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Tania Elfersy has recently joined the Little Peace of Mind team as a coach and in today's episode, we talk about the simplicity of how change happens. We talk.
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A Little Peace of Mind. Nicola Bird. Write a review.

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Here's the Latest Episode from The Little Peace of Mind Podcast:

Do you feel like anxiety is making your life smaller? Are you always worried about the next panic attack?

Or are you so stressed that you can't remember when you last felt peaceful and happy? What if there was a simple solution that meant you could stop coping, and start living? Rohini's search for help with her anxiety around public speaking had an unexpected by-product.

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Her previously fiery relationship with her husband suddenly started to shift. And from a marriage that varied from being so unbearable that they at one point separated to In today's podcast Barb Patterson and I ask the question: What if there was a different foundation from which to show up to life in ? Tania our in-house Little Peace of Mind coach shares three simple stories of how thought creates reality - which is then experienced In today's podcast we tackle the thorny-for-many subject of money. What is it about this made-up idea that means it doesn't look made up at all?

Why is it so important to so many of us? And what happens when it isn't? Are You limiting Your Life?

The Key Insights That Changed Everything

You notice your world is a whole lot smaller than it was a year ago. Instead it was the fact that I thought I had to be in control that was at the very root of it. Did you even realise you were doing that?

A Little Peace of Mind : Nicola Bird :

How would it feel to play full out and fearless? No relaxation and breathing techniques, no visualisations and monitoring your thoughts. The result?