Social Theory and Philosophy for Information Systems

Social Theory and Philosophy for Information Systems [John Mingers, Leslie P. Willcocks] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. As Information .
Table of contents

His research interests include organizational issues, politics, outsourcing, implementation, e-business and evaluation. Request permission to reuse content from this site. Phenomenology, Screens, and the World: Introna and Fernando M. Klein and Minh Q.


Reconstructing the Present Leslie P. Structuration Theory and Information Systems: Social Theory and Philosophy for Information Systems.

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Read an Excerpt Excerpt 1: Added to Your Shopping Cart. Description As Information Systems matures as a discipline, there is a gradual move away from pure statistics towards consideration of alternative approaches and philosophies. This has not been incorporated into the literature of the field. Collecting major social theorists and philosophers into one volume, Social Theory and Philosophy for Information Systems provides a historical and critical analysis of each that is both authoritative and firmly focused on practical relevance to IS. Doing What Matters John F. The Art of People Dave Kerpen.

Tribe of Mentors Timothy Ferris. Other books in this series. Making a World of Difference Geoff Walsham. Electronic Commerce Steve Elliot. Flap copy This volume aims to widen the imagination of information systemsresearchers in addressing questions about fundamental relationshipsbetween philosophy, social theory and technology.

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Lee provides a groundclearing introduction to the philosophy of science. Markuscritically appraises the promise that still lies withinfunctionalism and neo-functionalism. Introna and Ilharco discussHusserl's and Heidegger's phenomenology in relation to 'thescreen'. Myers, Probert, and Klein and Huynh reveal the abidingapplicability of hermeneutics, Adorno's and Habermas's criticalsocial theory respectively. Jones and colleagues reconsider structuration theory, andprovide considerable insight into Giddens' later thinking and itsrole in IS.

Social theory and philosophy for information systems - LSE Research Online

Howcroft and her co-authors focus on the social shapingof technology approaches, including actor network theory, whileMingers brings critical realism into play suggesting that it canprovide an underlying philosophy for information systems. Finally, Merali details and assesses an area strangely neglected by ISresearchers, namely complexity theory. Overall the book provides arich, insightful and critical set of fresh, key contributions tothe study of technology and information systems.

Back cover copy In recent years information systems has evolved from a disciplinebased primarily on positivist, statistically-oriented research intoa more pluralist discipline that allows debates about researchmethodologies; consideration of a range of social theories andphilosophies; and more critical analyses and understandings ofalternative approaches. This book has the intention of broadening research within the ISfield. It collects together into one volume new criticalassessments of major social theorists, philosophers and currents ofthought.

Social Theory and Philosophy for Information Systems

Detailed coverage is given to: The book provides a vital, accessible and critically authoritative narrative on the relevanceof these modes of thinking to information systems research. Debra Howcroft, Minh Q. Introna, Matthew Jones, Heinz K.

Foundations of Modern Social Theory with Iván Szelényi

Myers, Wanda Orlikowski, Stephen K. Table of contents List of Contributors. Functionalism, Neofunctionalism and Information Systems M. Phenomenology, Screens, and the World: Introna and Fernando M. Klein and Minh Q. Reconstructing the Present Leslie P. Structuration Theory and Information Systems: Complexity and Information Systems Yasmin Merali. I would highly recommend that all libraries His research interests include the use of systems methodologies in problem situations, particularly the mixing of different methodologies within an intervention multimethodology ; the development of critical realism as a philosophy for information systems; the development of theory concerning the nature of information and meaning; and autopoiesis and its applications.

He has published several books, including Self-Producing Systems: