Choosing to Love the World: On Contemplation

Amid the noise and distractions of everyday life, is it really possible to choose to love the world? In these times of great uncertainty and anxiety, how can we find.
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And his pacific vision led him not only to proclaim the importance of the contemplative life, but to define the need for men to respect other men's beliefs and lives. During the Vietnam War he created ample governmental suspicion for his opposition to violence.

Choosing to Love the World: On Contemplation

He died on a journey to the edges of the war zone, in , under what some took to be mysterious circumstances. According to those who were there, it was pure accident: His death was reported on the front page of the New York Times. This volume, short and nicely laid out, has a quote appended to the back cover that well demonstrates his style: Wherever man and society exist; where there are hopes, ideals, aspirations for a better future; where there is love and where there is mingled pain and happiness there the contemplative life has a place.

  1. Choosing to Love the World.
  2. Thomas Merton | Choosing to Love the World | Existential Christianity | Thomas Merton's Death.
  3. What can I do to prevent this in the future?;
  4. Stars Renewal (Stars End Book 4).

One of America's most beloved mystics of the 20th century, Merton's voice was prophetic in the troubled era of the s. In this new collection of thoughts and meditations selected from his most inspiring books and letters, Merton's radiant wisdom and foresight serve as a beacon of light for all of us searching to find true meaning and solace in today's difficult times.

Choose Being Kind Over Being Right - Happiness Vlog

It is only in assuming full responsibility for our world, for our lives and for ourselves, that we can be said to live really for God. Sharply honest in his words but balanced by his poet's heart, Merton explores themes that include the inner ground of love, living in wisdom, and dialoguing with silence.

He teaches that contemplation is possible for everyone and that the fundamental context for seeking God's presence is always our everyday lives. A wonderful compilation of significant Merton writings.

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A must for any follower of Merton. I have used this book in a group over a year, and now as a gift.


I love this book. Thomas Keating's writing is eloquent, and spiritually uplifting.

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  • Choosing to Love the World | Spiritual Directors International?
  • I would highly recommend it. This was purchased as a present for my daughter. Dionysos Out of Exile: Embodiment, Emotion, and the Recovery of the Male Soul. Phoenix Force and Feminine Jouissance: The Reality of a "Men's Movement": Where Critical Discourse Dances with the Soul.

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    Contemplative Poets on Choosing to Love the World. When I am among the trees, especially the willows and the honey locust, equally the beech, the oaks and the pines, they give off such hints of gladness. I would almost say that they save me, and daily.

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    4. Choosing to Love the World: On Contemplation - Merton, Thomas;