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"Packed with insights and action, Sunfall is a pacy and enlightening antidote to the usual dystopian drone about the unexpected consequences of technology.
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Fearful of the mass hysteria that would follow if the truth were to become known, world governments have concealed this rapidly emerging Armageddon.

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  3. Jim Al-Khalili.
  4. Endless Sunfall.
  5. Bestselling Series!

But a young Iranian computer genius stumbles across what is really going on, the secret is out, and it's a race against time to put in place an outrageous, desperate last ditch plan to save the world- to reactivate the earth's core using beams of dark matter. As a small team of brave and brilliant scientists - each a maverick in his or her own way - battle to find a way of transforming the theory into practice, they face a fanatical group intent on pursuing their own endgame agenda- for they believe mankind to be a plague upon this earth and will do anything, commit any crime, to ensure that the project fails - and so bring about humanity's end Set in a brilliantly-imagined near future world of dazzling technologies, AIs and augmented realities, eminent scientist and broadcaster Professor Jim Al-Khalili's thrilling debut novel draws on cutting edge science to tell a nail-biting story of what might be.

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Facebook Blogs and Reviews. Various disasters ensue. American Marc Bruckner and Chinese Qiang Lee are the two scientists who may have a means of stopping the next impending strike. The international nature of the cast is interesting and gives us a wider perspective on this future world. This is not typical of the Amero-centric setting of most of these type of novels.

Of course, each of the main characters have their own personal crosses to bear, which adds a human aspect to the big events going on. At the end there is even hope, which is what you perhaps need in an entertainment book in these troubled times. It is also a very Clarke-ean thing, that human intelligence and ingenuity can make life better.

One of the more interesting developments is how much the world depends upon virtual intelligence, which has consequences for events in the book. It is eminently believable.

Sunfall by Jim Al-Khalili – SFFWorld

Beyond the science, the rest of it is typical race-against-time stuff, speedily paced and rapidly executed. As is often common in many of these stories the emphasis is on plot and less on character development.

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As a non-scientist I managed to follow it and it all sounded wonderfully plausible and logical. Jim manages to balance both — not easily done and not usual in a debut fiction novel.