Reflections On Life

There are times in life when we and those we care about face difficult times in dealing with the loss of a love one. Here find our thoughts about a friend who was .
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2014: Reflections on Life, Simple Living and Happiness

So much of the stuff that we think we need is really just a habit that can be broken and let go of -- and once you do you'll never go back to running that rat race and thinking more is better. Being debt-free and embracing a more minimal lifestyle puts the focus on the freedom and space to express and experience what is deeply satisfying. This has been a good year for Thom and I but we do not take our health for granted. We know of others who haven't been as fortunate and are constantly reminded that feeling good about yourself and your life is much easier when you are pain free or have good medical care.

Along the way I made some connections and those numbers gradually begin to climb.

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At first it was very exciting to see that people were interested in what I was writing about -- but truthfully I am the same person as I was before. The big lesson here is to do what you do because it comes from your soul -- not because the world is paying any attention at all.

This lesson falls on the heels of 5. It is a reminder to stay true to ourselves regardless of whether anyone else gets us or not. As a writer you find out very fast that not everyone likes your style, or your topic, so you have to make a choice -- do you write to increase your numbers, or do your write what your heart wants to express and you feel guided to communicate?

I heard this a long time ago and this year got the opportunity to make it mine. I volunteered for a "project," put in quite a bit of work on it, and then at the last minute the idea and related work was high-jacked by another person. The thing is, the project was and still is a great gift that helped a lot of people.

Reflecting On Your Life

My ego wanted others to know how much I did to create it--but ultimately the good it did went far beyond me and that ultimately was what needed to happen. Every month during November I do a Day Gratitude Challenge that makes me focus on gratitude every single day for the entire month. Sure it is a lot of work but there are so many amazing benefits from that experience that I believe that making sincere appreciation for everything in our life is a critical element to a SMART life.

I have had the privilege in my life to be a part of several communities that provided service to others. Every single time I participate I am reminded that by giving I receive so much more than I offer. It's so important to remember -- especially those times when I'm feeling blue -- that by helping others I am the one who is most served.

Quite a few articles I wrote and researched this year proved that human perception is very individual. What we see, remember and think about is based upon our personal worldviews and biases.

Reflecting on Life

This morning, we learned that he was holding a small family and friend's visitation at a local funeral home and we were invited. There was no doubt whatsoever that we would go, in fact, we wanted to go not only to pay our last respects to his wonderful wife, but also to support our friend. As we drove towards the funeral home, a good forty minutes from our home, many thoughts and memories flooded our minds.

Memories I remember vividly, the first time we met him. It was a warm summer afternoon at a local craft show where we were displaying our own products. It wasn't long after our initial meeting that we became very close where our commonality from our shared glass crafts brought forward to become very good friends.

And, it was from this friendship that we first met his wife. She was a woman who didn't hold to false pretenses, a woman who gave freely of her warmth, a woman who extended her own personality to be inviting and gracious.

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Their home together was a growing reflection of what they both wanted having started with a house that needed a lot of tender loving care. A house that became a home, a lovely home where flowers adorned her garden painstakingly planted with his help. There was talk of what they would do next, what they would do upon her retirement which was only a few years away. There was always a strong sense of partnership and love.

Reflection Quotes

Life's Ups and Downs Life is never fair but for all its ups and downs, we were privileged to have shared what time we knew her if only for a few short years. And, it wasn't as if she had been ill for some time, or had any signs of ill health other than a terrible flu. If she had been ill for a long time, we may have been able to steel our minds in preparation for her passing that is if anyone can be really prepared for someone's inevitable death. But, this was so sudden - no warning signs of impending danger and death.

We will not forget her - she is forever captured in our hearts and our fond memories.

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Life brings so much yet takes it away so suddenly. And, at the time of death what we are left with is shared friendship and memories. Our friend is hurting, in pain, and traveling along the road of despair and grief.