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Feather Hat Close e-ELectricus # 2. Jameel continued working on his idea of establishing a physical crime-fighting super eel, e-ELectricus, by assembling an.
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The Project Gutenberg eBook of Guide to the Study of Fishes, Volume 1, by David Starr Jordan.

To MT. To JET. To Mr. IT will be the object of this chapter first to describe the great scientific work which Faraday did at this period ; secondly, by means of his titles and the letters which he received, to show the reputation he obtained in consequence of his discoveries ; and thirdly, as far as possible by means of his own letters, to give a picture of the character which he made and kept during the time of his great success. On August 29, , Faraday began his ' Electrical Researches.

Guided by this idea, he made an experiment, of which one part the passage of a magnet through a metallic helix connected with a galvanometer , if separated from the rest of the experiment, would then have made the great discovery of magneto-electricity.

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VOL, II. E In November , also, he had failed to discover voltaic induction. He passed a current through one wire, which was lying close to another wire, which communicated with a galvanometer, and found ' no result. Again, December 2, , and April 22, , he made experiments which gave ' no result.

The good time was now come. The first paragraph in the laboratory note-book is, ' Experiments on the production of electricity from magnetism. Wound many coils of copper round, one half of the coils being separated by twine and calico ; there were three lengths of wire, each about twentyfour feet long, and they could be connected as one length, or used as separate lengths.

By trials with a trough each was insulated from the other. Will call this side of the ring A. On the other side, but separated by an interval, was wound wire in two pieces, together amounting to about sixty feet in length, the direction being as with the former coils. This side call B. It oscillated and settled at last in original position. On breaking connection of A side with battery, again a disturbance of the needle. Writing to his friend E. Phillips, September 23, he says, ' I am busy just now again on electro-magnetism, and think I have got hold of a good thing, but can't say.

It may be a weed instead of a fish that, after all my labour, I may at last pull up. He began paragraph 21 by trying to find the effect of one helix of wire, carrying the voltaic current of ten pairs of plates, upon another wire connected with a galvanometer. Longer and different metallic helices showed no effect, so he gave up those experiments for that day, and tried the effect of bar magnets instead of the ring magnet he had used on the first day. In paragraph 33 he says, ' An iron cylinder had a helix wound on it. The ends of the wires of the helix were connected with the indicating helix at a distance by copper wire.

Then the iron placed between the poles of bar magnets as in accompanying figure. But if the electric communication i.

The Evolution of the Eye

Hence here distinct conversion of magnetism into electricity. Paragraphs 36, 37, and 38 describe the discovery of induced voltaic currents. A battery of ten troughs, each of ten pairs of plates four inches square, charged with good mixture of sulphuric and nitric acid, and the following experiments made with it in the following order. One of the coils of a helix of copper wire feet long was connected with the flat helix, and the other coil of same length round same block of wood with the poles of the battery it having been found that there was no metallic contact between the two ; the magnetic needle at the indicating flat helix was affected, but so little as to be hardly sensible.

In place of the indicating helix, our galvanometer was used, and then a sudden jerk was perceived Avhen the battery communication was made and broken, but it was so slight as to be scarcely visible. It was one way when made, the other when broken, and the needle took up its natural position at intermediate times.

Paragraph 57 describes the discovery of the production of electricity by the approximation of a magnet to a wire. This effect was repeated every time the magnet was put in or out, and therefore a wave of electricity was so produced from mere approximation of a magnet, and not from its formation in situ. The axis and edge of the disc were connected with a galvanometer. The needle moved as the disc turned. In ten days of experiment these splendid results were obtained. He collected the facts into the first series of' Experimental Eesearches in Electricity.

Then he went to Brighton, and from thence, November 29th, he sends an abstract of this paper in a letter to his friend E. And yet, as to news, I have none, for I withdraw more and more from society, and all I have to say is about myself. Are you comfortable? And how does Mrs. Phillips do ; and the girls? Bad correspondent as I am, I think you owe me a letter ; and as in the course of half an hour you will be doubly in my debt, pray write us, and let us know all about you.

Faraday wishes me not to forget to put her kind remembrances to you and Mrs. Phillips in my letter. Andrew's day,1 but we shall be here until Thursday. I have made arrangements to be 1 The day of election of the new Council of the Royal Society. I have been working and writing a paper that always knocks me up in health, but now I feel well again, and able to pursue my subject; and now I will tell you what it is about.

On Arago's Magnetic Phenomena. There is a bill of fare for you ; and, what is more, I hope it will not disappoint you. Now the pith of all this I must give you very briefly ; the demonstrations you shall have in the paper when printed. When an electric current is passed through one of two parallel wires, it causes at first a current in the same direction through the other, but this induced current does not last a moment, notwithstanding the inducing current from the voltaic battery is continued ; all seems unchanged, except that the principal current continues its course.

But when the current is stopped, then a return current occurs in the wire under induction, of about the same intensity and momentary duration, but in the opposite direction to that first formed Electricity in currents therefore exerts an inductive action like ordinary electricity, but subject to peculiar laws. The effects are a current in the same direction when the induction is established ; a reverse current when the induction ceases, and a peculiar state in the interim.

Then I found that magnets would induce just like voltaic currents, and by bringing helices and wires and jackets up to the poles of magnets, electrical currents were produced in them ; these currents being able to deflect the galvanometer, or to make, by means of the helix, magnetic needles, or in one case even to give a spark.

Hence the evolution of electricity from magnetism. The currents were not permanent. They ceased the moment the wires ceased to approach the magnet, because the new and apparently quiescent state was assumed, just as in the case of the induction of currents. But when the magnet was removed, and its induction therefore ceased, the return currents appeared as before.

These two kinds of induction I have distinguished by the terms volta-electric and magnetoelectric induction. Their identity of action and results is, I think, a very powerful proof of M. Ampere's theory of magnetism. The new electrical condition which intervenes by induction between the beginning and end of the inducing current gives rise to some very curious results.

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It explains why chemical action or other results of electricity have never been as yet obtained in trials with the magnet. In fact, the currents have no sensible duration.

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I believe it will explain perfectly the transference of element; between the poles of the pile in decomposition. What do you think of that? Am I not a bold man, ignorant as I am, to coin words?

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And now for IV. I am even half afraid to tell you what it is. You will think I am hoaxing you, or else in your compassion you may conclude I am deceiving myself. However, you need do neither, but had better laugh, as I did most heartily when I found that it was neither attraction nor repulsion, but just one of my old rotations in a new form. I cannot explain to you all the actions, which are very curious; but in consequence of the electrotonic state being assumed and lost as the parts of the plate whirl under the pole, and in consequence of magneto-electric induction, currents of electricity are formed in the direction of the radii; continuing, for simple reasons, as long as the motion continues, but ceasing when that ceases.

Hence the wonder is explained that the metal has powers on the mao-net when moving, but not when at rest. Hence is also explained the effect which Arago observed, and 1 A pushing acquaintance, who, without claim of any kind, got himself presented at Court. It is quite comfortable to me to find that experiment need not quail before mathematics, but is quite competent to rival it in discovery; and I am amazed to find that what the high mathematicians have announced as the essential condition to the rotation— namely, that time is required—has so little foundation, that if the time could by possibility be anticipated instead of being required—i.

Adieu, dear Phillips. For three days he at first occupied himself with more precise observations on the directions of the induced currents; and on December 14, paragraph , he ' tried the effects of terrestrial magnetism in evolving electricity. Obtained beautiful results. In January he experimented on the currents produced by the earth's rotation—on the 10th at the lake in the gardens of Kensington Palace, and on the 12th and 13th at Waterloo Bridge.

February 8. Paragraph says, 'This evening, at Woolwich, experimented with magnet,1 and for the first time got the magnetic spark myself. Connected ends of a helix into two general ends, and then crossed the wires in such a way that a blow at a b would open them a little. Then bringing a b against the poles of a magnet, the ends were disjoined, and bright sparks resulted.