Guide No More Pain

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Plantar fasciitis for five? The chemistry of these situations is very different than classic acute inflammation, and involves little immune system activity. The most obvious implication of this is that medicines intended to suppress immune system activity — the anti-inflammatories — are obviously not going to work well if there's not much activity to suppress. So what of ice, then? The most basic of all anti-inflammatory treatments? Ice can relieve many kinds of pain temporarily by numbing nerve endings, of course. But does it do anything else? If ice can help a repetitive strain injury in any way beyond brief numbing, no one has ever actually proven it or shown how it might work.

But it is reasonable to speculate that icing could stimulate miscellaneous minor tissue healing processes. Most stimulation and stress, up to a point, can provoke a healthy and adaptive response — the use-it-or-lose-it principle. Stress a tissue, and it will probably get a bit tougher. Ice may simply be one of the easiest delivery systems for a bit of stimulation while simultaneously getting some temporary pain relief from numbing.

The great advantages of ice as a treatment are not its impressive biological effects — unknown and unproven!

Skin on snow:

Keep your expectations low, but there are virtually no risks, other than ice burn which takes at least a couple minutes of raw ice application, probably twice that. What if it actually made it a little worse? Could you even tell? There is actually research that shows this. Icing had no effect on recovery of strength, or any biochemical sign of inflammation. A small study, to be sure, but how good can icing be if it can generate this kind of data?

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That study was specifically focused on post-exercise muscle soreness, a very specific biological situation that is essentially impossible to treat. But this is sobering news for ice enthusiasts. Raw ice delivers more of an icy punch! This is due to the spreading of melt water into every crevice, which conducts heat more efficiently away from the skin both directly into the ice, and via evaporation.

They tend to warm up too quickly especially where the skin is hottest and needs the most icing , and they sometimes cannot shape themselves well or gently to the contours of the injured body part. There are times when they are handy or easier when the stakes are low, but for serious icing of acute injuries or a stubborn tendinitis, you really need an ice cup. The humble styrofoam cup is the cheapest and most effective injury management tool in my office and in my own home.

Illustration of how to make an ice cup. If you hold it in a towel while applying, that often helps control the drippings depending on location. In a pinch, with no cups around, just use an ice cube directly held in a dishtowel — almost as good!

Less convenient for larger areas, but nearly as effective for most uses. In fact, there are even insulated icing tools designed to be taken to the field or the mountains or wherever you think you might need ice. Slide the ice over the inflamed area in a slow but steady pattern. Continue ice massaging for 1—3 minutes, or until it is numb, whichever comes first — no more. Areas with thick tissue, like the top of the thigh, will take longer to get numb.

Thin areas, like the side of the knee, will usually go numb quickly. What does numb feel like? Just close your eyes and lightly touch the skin.

Stop icing and let the tissue warm up. You may have heard that bare ice is too cold to use directly on the skin in this way. Although a cold-sensitive person may find raw ice too uncomfortable, tissue damage can only occur after sustained icing — well after you have gone completely numb, at least 3 minutes. Icing this way can feel a bit nasty, especially at first in certain locations, but stick with it: the powerful anti-inflammatory effect is worthwhile.

In many situations, this is a much better solution than an anti-inflammatory medication. Once your tissues warm up again, you can repeat the treatment.

What ice is for

In fact, you can apply the ice as often as you like, as long as your tissues have a chance to mostly warm up between treatments. In the case of tendinitis, you can continue doing a lot of icing — many applications per day — as long as you still have symptoms, and even when you are feeling better. In the case of injuries, icing is mostly just useful while the injury is still hot, red, swollen or painful — this phase may last for a few hours or several days. When these signs begin to fade, you may be certain that you would have been stuck with them for a lot longer if you had not been icing.

If ice works at all, as a general tissue stimulant, then the benefits might be cumulative. Even if the effect is minor, it might add up.

Adults who mix cannabis with opioids for pain report higher anxiety, depression

A little quizzing usually reveals that this means that they have occasionally applied ice once or twice in a day, only when the need felt greatest. That is not really enough to know whether or not icing is going to help you. I prescribe power icing only for seriously chronic overuse injuries, especially the common tendinitises mostly tennis elbow , plantar fasciitis, some cases of carpal tunnel syndrome, iliotibial band syndrome, patellofemoral pain syndrome, and some kinds of shin splints. This is all based on speculation, not science. It seems to make a certain amount of sense, and I seem to have had some success with it with my own clients and readers over the years, the occasional story of amazing recovery with just a few days of power icing.

There is mostly no good excuse for prescribing self-treatments that lack even a clear rationale, let alone research evidence that they work. I am open to any suggestions of help. I am not putting the blame for this unholy mess on my President.

Symptoms at the end of life

I am totally convinced it all came through Jeff Sessions. I sincerely hope he finds out what he did to us. I was not going to a regular MD. I was with a Rheumatologist. Did not even receive a lesser amount of pain meds, I was abruptly stopped period. My life is over now at I cannot continue to live like this plus we have zero medical marajuana or anything else to stop the hurt.

I am unable to walk. Did have a life before but now it's gone. Now only option is suicide. I am a long time chronic pain patients who was on SS disability until I was put on opiod pain medication in Back then these drugs were written by a psychiatrist. In a year I was back to work full time and have excelled at work. I have 4 beautiful grandchildren who come over every other weekend. My pain management doctor wrote my scripts every month for years.

He slowly reduced his office hours to once a week for 3 hours. I couldn't come during that time and he would not offer any more days and times. I think this was his way of pushing us out the door. I went to a new Dr who cut my dose in half. Since then I have missed more days of work then I had in years. In reading the guidelines myself it is not including pain patients who are already at a high dose and that tapering down should be slow.

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The reason why we are suffering is because the CDC didn't make this clear in the beginning. I think the CDC should be made to send every doctor so they are assured they are not going to lose their license for prescribing pain medication to those who need it to live. I will not be able to continue working at this reduced amount. I will be forced back onto SS disability. My life as I knew and loved is gone. Everything I love to do is gone because I can't do it. I can't stand for longer than 5 minutes.

Not only are we in pain we suffer from withdrawal. To the CDC The people on the street will continue dying because they are not pain patients.