Guide Blade of Olympus: Daughters of the Sea

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Blade of Olympus: Daughters of the Sea eBook: Dennis Seddon: Kindle Store.
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My soul sister Rosalie, the only Cullen who openly hated Bella, had gotten me a absolutely gorgeous Grecian princess style dress that was white at the top and worked down to sky blue, ending at sea green at the bottom. I had been absolutely stunned at seeing it, as had Charlie. Rosalie however, just dismissed our suspicious shock by saying she and the others did some online shopping.

My other soul sister, Alice had given me shoes and accessories to go with the dress, jewelry and a purse, that I had gone nuts over. Jasper had surprised me by getting me a Greek sword, saying that he had gotten approval from Charlie, and knew that I liked fencing - my cover for using actual swords - and wanted to test me on the real thing to help keep me in practice. He had said that he had a sword as well, and we had started sparring twice a week, and he still had yet to beat me.

Emmett had gone the weird but awesome route - or as we just called it, the Emmett route - and had actually gotten me a pet lion who he had adopted at the Seattle Zoo.

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The lion was actually tame enough to have people in his habitat, so I was able to go in and see my pet lion whenever I wanted. I had laughed myself silly when the lion - who I named Zeus as it was one of his lesser known symbols - had decided he didn't like Bella and had roared at her when we went that weekend. Edward, the only Cullen I hated, had even had to get me a gift, and had managed to surprise me with something I liked.

He had gotten me a book on the Greek Gods written by a demigod son of momma Athena.

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I had showed it to her in an Iris Message that night, and she had said that it was written by her first demigod that had been born in Athens after she had been made it's patron goddess. I had thanked the annoying asshole stiffly but politely, and moved on to Charlie's gift. His gift was probably the best, as it was combined with Renee and Phil.

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It was another designer outfit, keeping to the tradition I looked forward to every year. It was yet another Vera Wang outfit, but with a note inside written in Greek from momma Aphrodite saying she had helped the three of them pick it out. Bella had also gotten me a gift, some new arrows for the bow Charlie had gotten me when we first moved to Forks.

Some of the arrows had broken while hunting, so it was appreciated, but I knew she didn't put thought into it. Now it was Bella's birthday, a day she had been dreading since prom last year. I snorted as I got out of bed to begin my daily routine, slightly behind due to my five minutes of thinking. I showered quickly and got dressed in a Louis Vuitton outfit that Eros had gotten me as an apology gift for the grilling I had gotten from Jessica after he showed up at prom to tell me about my suddenly brightening soul mate string.

She had started rumors ranging from he was my boyfriend from camp, to he was my secret husband who came to ask for a divorce.

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  • A broken nose and a threat of a slander lawsuit had shut her the hell up, and Eros had gotten me like a million gifts to apologize. My wardrobe was now almost completely designer thanks to him, and suddenly Jessica was unattractive to any male that looked at her. He hadn't messed with her looks, but no guy in Forks found her that good looking anymore. For her it was a total nightmare, for me, it was hilarious, and to Eros, it was punishment for messing with his sister.

    I sighed as I pulled on a pair of knee length black boots with a two inch heel and walked over to my desk, pulling a gift bag. Charlie had told me that no matter how much I hated her, Bella was still his daughter and he would like for me to get her a gift. He had also forbidden me from asking daddy Ares for help in getting a gift, as he knew that it wouldn't end well.

    I glared at the gift bag in my hand as I made my way down from my huge attic bedroom to the second floor to meet Charlie right outside Bella's door. I just gave him a deadpan look and held the bag up. Do I really have to be nice to her? Charlie just looked at me and sighed, seeming to realize that maybe me being nice to Bella suddenly would actually freak her out. Suddenly, the bag in my hand was freaking awesome since Bella seemed to hate the idea of it.

    Renee made Charlie, and Charlie made me.

    She tried to glare at me, but with her haystack hair it just looked worse than usual. I just shrugged and stood off to the side, watching her cave under Charlie's expectant look and reach into the gift bag. I saw her eyes widen as she pulled out the book I had reluctantly asked momma Athena for help finding. She stared at me in shock and awe for a moment before turning her attention to the first edition copy of Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte, signed by the author herself. She stared at me like I was insane, probably for giving her such a rare and expensive treasure so carelessly.

    Honestly, as a goddess, mortal right now or not, expenses were probably the last thing I would ever need to worry about. Not to mention, momma Athena had dozens of first edition classics signed by their authors in her own private library. She had been the one to give me the book for my gift. While none of my parents liked Bella, momma Athena respected her love of books and knew that she would cherish the gift even if she didn't like how expensive it was. She accepted the book and the other gifts as graciously as she was capable of, before Charlie started teasing her.

    Ever since she had been bitten by James, the nomadic vampire son of Apollo, she had this fear of growing old.

    Blades of Chaos

    I had found it hilarious how she dreaded turning 18, like it was some great disaster. At his joking comment, Bella's panic became visible even to him as she threw her covers off. Her face became relieved and annoyed when she saw he was messing with her. Story Story Writer Forum Community.

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    Stella is back from another summer at Camp Half-Blood with more on her mind than before! However, with Eros' words about her soulmate string brightening, she can't help but wonder who the Fates have tied her to. Add in the fact that her vampire family has left because of Bella's party, what will she do? Stella POV I awoke to the sound of my alarm clock blaring in my ear, and slammed a hand down on it, already knowing that it read six thirty. Chapter 1 2. Chapter 2 3. Despite his thirst for revenge, the only people he truly cared about were his mortal family: his wife, daughter, mother, and brother.

    As a child, he was very close to his younger brother and once inseparable but the weaker children like Kratos' brother had been cast into the wilderness without a chance to survive. As an adult, he had many women, but he felt truly connected to one who would become his wife, she was perhaps the only person to truly face him without fear. His daughter Caliope also meant a great deal to him as he was willing to renounce his powers to stay in the Underworld with her.

    Kratos also cared for his mother and had to kill her when Zeus turned her into a monster. The loss of everyone he ever loved fueled an even greater need for revenge to take everything from those who took his life from him: Zeus and the Gods. Also when Kratos encounters his half-siblings it shows that he doesn't want to fight them and just stay out of his way, but will fight and kill them if they force him. Kratos is the son of Zeus and Callisto. Kratos also has a younger brother named Deimos, Deimos was scarred by his broken house and was captured by Ares. Kratos got a red mark symbolizing Deimos' scar.

    The Mythology Of Kratos: God Of War's Story Thus Far

    When the rumors about his sire's identity grew so strong, his mother took Kratos to Sparta and receive training. He quickly become a Spartan general and although his tactics were brutal, they were efficient. But soon he learned that despite all his military power he was no match for Eastern Barbarians, numbered in the thousands, and his men fell one by one. As he was ready to be finished by the Barbarian King, Kratos pledged Ares the God of War and the Furies to save him,and kill his enemies. Kratos exchanged his soul for a victory. There are three blood oaths: the death of his enemy, the death of his enemies and the death of his brethren.

    Kratos became a living weapon, his swords attached to chains and burned to his forearms.

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    He continued in the ways of war and death for Ares. He was then cursed by a woman of the village, the ashes of his family forever turning his skin pale. The Furies were sent by Ares to find Kratos who broke his oath. Orkos told Kratos to go to Delphi to meet Aletheia. Kratos was encountered by Pollux and Castor who took Aletheia's rule.

    Aletheia was blind since her eyes were ripped out by the Furies. Kratos used the Amulet of Uroborus to destroy and construct surfaces. The Hecatonchires was a titan who broke his oath and became a prison for oath breakers. Kratos escaped from the insect infested prison and killed Megaera. He later killed Tisiphone, her pet Daimon and Alecto who can transform into a sea monster. Before the Furies died, they made their son, Orkos their oath keeper. Kratos regretfully killed Orkos which broke his oath and made him remember the tragedy made on Calliope and Lysandra.

    He put Orkos' corpse where Calliope and Lysandra's were.

    Kratos did various tasks for the gods for 10 years. The death of Persephone led to Atlas carrying the world on his shoulders. Atlas stated that both he and Kratos will meet again.