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For example: Why do Waiters wear slip-on shoes? You need an IQ of at least 4 to tie a shoelace. The genie allowed each person to bring one thing. The first friend brought a canteen so he wouldn't die of thirst. The second friend brought an umbrella to keep the sun off. The Waiter brought a car door, because if it got too hot she could just roll down the window! The instructions on the can said: "Put on two coats. Once when it is told, once when it is explained to them, and once when they understand it.

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Other books in this series. A tip for opening a bottle of beer? Are you kidding me? Customers come in, look around, we help them, they like the product, like the service, love the atmosphere. What happens then? They ask for a discount. I pay my people fairly, with room to advance, but that is my responsibility to take care of.

The success of the business only happens when those at the front-line, those that, by and large, earn the least in any and every organization — those people who are supposed to be your public face and are the lifeblood of any business — are able to do their job and be happy and treated fairly both personally and economically. But I tip at restaurants and at bars. I often forget to tip my hairdresser though. Removing the tip, and making waiting once rated as one of the most stressful jobs, because so many factors are beyond your control a minimum wage job, would send most of those people somewhere else.

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That said, how does service compare between the U. In Asia at least as well as 3rd world countries, tipping is unknown; waiters may try and return money left on the table. In Russia, tipping happens occaisonally, but is generally only done by tourists or at nice restaurants. Really, America is the one place I know where tipping is so important that we debate over tip amounts. The net effect of your action is having the waiter pay for your action. I think tipping a gas station attendent is really old school, and if it happens at all anymore probably only happens with working drivers.

A long time ago I drove a cab in Boston, and the other cabbies schooled me about tipping at gas stations. At our garage we all tipped, but I started noticing other cabbies and limo drivers doing it at other stations. These days everyone pumps their own. Which is all the more reason to tip on the rare occasion when someone else does the pumping. And only a percentage of that is claimed as income, where a percent of that goes to taxes.

When I dine out, I look around to see how many tables a server has. In my opinion, that is pretty good money for a person without any formal professional education to make! I know other places it is mandatory to have the attendant pump your gas — then it would be different. In reality what that means is that you are not paying taxes on more than half of your tip!

Not only that but they often get tax breaks based on a low reported income and expect everyone to feel sorry for them. There are also safeguards in place to ensure that servers are not over taxed. Always tip your barista! Pulling a good shot and making a good velvet foam require skill and practice, not to mention how hectic it can get behind the counter on a busy morning.

Not my problem. Try that next time. If they hail a cab, hold something unusual for me, or do something else above and beyond I tip. I almost always pump my own gas. Without thinking, I tipped the guy pumping gas two dollars or so. He was surprised but happy. When I lived in Switzerland, a guide like this one suggested only leaving the change as a tip at restaurants leaving more would be taken as an insult.

A bunch of us noisy Americans loved to eat on Sundays at a little Auberge in the countrysid. The proprieter loved to see us.

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One of the joys of tipping well is that people remember you. At most bars or restaurants where I tip well or coffee shops if I tip at all , I get much friendlier service.

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It works anywhere. USPS employees are allowed to accept certain gifts. Some grocery stores forbid tipping, and put up signage to that effect.

In other places, tipping is actively encouraged. When my husband was an enlisted guy fresh out of Basic Training and we had a new baby, he bagged at the commissary on weekends — working for tips only, they did not pay baggers — and that really helped make ends meet. In situations where tipping is discouraged or forbidden, fall back on the actual, verbal, effusive thank you. A nice tip is nice, but so is a detailed, articulate statement of appreciation for a specific service executed with grace, poise, enthusiasm, and efficiency.

Anyone who has ever worked as a waiter will agree. Over the course of the night it always averages out to much, much less than what the largest single tip was. Just a few quick notes. At least give a few bucks. Also, I work as a grocery store bagger, and we do get tips.

I worked as a gas attendant in Oregon for three months where it is illegal to pump your own gas. A dollar would suffice. I eventually stopped providing any extra services, because most of the time people even neglected to thank me for wiping their dirty windshields. Also, my girlfriend informs me that the duration of her hair washing basically, a scalp massage at the salon is directly related to the size of her tip to the stylist on the previous visit.

She also frequents the same salon. I for one think tipping in all its forms should be done away with. Include it in the bill. Believing tipping is ever mandatory sucks just as much as buying obglitory Christmas gifts.

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Would you want to recieve any gift from someone who only gave it to you because they felt they had to? Not me. A tip is a gift. Do not box yourself into preconceived notions of who you should or should not tip, or how much. This does not mean to be stingy. Give often and generously to anyone you like. Do not allow yourself to regard your tip as part of the expected compensation for any type of service. It seems to be well received.

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Most restaurant bills do not include service charges, for starters. You never tip bartenders, for instance. Any more than that is extravagant.