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CHAPTER I. For half a century the housewives of Pont-l'Eveque had envied Madame Aubain her servant Felicite. For a hundred francs a year, she cooked and.
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She is dirty, uneducated, and infinitely kind. She eventually finds a stable career working in the home of a widow and her two young children.

  1. Prince Henry the Navigator;
  2. See a Problem?!
  3. A simple soul, a french short story by Flaubert.

In one instance, she even saves the Madame from an angry bull by standing aggressively between she and it, and instinctively throwing sand in the charging beast's face. When romance goes wrong, she channels her love to the girl-child of the Madame. Next day, early, she presented herself in the vestry so that the priest might give her communion. She received it devoutly, but did not taste the same delights. Moving on then, let's fall in love with our nephew! Well, frequently given advice to those in various stages of the mourning process is to get a pet. How about a parrot? There are several eerie scenes that spring from her misplaced devotion to this new pet, such as cuddling it, cooing at it, and letting it chew on and lick her lips in an arguably make-outey way.

Okay, so is this a tale of the transformative powers of loving the lord? I would say not. Though I am not in any way schooled in the religious inclinations of Flaubert, I would make the argument that while he is promoting her brand of boundless kindness, he also wants you to examine the tragic tale of her life through the lens of pity.

After all, she is a dunce of sorts, and her lack of education is sorta what leads her to religion in the first place. There is most certainly an underlying message about religion, though it is not so much harsh criticism or avid support, but rather an examination of the common question "is ignorance bliss? Through the parrot, she feels more at peace with this notion, as her expression of religious love and love in general has been relocated to an animal such as herself.

And it is presented as horribly pathetic.

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  • Bert Jansch: Just A Simple Soul.
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  • Or was she better off living in ignorance, her simplicity being the reason for her humble kindness and endless devotion to others? Maybe Flaubert is arguing that this is a problem that so many face, masking their potential for a broader view of reality and more tangible means of peace and happiness by hiding behind the protective curtain of religion, even if it is to their own detriment? I am only making the argument that perhaps Flaubert is making the argument that many, many people use this somewhat easy answer as a way to shield themselves from their own particular and often quite harsh realities, from the many frustrations found while seeking ways outside of scripture to pinpoint the meaning of existence, and from the means to actively improve their lives rather than just riding things out until the blissful finale.

    Or not. Maybe he just loves him some Jesus. Having had a hard, and difficult childhood, Felicite does everything, for very little money, and is extremely faithful to her mistress.

    Logic and Mental Philosophy 22

    Flaubert writes a beautiful portrait of a normal, difficult life. Felicite is not an aristocrat, having love affairs and having time to gossip or go to parties. Still, she obviously has a great deal of love and affection to give. In the pages of this work, Flaubert shines a spotlight on those servants who move, silent and unheard, through their lives, but still have a lot to say.

    Diagnostic information:

    A sober, quiet little story that was surprisingly hard-hitting. Through Flaubert's precise and detailed writing it is so easy to feel for her, a woman not well treated by destiny, but with so much love to give.

    Simple Minds Graffiti Soul

    There's A sober, quiet little story that was surprisingly hard-hitting. There's something touching about someone who remains so utterly good and kind even when life is giving her a hard time. And I thought I didn't like Flaubert's writing! I remember having a hard time reading Madame Bovary , but after being overwhelmed with this compassionate approach of writing about loss and suffering, I am tempted to re- read more of his work. Including little stories from "around the world and across many centuries" as the publisher describes, I have been intrigued to read those for a long time, before finally having started.

    I hope to sooner or later read and review all of them! View 1 comment. Aug 03, James rated it it was amazing. I really enjoyed this book. It is simple as the title suggests and short. However, it has a lovely pace, is evocative and has strong characterisation. Jul 22, Viji Bookish endeavors rated it it was amazing Shelves: close-to-heart , classics. Edition- Penguin little black classics Translation- Roger Whitehouse Fourth of the five little black classics series I picked.

    And my first reading of Flaubert. First I must mention how happy I was when I saw these tiny books at the bookstore. Usually I wade through the books at the store for an hour or two,just to get a feel of it,to drink in the smell,to get the feel of new pages on my fingers. The bookstore guys don't mind me spending few hours just walking there or sitting on the floor in a Edition- Penguin little black classics Translation- Roger Whitehouse Fourth of the five little black classics series I picked. The bookstore guys don't mind me spending few hours just walking there or sitting on the floor in a corner and reading few pages since I often help them with rearranging the books.

    Sometimes I get the older books for free or just for a pittance. My pocket is very shallow as I haven't started earning yet,and the book budget mostly comprises of savings. So usually I have to decide against buying those I want to buy,when I look at the back cover. But these little books I bought five for around rupees..

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    • Pursuing the Sun.
    • Overcoming Supernaturally: Tumultuous Dysfunctional Past. Bipolar-Depression-Schizophrenia. Calm Serene Productive Present.
    • So Penguin,thanks a lot The book I'm about to write about,'A simple heart',is about a gentle woman who was a domestic helper and her love for a parrot. It is a really simple story about a simple woman. It doesn't describe anything in too much or ornate words.


      It doesn't have many colorful characters. Those characters that could've added color,like Paul and Virginie,even they are presented in a lighter tone. Emotions are also tempered,to match the overall equilibrium of the story. She keeps her feelings to herself and never let that interfere with her duties as a servant. Even when she is extremely sad or upset,she takes care not to miss the tiny things that are part of her duty.

      Actually I must say that this character reminded me of something else.. She fits the idea of a stereotypic Indian wife. Actually she is exactly what a stereotypic Indian male and in-laws would desire. A perfect marriage material. If one extend the subordinate nature to lovemaking too. Eligibility criteria- 1 Shouldn't question 2 should not have an opinion about anything 3 shouldn't be disrespectful towards anyone 4 should know all sorts of manners to be followed ranging from table to marriage function 5 should cook good 6 should be able to take care of the house on her own 7 should be able to manage money economically according to the needs of everyone 8 should love and take care of children 9 shouldn't bother much about one's own dressing after marriage 10 should take care of the in-laws well 11 should give least importance to her own needs and should take care of that only after everything else is done Well..

      There are men who think differently,but they are not much common even now.. And many are so hypocritical that they behave like they are different in front of others and remain the same inside. I guess this story could have been the story of any common Indian woman,burning herself along with the wood to fuel the family. And not uttering a word of complaint.

      Why did this block occur?

      The story was a good one.