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The Fruit Files: Can You Spot the Clues to How These Fruits Feel? Kindle Edition. Find all the books, read about the author, and more. Understanding human emotions can be difficult! This feeling detective book can help you learn to find the clues about how people are feeling!
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Chucking the many different hunter—gather diets into a blender to come up with some kind of quintessential smoothie is a little ridiculous. What is remarkable about human beings is the extraordinary variety of what we eat. We have been able to thrive in almost every ecosystem on the Earth, consuming diets ranging from almost all animal foods among populations of the Arctic to primarily tubers and cereal grains among populations in the high Andes.

Closely examining one group of modern hunter—gatherers—the Hiwi—reveals how much variation exists within the diet of a single small foraging society and deflates the notion that hunter—gatherers have impeccable health. Such examination also makes obvious the immense gap between a genuine community of foragers and Paleo dieters living in modern cities, selectively shopping at farmers' markets and making sure the dressing on their house salad is gluten, sugar and dairy free.

Illustration by Marissa Fessenden. By latest count, about Hiwi live in palm thatched huts in Colombia and Venezuela. Vast grasslands with belts of forest, these savannas receive plenty of rain between May and November.

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From January through March, however, precipitation is rare: the grasses shrivel, while lakes and lagoons evaporate. Fish trapped in shrinking pools of water are easy targets for caiman, capybaras and turtles. In turn, the desiccating lakes become prime hunting territory for the Hiwi. During the wet season, however, the Hiwi mainly hunt for animals in the forest, using bows and arrows. The Hiwi gather and hunt a diverse group of plants and animals from the savannas, forests, rivers and swamps.

Their main sources of meat are capybara, collared peccary, deer, anteater, armadillo, and feral cattle, numerous species of fish, and at least some turtle species. Less commonly consumed animals include iguanas and savanna lizards, wild rabbits, and many birds. Not exactly the kind of meat Paleo dieters and others in urban areas can easily obtain. Five roots, both bitter and sweet, are staples in the Hiwi diet, as are palm nuts and palm hearts, several different fruits, a wild legume named Campsiandra comosa , and honey produced by several bee species and sometimes by wasps.

A few Hiwi families tend small, scattered and largely unproductive fields of plantains, corn and squash. At neighboring cattle ranches in a town about 30 kilometers away, some Hiwi buy rice, noodles, corn flour and sugar. Anthropologists and tourists have also given the Hiwi similar processed foods as gifts see illustration at top. Hill and Hurtado calculated that foods hunted and collected in the wild account for 95 percent of the Hiwi's total caloric intake; the remaining 5 percent comes from store-bought goods as well as from fruits and squash gathered from the Hiwi's small fields.

They rely more on purchased goods during the peak of the dry season. The Hiwi are not particularly healthy. Compared to the Ache, a hunter—gatherer tribe in Paraguay, the Hiwi are shorter, thinner, more lethargic and less well nourished. Hiwi men and women of all ages constantly complain of hunger. Many Hiwi are heavily infected with parasitic hookworms, which burrow into the small intestine and feed on blood.

And only 50 percent of Hiwi children survive beyond the age of Drop Grok into the Hiwi's midst—or indeed among any modern or ancient hunter—gather society—and he would be a complete aberration. Grok cannot teach us how to live or eat; he never existed. Living off the land or restricting oneself to foods available before agriculture and industry does not guarantee good health.

The human body is not simply a collection of adaptations to life in the Paleolithic—its legacy is far greater. Each of us is a dynamic assemblage of inherited traits that have been tweaked, transformed, lost and regained since the beginning of life itself.

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Such changes have not ceased in the past 10, years. Ultimately—regardless of one's intentions—the Paleo diet is founded more on privilege than on logic. Hunter—gatherers in the Paleolithic hunted and gathered because they had to. Paleo dieters attempt to eat like hunter—gatherers because they want to.

The evolution process though is one which can be very complex. Experts are hopeful though that one day they will find additional clues that put it all into perspective for them.

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The very long wings of the Fruit Bat do much more than just allow it to fly. They also allow them to stay warm during roosting. They wrap up in those wings to conserve their body heat. They live in colonies that are very large in size because they feel safer with numbers. Inside of each colony of Fruit Bats though you will find various sub colonies. Each of them has one male and approximately eight females. They form very close bonds with their sub groups.

Carmen Miranda

There are locations throughout the world where the Fruit Bat is able to successfully thrive. They tend to live in areas that offer them plenty of food. Where you find thick forest regions with lots of fruit trees, you can be confident they are in abundance. Most of them live in warmer climates where they can take advantage of various fruits that will grow throughout the year. They may have to travel for long distances during certain times of the year in order to find food. They will make the journey back to their roost though before the sun comes up.

When the Fruit Bat roosts during the day, they do so high up in the trees. This gives them darkness and it also protects them from various predators.

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They may hide in crevices and other dark spaces as well. They will typically stay close to bodies of water. There are hundreds of known types of fruits that grow on plants and trees that the Fruit Bat is able to consume. Instead, they use their teeth to crush into the fruit. Then they will consume the nectar. They use both vision and smell to find food. Want to Read Currently Reading Read.

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