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Backwoods Terror: A Horror/Suspense story [V. P. Lattimore] on *​FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. The stunning Montana Mountains have some of the most popular trails in I read it 3/4 through so I could give my opinion.
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Jacqueline Samantha Isler , a thirteen-year-old tomboy who goes by Jake, loses her brother in a drowning accident and spends the rest of the story trying to get him back and dealing with the consequences.

Backwoods Horror / Rural Survival - IMDb

Isler, with her serious blue eyes and bell-bottoms, at times recalls a young Jodie Foster and projects an intriguing aloofness. This is folktale-flavored horror, the scares coming from the wind in the trees rather than torrents of blood. Director Hunter Adams relies on a desaturated color palette as a means of recalling the past; the sumptuous green trees and deceptively calm blue waters where the most tragic moment takes place make for the most visually engaging setting; the aesthetic is sometimes a bit too muted. Group Combined Shape.

“The Tribute” by Jane Gardam (1980)

Combined Shape Group 2. Enter search below: Combined Shape. But when the plan starts getting messier and bloodier, the good-hearted police officer Marge Gunderson Frances McDormand takes a harder look at the case. Deeply funny, terrifying, and uniquely surreal with that Minnesota Nice quality.

It may surprise you that director Denis Villeneuve, known for such science fiction films as Arrival and Blade Runner , also dabbles in some intense thrillers as well. Prisoners feature Hugh Jackman as a father with a missing daughter and Jake Gyllenhaal as a detective trying to help him. But when evidence is low, Jackman starts going against the law and torturing a suspect to the absolute limits of cruelty, questioning how long revenge can linger in the hopes of finding his missing girl.

Rosamund Pike plays a wife that mysteriously vanishes and her husband played by Ben Affleck is just as baffled as to how and why this happened. Based on the novel by Cormac McCarthy, Josh Brolin plays a hunter that has made the biggest mistake of his life by stealing a suitcase full of money from a drug deal gone bad in the desert.

Now he has a whole mess of angry people after him including an aged sheriff played by Tommy Lee Jones and a ruthlessly quiet killer played by the intimidating Javier Bardem. Taking place over the course of decades, we follow the tiring and agonizing murder case that would continue on for ages, draining the sanity of those enveloped in its intricacies.

Patrick Bateman Christian Bale is a s yuppie that has strived for perfection in everything from his body to his suits to his very boring business cards with just the right amount of black and white. But his mind begins to wander and murder starts breaking out in his apartment, leading him into questioning his sanity when it seems that nobody picks up on the psychotic babble and actions of a man as elite as Bateman.

They soon form an underground group of bored men desiring to fight and escape the daily grind. But their friendship leads down some stranger and darker paths which results in destroyed apartments and exploding airplanes. A trippy and bold film from David Fincher that has become a staple of cinema for being so polarizing in its greater message amid its chaotic assembly. Morgan Freeman and Brad Pitt play detectives on the hunt for a mysterious serial killer that strikes and kills based on the seven deadly sins.

They think they have a good relationship when it comes to cracking such a grizzly case, especially when the killer voluntarily turns up to them and still has a few tricks up his dirty sleeves. Considered one of the best films ever made, to say nothing of being the best of director Alfred Hitchcock, Vertigo is the most vivid, surreal, and nightmarish. Jimmy Stewart plays an ex-police officer crippled with vertigo that caused him to let one man fall to his death.

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Years later, he takes on the case of stalking a presumably cheating wife played by Kim Novak. But the more Stewart follows, the more he finds himself losing his mind over being haunted by his mistakes and striving to attain romance amid a messy and scary plot of identity and murder.

Knowing he is innocent, he makes his escape after a destructive crash of the prison bus with a train. While Kimble tries to clear his name, the determined Deputy Samuel Gerard Tommy Lee Jones commits himself to hunt down and retrieve the escaped prisoner. Filled with plenty of exciting and pulse-pounding scenes, The Fugitive is perhaps best known for the dam jumping sequence when Ford flees from Jones at gunpoint by taking a massive fall into the water.

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Robert De Niro is at his most intimidating in this remake of Cape Fear. He plays sex offender Max Cady who has been released after 14 years of prison. Believing he has been wronged by his attorney Sam Bowden Nick Nolte , Max devotes his freedom to terrorizing the Bowden family. One such torture involves a wooden block and a sledgehammer. Anthony Perkins is terrifying as the hotel manager Norman Bates, concealing a dark secret of his mother and going psychotic on his guests, the most unfortunate being his recent visitor played by Janet Leigh. This, of course, leads to one of the most memorable moments in all of horror, the shower death.

Backwoods Horror / Rural Survival

Again, this whole list could be Hitchcock movies, but how could we forget Rear Window? Jimmy Stewart finds himself with a lot of free time when his leg is broken. He takes an interest in observing his neighbor out of his window but soon witnesses a murder. This film stars Ryan Reynolds and Rosario Dawson as a couple whose daughter went missing eight years early, but some disturbing incidents begin to suggest to them that their daughter might still be alive.

This story unravels in non-linear scenes, with only context allowing the viewer to distinguish between what is happening in the present, and what is a flashback, though all scenes are filmed in an atmospheric winter setting that adds to the thrills. Vinessa Shaw stars as a psychiatrist who is an expert in confrontational therapy. She finds herself thrown off when one of her patients attacks her during a session and then tries to kill herself in front of her. Starring Amanda Seyfried a Jill, a young woman looking after her younger sister Molly, when Molly goes missing, Jill suspects that she has been taken by the serial killer that kidnapped her years earlier.

She launches a desperate quest to save her sister. While the story is quite formulaic, it will appeal to any fans of the genre. Based on the award-winning novel of the same name, Ben Affleck plays the man who becomes the main suspect when his wife, played by Rosamund Pike goes missing.

This adaptation of an excellent story is dark, intelligent and stylish, giving it an abstract, intellectual and postmodern feel. You will find this firm appropriately creepy, confusing and troubling. Shadows descend on the three kids and the mysterious kidnappers come a knocking. The actual scene that takes place in the treehouse is a lengthy one packed to the brim with suspense.

Once they leave the treehouse behind, the film shifts gears and begins to lag a bit. Thankfully the cast of young actors is impressive, particularly Trautmann. His has a wonderfully expressive face that you can clearly see transform throughout the film. Bartlett manages to maintain a tight grip on the suspense for its third act. Why are they doing this? Treehouse utilizes its backwoods setting in a refreshing way. These folks are rednecks, but not the typical toothless shitkickers in overalls with Confederate flags on their pickups. They feel like real people with real problems.