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This is a manifesto for our necessarily shared future. Like many illuminating histories, this one shows how issues we debate today were under contention just as vigorously decades ago, including birth control, sex education, the ways in which women can combine work and family, and the effects of 'violent entertainment' on children.

Eric Lawrence Gans

Lepore writes. Her superb narrative brings that history vividly into the present, weaving individual lives into the sweeping changes of the century. In her hands, the Wonder Woman story unpacks not only a new cultural history of feminism, but a theory of history as well.

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Besides archives and comics Lepore relies on journalism, notebooks, letters, and traces of memoir left by the principals, as well as interviews with surviving colleagues, children, and extended family. Her discipline is worthy of a first-class detective…. Lepore convinces us that we should know more about early feminists whose work Wonder Woman drew on and carried forward…. A key spotter of connections, Lepore retrieves a remarkably recognizable feminist through-line, showing us s debates about work-life balance, for example, that sound like something from The Atlantic in the past decade.

The fact that a polyamory enthusiast created her partly as a tribute to the reproductive-rights pioneer Margaret Sanger is, somehow, only the fourth or fifth most interesting thing in Ms. Again and again, she distills the figures she writes about into clean, simple, muscular prose, making unequivocal assertions that carry a faint electric charge…[and] attain a transgressive, downright badass swagger. Lepore, a Harvard prof and New Yorker writer, delves into the complicated family life of Wonder Woman's creator who invented the lie detector, BTW , examines the use of bondage in his comics, and highlights the many ways in which the beloved Amazonian princess has come to embody feminism.

Lepore has assembled a vast trove of images and deploys them cunningly. Besides a hefty full-color section of Wonder Woman art in the middle, there are dozens of black-and-white pictures scattered throughout the text. Her origins lie in the feminism of the early s, and the intertwined dramas that surrounded her creation are the stuff of pulp fiction and tabloid scandal…. It took a super-sleuth to uncover the mysteries of this intricate history, hidden from view for more than half a century.

With acrobatic research prowess, muscular narrative chops and disarming flashes of humor, Lepore rises to the challenge, bringing to light previously unknown details and deliberately obfuscated connections. Lepore restores Wonder Woman to her rightful and righteous place. And so is The Secret History , since it raises interesting questions about what motivates writers to choose the subjects of their books.

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The Secret History of Wonder Woman is its own magic lasso, one that compels history to finally tell the truth about Wonder Woman—and compels the rest of us to behold it. She acts as a sort of lie detector, but proceeds through elegant narrative rather than binary test. Sentences are poised, adverbs rare.

Each chapter is carefully shaped. At a time when few are disposed to see history as a branch of literature, Lepore occupies a prominent place in American letters. Her microhistories weave compelling lives into larger stories. A panel depicting this labor unrest is just one of scores that appear throughout Lepore's book, further amplifying the author's vivid prose.

Research Interests

Like her brother, Jane Franklin was a passionate reader, a gifted writer, and an astonishingly shrewd political commentator. Unlike him, she was a mother of twelve.

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Benjamin Franklin, who wrote more letters to his sister than he wrote to anyone else, was the original American self-made man; his sister spent her life caring for her children. They left very different traces behind. Making use of an amazing cache of little- studied material, including documents, objects, and portraits only just discovered, Jill Lepore brings Jane Franklin to life in a way that illuminates not only this one woman but an entire world—a world usually lost to history.

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Lepore, Jill. Moscow: Moscow State University Press, , Steven Ericson and Allen Hockley. Kritika Historical Studies 3. Lieven, ed.

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Siegel, eds. Westport, CT: Greenwood , Brill, , vol. Gerasimov, et al. New York: Cambridge University Press, , Moscow: Tri kvadrata, , New York: Palgrave, , Brill, , Richmond: Curzon Press, , vol. Petersburg: Multiple Faces of the Russian Empire. Moscow: ITS-Garant, , New Series , International Encyclopedia of the First World War. Kovalevsky, Travels in Africa.

Russia in the World: Travelogues and Explorations in the 19th century. Forthcoming with Amherst College Online Press. Lucerne: Luzerner Sinfonieorkester, , Rodina, no. Did the Romanovs Have a Grand Strategy?

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Buchen and M. Nikolai Danilevskii, Woe to the Victors! Lieven, Towards the Flame; M. Reynolds, Shattering Empires and S. Uyama Tomohiko, ed. Stephan Wiederkehr, Die eurasische Bewegung: Wissenschaft und Politik in der russischen Emigration der Zwischenkriegszeit und im postsowjetischen Russland in Slavic Review , John W. William C.

Josef Kreiner, ed. Primakov, Ocherki istorii Rossiiskoi vneshnei razvedki, v.

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