e-book Mulonga -- The Lost Elephant

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When her mother is confronted by poachers, Mulonga manages to escape, but Mulonga -- The Lost Elephant and millions of other books are available for.
Table of contents

Beyond Silverbacks. Hidden gold in the dirt? Gorilla Tourism in Dzanga Sangha: A year story Stevart, Missouri Botanical Gardens. Post-crisis conservation in Madagascar: where to from here? Daniel B.

Mulonga - The Lost Elephant

Segan, J. Watson, G. Nangendo, S. Ayebare, A. Plumptre, Wildlife Conservation Society. Technocrats, financiers and carbon; a thorny alliance with communities and conservation? Segan, David G. Hole, Camila I. Butchart, James E. What have the forest elephants ever done for us? Brett A. Sustainable pastoralism: opportunities for nature conservation, rural and international development, and conflict resolution Download.

Brandi Suttles, Sr. Conserving a Species, while Caring about Individuals Download. Segan, James E. Watson, David G. Kathleen H. Lilian Pintea, Ph. James E. Watson and Daniel B.

I have loved reading children's books and review them. Writing poems for children's is one of my hobby. However, knitting an entertaining children's story is something I haven't tried still. And having said that, I truly admire those wordsmiths who can knit an engaging, moral worthy story for children without a glitch. In just about 25 pages, Moulder gives us a thought provoking and a sweet tale of Mulonga. The baby elephant has lost her mum to the brutality of humans.

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In an attempt to save herself she has been lost from her herd. It is at such times messiahs come to her rescue. Being an animal lover, I have always had an attraction towards elephants. It may or may not be because of the significance given to the elephants in the Indian mythology. However, the purpose behind penning this story is what touched my heart the most. Animal cruelty is on the rise and it needs to stop. We need to stop being inhuman and predatory.

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We need to stop encroaching on the animal land. This book has simplistically left a valuable message. Using a tool of children's story to send the message across is what is most admirable. The writer waters the roots so that it may grow into giving us sugary fruits.

M, m, has the same phoenetic sound as in English

I hope this book reaches millions of young readers and implants the value of humanity. View 1 comment. Carolyn rated it it was amazing Jan 09, Sep 25, TheSpillingQuill rated it really liked it. Moulder creates a sweet story about a lost elephant who finds herself unexpectedly alone in her early years.

Moulder manages to quickly build up empathy for Mulonga and is fast to get to the action of the story.

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The descriptions are simple, which is appropriate for the children whom this is targeted towards. I like how Moulder adds in characters one at a time so the reader can acknowledge them. The addition of wildlife makes me enjoy the story even more as it tells me that Moulder is aware of Moulder creates a sweet story about a lost elephant who finds herself unexpectedly alone in her early years. The addition of wildlife makes me enjoy the story even more as it tells me that Moulder is aware of the diversity within the savanna setting.

The characters Mulonga encounter are easy to warm to and the illustrations are beautiful.

It is nice to see how Moulder depicts the African savannah and straw huts. She even captures the various expressions of Mulonga in her drawings, making the story more engaging. The distressing beginning is countered by the unexpected, uplifting ending. Moulder makes a poignant argument for the conservation of elephants in this story.

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Some of the situations the elephants go through are based on real events, which will help make children question the practices of poaching and conservation. Unfortunately, the story is too short! It would be great if Moulder lengthened it so readers could learn more about characters such as Suni and the little bird. To add to this, the story ended quite abruptly. At the end of the story, Moulder mentions a small array of animals and accompanies this with an illustration that is lacking in the depiction of these animals.

Overall, this story is a sweet tale and is a great one to read to children at bedtime.