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Unlike these sources, The Pleasures of Memory is written in elegant couplets. The lineaments of the Il Penseroso are also visible, as in the concluding "resolve.
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With the help of special dyes which highlighted cells that had been active, the team could now see which networks of neurons corresponded to either the pleasurable or fearful experience.

See-through brains reveal memory pathways for pleasure and fear

While both types of memory were laid down in the medial prefrontal cortex , they were stored along different pathways or axonal projections, which connected to different regions elsewhere in the mouse brain see above. Their finding could have implications for treating mental health disorders, says Deisseroth.

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Some drugs, as well as transcranial magnetic stimulation, already target the prefrontal cortex. Teasing apart different brain pathways in this way is a huge technological advance, says Joff Lee at the University of Birmingham, UK.

The Pleasure of Memory: Samuel Rogers: leondumoulin.nl: Books

He agrees that the finding might lead to better treatments. Without targeting these particular neurons, it is possible that drugs intended to reduce fear may inadvertently also affect how we process pleasure, Lee says.

Rocky Mountain Review of Language and Literature

But as Jonas undergoes his training, he learns that just as there is no pain without memory, there is also no true happiness. Related to the theme of memory is the idea that there can be no pleasure without pain and no pain without pleasure. No matter how delightful an experience is, you cannot value the pleasure it gives you unless you have some memory of a time when you have suffered. Similarly, they do not feel pain or grief because they do not appreciate the true wonder of life: death is not tragic to them because life is not precious. When Jonas receives memories from the Giver, the memories of pain open him to the idea of love and comfort as much as the memories of pleasure do.

Pleasure of knowing

At the Ceremony of Twelve, the community celebrates the differences between the twelve-year-old children for the first time in their lives. For many children, twelve is an age when they are struggling to carve out a distinct identity for themselves, differentiating themselves from their parents and peers. The novel can even be seen as an allegory for this process of maturation: twelve-year-old Jonas rejects a society where everyone is the same to follow his own path.

The novel encourages readers to celebrate differences instead of disparaging them or pretending they do not exist. Pointedly, the community has rules instead of laws.

In this sense, the relationship between the government of the community to its citizens is that of an authoritative parent instead of a governing body. Within the novel, rituals tend to surround the moments in which community members can express limited emotions, such as dreams, aging, and death.

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These rituals almost always work to expel the emotions involved. Other rituals, like the Ceremony of Loss or the morning dream-telling, also work to erase uncomfortable emotions, such as the grief of losing a community member or the confusing sexual longing in an erotic dream like the one Jonas has. Community members even ritualize the process of apologizing, requiring that after an apology, the wronged party must accept the apology and erase any feeling of wrongdoing.

The calming effect of these rituals prevents people from fully experiencing the limited emotions they can feel within the community.