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The easiest way to work out why is to look at the task log -- you can access that from the first button in the "Action" column. If the error you see in the log is something like "permission denied", it's probably because you've entered the path to a Python script in the "Command" field instead of a command. Remember, you need to specify. Of course, if you're familiar with Unix, you can also chmod your script to make it executable and add an appropriate hashbang.

Always-on tasks | PythonAnywhere help

If you're printing stuff out in an always-on task, it might not appear in the log in a timely fashion. This is because when Python is sending print output to something that is not a console -- for example, a file -- it keeps it in a buffer, and only flushes it out to the real output when the buffer gets full.

This means that you'll get no output, and then a bunch of output in one go, which isn't very helpful for debugging! The log file for always-on tasks is just a static page, so you need to refresh the page in order to see changes. If you want to track things more dynamically, you can tail the logfile in a Bash console. The first step is to identify the filename; you can do that by looking at the URL when you're viewing it. For example, if you see the URL. To get a dynamically updated view of what's in that log file, start a bash console and run this command:.

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Send feedback Forums Help Blog. Warning -- this will only work in paid accounts PythonAnywhere consoles can run for a long time, but we do occasionally have to bounce our servers for maintenance. To create one, go to the Tasks page, and look near the bottom -- you'll see a table that looks like this: To set up an always-on task, you just need to enter the full command to run it into the input field -- for example, python3.

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Using virtualenvs in always-on tasks If you want to use a virtualenv for your task, there are two possibilities: If you use virtualenvwrapper Virtualenvwrapper is the system that provides the mkvirtualenv and workon commands, so if you used the former to create your virtualenv and use the latter when you want to do stuff using it, you can use them for your always-on task too.

The one thing you can't do with always-on tasks right now is use them to run a server; we have plans to address that in the future, but we don't have any timelines yet. Do let us know if that's something you'd be interested in -- say, running Celery or even an async website in a task.

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The more people that ask for it, the higher up our priority list it goes PythonAnywhere is a Python development and hosting environment that displays in your web browser and runs on our servers. They're already set up with everything you need.

It's easy to use, fast, and powerful. There's even a useful free plan.

Always-on tasks Always-on tasks are a new feature we rolled out in our last system update.