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Keep pulling, looping the kite under, and pointing your board downwind; 8. Let the kite complete the loop, and land the board;.

Dangerous Loops by Lee, D. New Fast Free Shipping,, for sale online

If you feel you're going to wipe out, try to finish the loop, and crash with your board, feet first. Never stop steering your kite while performing a loop. Now that you've learned the basics of kite looping, you can advance through to mega kite loops in between 25 and 45 knots of wind. The only difference between a standard kite loop and a mega loop is in timing. Start riding at a consistent speed; 2.

Here’s a short example of how this works:

Edge upwind and eye a chop; 2. Tense your stomach muscles and boost a big jump ; 3. When you reach the peak of the jump, pull the kite bar with your back hand; 4. Don't stop pulling the back hand, and keep the lines tensioned; 5. Rapidly move the kite in front of you; 6. Spot the landing, come downwind and touch down;.

CWE-835: Loop with Unreachable Exit Condition ('Infinite Loop')

If you're still in the early stages of learning how to execute a mega kite loop, remember that unhooking at 50 feet is not a wise thing to do, and will put your life in danger. Riders list announced for Red Bull King of the Air. Real Watersports puts an end to the Triple-S Invitational. Kiteboarding confirmed in major sports events. How to do a kite loop Kiteboarding.

PHP Programming/The while Loop

The kite loop can be dangerous if you don't exactly know what you're doing. It is all about technique and commitment - kite loop has got nothing to do with courage or bravado. The kite will loop under itself, generating power and allowing you to water start; Practice your kite loop water start a few times before moving through to level two. Let the kite complete the loop, and land the board; If you feel you're going to wipe out, try to finish the loop, and crash with your board, feet first. Spot the landing, come downwind and touch down; If you're still in the early stages of learning how to execute a mega kite loop, remember that unhooking at 50 feet is not a wise thing to do, and will put your life in danger.

Share this article. Share on Facebook. Share on Twitter. This version obviously terminates after 10 iterations.

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It still needs the variable x to be declared ahead of the loop, and incremented in the loop body. Now there is no need to declare x outside the loop; we can calculate it based on the value of n. This is in contrast to the while loop, where x had to be a variable, and had to be initialized outside of the loop.

Here is a problem where while seems more useful: finding the first even number in a list of numbers:. Notice how we are using a Boolean variable notFound for the condition; notFound is initialized to true , but is assigned false as soon as we detect an even number. Change the 6 to an odd number and see.

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Can you see why? The only way we can exit from the while loop is by assigning false to notFound. We make that assignment on line 7 as soon as we find an even number.

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  • While Loops.

But if there is no even number , we never make this assignment, notFound stays true , and the while loop keeps on looping. To safeguard against this, we must change the program to terminate the while loop under two conditions:. Or, to put it the other way around, we keep on looping while we have not found an even, and while ix does not exceed the size of nums. Go ahead and make this change, and run the program again. What happens? Yes, you get a BoundsError again, but this time on line Try and figure out why for yourself, before you read further.

But what happens then? Grace executes the code that follows the while loop, which once again asks for num.

This teaches us an important lesson. When a while loop terminates, we know , as sure as death and taxes, that the while condition is false! We can use this to decide what to do:.

In this example, there is an up-front bound on the number of times that we might execute the loop, because the size of nums is known. We still need the flag notFound. What happens if there are two or three even numbers in the list? The presence of the flag notFound and the variable firstEven make this code more complicated than is necessary.

Another deficiency is that it iterates over every element of nums , even if the even number is found right at the start. We can fix this by wrapping the loop in a method, and using return to terminate both the loop and the method once we have found what we are looking for:. This is the best solution for this problem.