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They attempt to escape, but one of B-Squad is eaten up, imparting the B-Squad: Soldiers of Misfortune is an action-adventure humor comic.
Table of contents

There are some additions and images included at the end that substantiate and enhance the original text, including some personal remembrances from a Mount Washington nurse that served in France and a Somerset native that spent four months in German captivity. Finally, there are additional links to online, readable Google Books that detail the wartime experiences of individual regiments, complete with maps and plenty of photos. Hanlon Illustrations from paintings by F. Yohn Copyright, , by the Pittsburgh Press. Raymond P. Cronin Sources And References.

Brookline Veteran's Memorial. The men of the 15th Engineers say goodbye to family and friends on May 22, at Forbes Field left and return to a triumphal parade through downtown Pittsburgh on May 7, Men of the Pennsylvania's 28th Infantry Division bringing in a wounded soldier on September 26, To chronicle all the activities and achievements of the sons and daughters of Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania in the Great War would be to compile a complete history of the mighty struggle itself.

Such a history would have its opening chapters dating from the day when he who was Emperor of the Germans summoned his militaristic hordes and sent them forth on an orgy of murder, pillage and terrorism to satiate his unholy greed for power and to realize his ambition of a fettered world. Long before the United States entered the war and indeed from its very first days, adventurous sons of Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania were bleeding and dying on the battlefields where the allies were striving to stop the ravages of the Hun.

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Turn where you would in stricken Belgium and bleeding, torn France; in the plague-ridden Balkans; along the cold, barren wastes of Russia or on the hot sands of far-off Egypt, wherever the crimson tides of war surged back and forth in the struggle for humanity, they could be found performing acts of charity or mercy or of war itself. They pressed the cup of water to the fevered lips of Serb and Cossack and Poilu and Tommy.

The men from India and Australia and Canada hailed them from beds of pain as ministering angels and the sons of sunny Italy were familiar with their work. The Hun, too, had tasted of their prowess with the cold steel on land and sea, under the waves and in the air. When sudden death and destruction would pour from the heavens at the enemy lines the steady skillful hand of a Pittsburgh man was frequently at the helm of that battleship or in the air.

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It is very likely that some of the most notable deeds performed in this war will never be set down to enrich the pages of the history or the advance of mankind towards that goal where shines the radiant lights of equality and justice. Many of these deeds were unobserved and those who performed them made the supreme sacrifice.

Their lips are forever sealed in the silence of the grave. Perhaps had they lived the stories would have remained locked close in their hearts, for brave men are not prone to boast of valor. And although many of these sons of Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania had fought and died, winning for themselves the deathless crown of victory under foreign flags, before Columbia unloosed the mighty hurricane of her wrath, nevertheless they contributed their all to the final determination of the great cause. And as the story of their deeds is cherished in the archives of other nations it is not possible at this time to include in this narrative more than acknowledgement of their contribution to humanity.

Anything further would not be right for it could not give them that measure of exact justice which is their due. For this reason this resume of the part played by Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania soldiers in the war must begin with the entry of the United States into the conflict and even then it is only possible to follow the activities of certain designated units in which the personnel was made up largely of men from this section. When the United States declared that a state of war existed with the Imperial German Government there were hundreds of men from Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania serving in the regular army establishment.

There was hardly a unit of any size which did not carry their names upon its roster of commissioned or enlisted personnel. One of the first three men to make the supreme sacrifice in the first actual clash between the soldiers of Uncle Sam and the enemy was a Pittsburgh lad, Private Thomas Enright, of Premo Street. He, together with Privates James B. Gresham, of Evansville, Indiana, and Merle D. Hay of Glidden, Iowa, headed the first honor roll of casualties which came home to America from overseas. He was therefore a trained and seasoned man and when he met his death he was in a training sector securing the actual combat knowledge necessary to effectively instruct his less experienced comrades back of the lines.

It was on Saturday, November 3, , that the little band of about forty Americans to which Private Enright was attached was cut off by artillery fire which literally ripped their trench to pieces. It is recorded in the data on that first fight that Germans rushed the forty Americans after the artillery preparation and in the hand-to-hand combat which followed the Americans gave a good account of themselves, fighting in a manner which would have delighted their revolutionary ancestors.

It was a fight worthy of the best traditions of their country and flag. American troops manning the trenches. The American casualties were three dead, five wounded and twelve missing. The German casualties are known to have been extremely heavy and although they secured prisoners the cost to them in lives was out of all proportion to the numbers they engaged. When the story of this first clash and the casualty list reached Washington and was made public it sent a thrill throughout the nation and the war department was besieged with inquiries from many anxious homes.

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The news brought to America the first distinct appreciation that her part in the great world struggle was not to be a bloodless one. And this appreciation of the heartaches and suffering which war was to bring to many firesides was especially felt in Pittsburgh, the home of one of those three patriots who went to their deaths on that bleak November day.

They buried the three heroes close to the place where they fell; while the shells screeching overhead sang the only requiem. American troops and French veterans were massed in the form of a hollow square and the three caskets, draped in the flag of the country they had loved so well were carried upon the field by comrades.

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From the lines there stepped a soldier of France wearing the insignia of a general. He walked to the caskets. With tears streaming down his war-seamed face he removed his cap and bowing before each bier he called the names of Private Enright, Private Gresham and Private Hay, and then in a voice husky and choked with emotion said:. In the name of France I thank you.

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May God receive your souls. Thomas Francis Enright Pittsburgh. As he finished there was a terrific roar, the salute for the dead, and it was not fired with blank cartridges, but by batteries of the great French 75s, manned by American artillerymen who sent a salvo of shells hurling into the German lines and with every shell there went a prayer that it would find an avenging mark.

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And the names of Privates Enright, Gresham and Hay will have a special and distinguished niche in history. The French will see to that for they already have erected a monument to the memory of these brave soldiers where all the world and generations yet unborn may read of the day when the Hun first met the men of that nation which was destined to wreck his vain ambition.

And this is where Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania was first brought to a true realization of the sacrifices necessary to the conduct of this war and the truths brought home did not go unheeded. The story of Private Enright and his comrades but strengthened that grim determination to go on to a victorious end, let the cost in blood and treasure be what it might.

As there was scarcely a unit of any size in the Regular Army which did not carry the names of Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania men upon its roster, even from the earliest days of the Republic, so it is today in the mighty and unconquered host which Uncle Sam has created, for Pittsburgh brains and brawn and bravery were found necessary wherever the War or Navy departments carried on their activities. Thousands of the most skilled men in the military establishment were summoned from the industries of Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania to do for the government what they had been doing for private employers.

Pittsburgh and the surrounding industrial districts furnished many of the very best mechanics and men trained in the various metal crafts and trades. This was a war of metal and where else in the world could men be found so eminently fitted for keeping the combatant branches supplied with the weapons they used so effectively against the Hun!

And so to write the story of their achievements would be to write of the work of every unit and branch of the military service - ordnance, quartermaster, motor transport, tank, chemical warfare and many other and special and new sections necessary to the modern army. For instance, it was Pittsburgh chemists who strove night and day in gas research work and contributed much towards making our gas defense and gas assault sections so effective that even the Germans with all their boasted expertness in chemical warfare were both outguessed and out-gassed.

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Through every ramification of the service, in every rank and station the men of Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania toiled through all the weary months when our stupendous military establishment was building, to weld it into a solid whole and which even in its infancy turned the tide of battle and strewed the Central Empires with fear, internal dissensions and empty thrones. But it was not alone in the military service of the nation that the sons of Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania helped to make the world safe for democracy. It was necessary that many should remain at home to tend the mines, and mills, and factories.

The Pittsburgh district became the Arsenal of America in many respects. To this great manufacturing section where steel is king the nation looked for the implements and machines of modern warfare. Here was planned the huge ordnance plant which was to have furnished the heavy engines of destruction with which our fighting men proposed to blast a way through the enemy lines, and then on to Berlin. To those who served in the mines and the mills, the furnace and the forge, acknowledgement of the part they played in the victorious outcome is justly due.

They will never be accorded the place in history that will go to those who stood on the far-flung battle line, but, nevertheless, they wrought efficiently and effectively back of that line. The German Kaiser bit off more than he could chew when he drew America into the war. The thousand glares which light the skies of night marking the abode of a wealth of peaceful industry and a world a-building became the demon eyes of an outraged and determined people flashing ominous warnings of swift and terrible retribution for those who dared to taunt the Giant of the Occident.

Then it was that Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania resolved to drain the blood of manhood to the dregs with the same determination with which the precious metal is drained from the melting pots in order to make sure the triumph of our arms. Then it was that the call went forth from Washington for men as well as munitions and money, and our people saw those famous regiments from the western slopes of the Pennsylvania Alleghenies depart for their training stations to secure that military instruction which together with their traditional bravery later enabled them to throw back the Hun from the very gates of Paris; to confound and demoralize and annihilate the very flower of German Soldiery; to break the armies of the Kaiser in twain at the Argonne, and force an early ending of the Great War.

Later came the selective service calls which summoned thousands more of the very cream of our manhood to take up the rigors of military training; a training which eventually made the Pittsburgh and Western Pennsylvania draftees the superiors of any Hun who ever wore the uniform of his overlord. And the accomplishments of the selective service men who left the plow and the forge, the store and the factory, to do battle on the blood-stained soil of Europe; who left peaceful homes for trenches reeking with all that chills the heart - demonstrates that they were of a type beyond compare.

They were men with iron in their blood and the advance of their legions was irresistible. The German horde fell back withered and palsied before those living walls of valor as if stricken with the most dreaded arrow in the quiver of the Grim Destroyer. It has always been the policy of the War Department since Columbia threw down the gage of battle to refrain from making public the standards of proficiency attained by the various army divisions.

This policy, no doubt, is a commendable one, preventing, as it does, any feeling between the men from various sections of this country. Nevertheless, it has recently come to notice and from the highest authoritative sources that the soldiers of Pennsylvania were among the very best taken overseas. A great military leader of a foreign power recently remarked in private conversation that they proved themselves to be among the foremost soldiers of the world.

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The 28th Division is known to have been the most proficient National Guard division in the United States. That is why this division was among the first to be sent to Europe and also why it was used so continuously and successfully, bringing upon itself the record of so many glorious achievements. The casualties of this division and especially of some of the Western Pennsylvania regiments which are a part of this unit demonstrated it was regarded so highly by the supreme command that it was always used in the most difficult places and where failure to hold or obtain objectives was not to be even thought of, regardless of the resistance offered.

Likewise, the 80th Division became one of the most proficient of the draft divisions because the records show that even before departing for overseas it was held in high regard by military leaders.