person, the character instead of the narrator. Its total absence in this book means the reader must constantly back up after realising some speech is being reported.

Book Review: Thieving Fear by Ramsey Campbell

Yes, it's a little thing, but it isn't half infuriating, and in at least one place here it is difficult to be sure whether the text within the quote marks has even been said. Maybe it's a small thing, but if you're going to leave out that comma, why use a comma at the end of speech instead of a full stop, which is just as much of a convention rather than a necessity? For that matter, why use quotes at all? French novels get by with just a nice big dash. They're all just conventions that are there to help the reader, and omitting them is like leaving marbles on the stairs of your story.

Somehow, I survived the absence of commas to finish Thieving Fear, the last of the BFA-nominated novels, just an hour before the close of voting. Well, if that's not his best, I've got some good reading ahead of me! I suppose I was hit with all his good qualities at once, whereas an existing fan would compare it as much to his previous works as to the other nominees, but for me this was in a different league to the rest though I think the best individual scene of any of the novels was in Rain Dogs, in the flooded estate, with the creatures coming up out of the water to tear people apart.

A dead occultist makes life complicated for four cousins in Thieving Fear , a novel by Ramsey Campbell. Like Campbell's The Grin of the Dark , Thieving Fear also features characters who have their perception of reality severely impaired by a supernatural force.

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  • Thieving Fear.

The story starts with Charlotte , Ellen , Hugh and Rory camping as youngsters at a site they later learn was the location of a house owned by a notorious magician. During the night they have nightmares and Charlotte almost walks A dead occultist makes life complicated for four cousins in Thieving Fear , a novel by Ramsey Campbell.

During the night they have nightmares and Charlotte almost walks off a cliff. Years later, the four begin exhibiting strange symptoms, alternately ridiculous and horrific, in true Campbell style; Hugh loses his sense of direction, Charlotte gets claustrophobic, Rory loses his vision and Ellen begins to think she's disgustingly fat.

Also, a thin shadow of a man always seems to lurk somewhere near. Ultimately they trace the events back to that one night in their youth, and discover the dark secrets buried inside the cliff. It's all about the characters in this one, their experiences as their senses fail and their reality unravels in everyday situations. The downside is that the plot becomes secondary; there isn't much of a one, and even the adversary is handled as little more than a flitting shadow.

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As a result Thieving Fear doesn't quite have the impact of its immediate predecessor; The Grin of the Dark had the mystery of silent film comedian Tubby Thackeray going for it, giving the readers some good, firm plot to grab onto. The subplots about Ellen's position at a care home and Hugh's job at a supermarket are tickly good fun, with some wickedly unpleasant supporting characters. Ellen's foray into the publishing world with Charlotte as her editor also makes for a fun read, with anecdotes that are possibly drawn from experience.

Campbell's sharp writing keeps things interesting, but the going does get quite frustrating in the middle, with all the characters suffering from some impediment or other. The end, however, rewards the reader with a nice, weird twist and great imagery. As a whole Thieving Fear is a low-key affair, but it does deliver where it counts.

Thieving Fear - AbeBooks - Campbell, Ramsey:

Read all my reviews at mikareadshorrorfiction. Dec 22, Leah Bayer rated it it was ok. Ramsey Campbell perplexes me. He has written some of my absolute favorite horror books, like Incarnate , and then he writes utterly forgettable works like this. A book that feels dull, lifeless and stretched-out. It wasn't absolutely terrible, but it wasn't great either. Heck, it wasn't even middle-of-the-road good. It's one of those books whose plot and characters start drifting out of your mind the second you put it down.

Which is a shame, because view spoiler [the buried house of the magician Ramsey Campbell perplexes me. Which is a shame, because view spoiler [the buried house of the magician hide spoiler ] had so much potential. And honestly, in a different book Campbell would have pulled it off. But with a glaring lack of tension or fear, I hesitate to even call this horror. More like "ever-so-slightly interesting story of a weird family. Nov 04, Naomi rated it did not like it.

Thieving Fear

I have to be honest with the reader of this review. This book did absolutely nothing for me. I found myself pushing it aside for other books and had I not been reviewing it for Netgalley, I probably would have continued to push it aside. I finally forced myself to finish it because my time was elapsing that I had to review the book. I agree with what other reviewers on Netgalley have stated about the characters and storyline being very superficially written. I just was unable to get sucked into I have to be honest with the reader of this review.

I just was unable to get sucked into the story Dec 20, Citoongirl rated it it was ok Shelves: library , This was either two or three stars, but has fallen on the side of two as in all conscience I wouldn't recommend it to a friend. I was intrigued by two conflicting reviews, one saying it picked up halfway through, and one saying it fell away at the same point - would I find the same as either of them?

Well, I hoped it would pick up, as it was slow to start It had some moments, and occasionally got close to the suffocating terror that Campbell evokes This was either two or three stars, but has fallen on the side of two as in all conscience I wouldn't recommend it to a friend. It had some moments, and occasionally got close to the suffocating terror that Campbell evokes on top form, but those moments are few and far between. Sep 05, Jonathan Oliver rated it liked it.

This being Ramsey Campbell, an absolute master of horror and a good writer in any genre, period, Thieving Fear is well worth reading. However, I wouldn't place it amongst Campbell's strongest work The Grin of the Dark, Incarnate, The Influence etc as it feels a little ponderous at times. For sure, the build-up of tension is well-handled, though there is a little too much of it. The denouement is terrific and a novel take on an old old trope. So, worth checking out but not amongst the strongest This being Ramsey Campbell, an absolute master of horror and a good writer in any genre, period, Thieving Fear is well worth reading.

So, worth checking out but not amongst the strongest novels by Campbell. May 03, Eric Hart rated it liked it. Halway through it really kicks into gear. Campbell is on top form at extracting surreal horror and desperation from everyday situations. Maybe it would have been tighter shortened as a novella, or had the theme of nightmares bertter developed as a longer novel.

The central theme is not as well developed as, say in the recent The Grin of the Dark. Maybe it lacked better editing, ironic as one of the main characters is an editor. But still, as usual with Campbell, it's an engrossing, quick read. Oct 03, Alan Toner rated it did not like it. I was very disappointed with Thieving Fear. It started off promising enough, but then got progressively slow and dull and boring. If you want a good, gripping, fast paced horror story, then I am afraid you will not find it here.

And the ending was very puzzling and vague, and somewhat anti-climactic. Dec 13, Jacqueline Mulligan rated it it was ok.