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“My first thought about the poems in Matthew Dickman's new collection, Wonderland, was: Why doesn't every poet write this way? I wish others wrote with.
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Since there is little else to do, it is a time that is conducive to working hard.

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There isn't much else to do, and the weather seems to suggest that we must buckle down and do the things that we have been avoiding. This is not a bad thing. It can very satisfying to work hard and be creative.

Creativity is part of our makeup. Without a purpose in our lives, depression would quickly set in. Shimmering lakes of silvery ice welcomes skaters' scarring slice.

Alice's Adventures in Wonderland

Hills adorned in lacy white watch children sleigh into the night. Winter's sleep so close to death, piercing with his arctic breath. Brittle, naked limbs stretch high. When I see birches bend to left and right Across the lines of straighter darker trees, I like to think some boy's been swinging them.

Poetry Wonderland Poetry Competition for 7-11 Year-Olds

But swinging doesn't bend them down to stay. Read Complete Poem.

  1. Love poetry?.
  2. Sherlock Holmes The Occult War Begins (The Ghost Wars Book 4).
  3. Ravens Bride;
  4. A Poetic Wonderland von Alfred J Leonetti III (Paperback) – Lulu DE;

Crisply the bright snow whispered, Crunching beneath our feet; Behind us as we walked along the parkway, Our shadows danced,. Snowy white fox of the Arctic, was it your brush-like tail that sprayed snow, like crystal sparks, adorning the dark sky with a shimmering veil? An awesome scene the artist paints, expert and deft his hand. Brush strokes swift, he draws with ease, a winter wonderland.

Landscape sketched from memory, heavens and land entwine Rapidly the scene is set, exquisitely divine. Piles of snow beneath my boots chilly winds blowing everywhere snow keeps mounting on the posts on the windows and on the roads.

All in the golden afternoon...

Who taught me betimes to love working and reading. The most delightful part of the parody is the division of the words in the refrain in imitation of the approved method of singing the song, with its holds and its sentimental stress upon the last word. Beau—ootiful Soo—oop! The poem upon which the last parody is based is not as well known as most of the others, the first two lines being the only ones often quoted. Yet loved I as man never loved, a love without decay, Oh, my heart, my heart is breaking for the love of Alice Gray.

Yet my heart, my heart is breaking for the love of Alice Gray. Which would have suffered most? But for some unknown reason hedropped the first stanza, beginning with the second, thus obliterating all evident resemblance between parody and original. The parody is not the highest form of wit and not the most skilful form of verse, but Lewis Carroll has done these eight so well that doubtless some of them will live after the originals are forgotten. Milner, Florence.

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Madness Poems From Wonderland, book by hullabaloo22

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