The Hypocritical Imagination: Between Kant and Levinas (Warwick Studies in European Philosophy)

The HypoCritical Imagination: Between Kant and Levinas (Warwick Studies in European Philosophy) by John Llewelyn. Article in Tijdschrift voor Filosofie.
Table of contents

Warwick Studies in European Philosophy: Focusing on Kant and Levinas, John Llewelyn takes us on a dazzling tour of the philosophical imagination.

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From Kant, Llewelyn shows how the imagination is the common root of all understanding. He contrasts this with the thought of Emmanuel Levinas, for whom the imagination plays an ambivalent role both as necessary for and a threat to recognition of the other.

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For others, such as Wittgenstein, what is important is only how the word 'imagination' is used. In spite of the attention the imagination has received from major philosophers, remarkably little has been written about the radically different interpretations they have made of it. Between Kant and Levinasis an outstanding contribution to this vaccuum. He shows us that despite the different treatments they accord to the imagination, there is much to be gained from comparing these two key thinkers. John Llewelyn also introduces the importance of the work of Heidegger Schelling, Hegel, Arendt and Derrida on the imagination and what this work can tell us about the relationship between the imagination and ethics, aesthetics and literature.

Between Kant and Levinasis a brilliant reading of a neglected but important philosophical theme and is essential reading for those in contemporary philosophy, art theory and literature. Between Kant and Levinasis an outstanding contribution to this vacuum.

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Focusing on Kant and Levinas,John Llewelyntakes us on a dazzling tour of the philosophical imagination. John Llewelyn also introduces the importance of the work of Heidegger, Schelling, Hegel, Arendt, and Derrida on the imagination and what this work can tell us about the relationship between the imagination and ethics, aesthetics, and literature. This is a reading of an important philosophical theme: Testimonials from Parents and Teachers.

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The Hypocritical Imagination: Between Kant and Levinas (Warwick Studies in European Philosophy)

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Kant vs. Aristotle & Levinas

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