Choosing Forgiveness: Your Journey to Freedom

Editorial Reviews. Review. "Forgiving someone who has hurt you is often difficult. Nancy Leigh DeMoss outlines a pathway to freedom from the prison of.
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The thing good is you dun have to remember what you last read, each chapter can stand on its own. In that light, you can survey the title and consider which chapter best sums up the grievance that is g A good book to put by your bedside ready at the end of the day. In that light, you can survey the title and consider which chapter best sums up the grievance that is gnawing your soul.

Jun 04, Jennah rated it it was amazing Shelves: I absolutely loved this book! It is so hard for me to forgive the people who have hurt me, and this book helped me come to realize that I need to forgive them. After all, didn't Christ do the same for me, by dying on the cross? Nancy Leigh DeMoss brought Scripture into this book, and gave examples of people who have gone through horrible trials and those stories showed you the power of forgiveness.

May 03, Ladawn rated it it was amazing. A friend recommended this book at a time when I really needed it. No sugar coating here. Just the straight up truth about how forgiveness is essential not recommended, not suggested for living a Christian life. It gave me some practical insight about pulling up my big girl panties and doing the hard work of forgiving.

Aug 30, Franzy Bowen rated it it was amazing. This book has opened my mind to so many aspect Jan 17, Eilidh rated it it was amazing. Nancy Leigh DeMoss is a wise woman indeed. This book is both helpful in terms of forgiveness in our own lives, and in reminding us of the great forgiveness we have benefitted from.

Challenging and firm yet gentle and loving, Nancy Leigh DeMoss speaks to the heart of the matter and of the reader. I cannot recommend the author and this book more highly. Aug 09, Misty rated it really liked it. Nancy is incredibly capable at teaching woman and handling Scripture. The only thing I didn't like was a simplistic view of depression and health issues that were associated with bitterness.

In every other way I would always highly recommend her writing and speaking. Dec 14, Lara Krupicka rated it really liked it. Not a light read. DeMoss challenges the reader to plow through the tangled mass of hurts and bitterness of life to find a way toward true forgiveness. A vehicle for change in anyone's life - I heartily recommend this book.

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Apr 22, Elizabeth rated it really liked it Shelves: It is an excellent book that looks at every side of forgiveness in a real, practical and extremely godly way. Well done- practical, well thought out, and interesting. Oct 07, Kristina rated it it was amazing. This book gave me a new perspective on forgiveness and has challenged me in so many ways. It is a must read: Aug 07, Cindy rated it really liked it. Hmmmmmmmm I have much to learn. Need to read this one again. Mar 24, Tom rated it liked it. A helpful reminder of the importance of forgiveness in our lives.

Mar 17, Virginia rated it it was amazing Shelves: The best book on forgiveness I've ever read. What a privilege to have it available! Mar 18, Gretchen rated it really liked it.

This is one of those books I think I will be recommending and giving to a lot of people. It's well-organized and a good balance of Scripture, teaching, and real-life stories.

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Aug 09, Kari rated it really liked it. What a provoking book. This is something we all need to learn to do and do well. Truly a convicting message on the real meaning of forgiveness. Sep 30, Stephanie Caira rated it really liked it. The entire book was packed full of truth.

Choosing Forgiveness: Your Journey to Freedom

The beginning moved slower than the middle and end. I most appreciated the actual help and instruction in the last two chapters. To make forgiveness a habit, reviewing those regularly will be helpful. May 30, Sage rated it really liked it.

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Tossing up between 3. A quick, easy read. Lots of things to think on. While as another review says the examples used did all seem to have happy endings that's not always going to be the case. I personally found the examples to be encouraging and inspiring. Should be required reading for every human being.

One of the top 10 "How to do life" books. Nov 27, Vida rated it it was amazing Shelves: Sarah Moore rated it really liked it Sep 27, Anne rated it really liked it Feb 20, Aaron Skwarcan rated it it was amazing Aug 14, Loree Conrad rated it it was amazing Oct 10, There are no discussion topics on this book yet. About Nancy Leigh DeMoss. She is a mentor and spiritual mother to thousands of women and a leader of the True Woman movement. Books by Nancy Leigh DeMoss.

Trivia About Choosing Forgiven No trivia or quizzes yet. They might even suggest that you burn this list in the fireplace, symbolically letting all the pain and suffering go up in smoke. But I believe the Bible leads us to do something else, something deeper, something more healing and holy, 2 Make sure your conscience is clear toward each of the individuals on your list. Or would it be more honest to say that you have withheld love from them, resented them, and been angry with them?

Have you bad-mouthed your ex-mate to your children? Have you given negative reports about that person who painted you in a bad light to your friends? Have you subtly retaliated against the in-law or the sibling who has made your life difficult by giving them the silent treatment, disengaging from the relationship, rather than pressing through to love them? But you are responsible, solely and fully responsible , for what goes in the third column. This person sinned against me! More often than not, the offended becomes an offender in his response to the offense.

In the mind of the one who has been offended, that response may be completely justified: Regardless of what may have provoked our response, if we have sinned against a spouse, a parent, a friend, an old acquaintance, an authority figure, whomever, we need to ask their forgiveness just as if we were the one who started this whole thing in the first place.

We need to take responsibility for our sinful response. But 95 percent or more of it was his fault! That usually leaves a lot of unclaimed responsibility lying around, where it can keep on spreading its poison, perpetuating the damage. Not to speak of being hypocritical! Not in a way that excuses you, not in a way that blames them for pushing you to it, not in a way that leads you into even more sin by stirring up your anger against them.

If not, humble yourself. Go and seek forgiveness. Be sure your conscience is clear. This is where the proverbial rubber meets the road. This is where all the tender and wounded parts of your emotions may cry out in self-protection and protest. And this is where the Enemy will work hard to keep you from going all the way with God and doing what you know you need to do.

But this is where you have to go if you want to be free. Choose to forgive each individual or group who has sinned against You.

Choosing Forgiveness: Your Journey to Freedom by Nancy Leigh DeMoss

Press the delete button. Release them from your custody. And it will limit their capacity to have a fully restored relationship with you and others. That is a choice you can and must make, regardless of where the other person is in their journey. As you respond to the Lord in this matter, be sure not to stop short of actually forgiving your offenders. Go all the way. Gracia Burnham and her husband, Martin, made that choice under circumstances that most would have considered unforgivable.

Abducted by a Philippine terrorist group while on a brief break from their missionary responsibilities, this couple endured more than a year of torture, want, and abuse, being pushed and shoved in pointless circles through the tangles of a tropical jungle. In June , when the national military attempted a rescue of the hostages, Gracia escaped, wounded but freed. Martin was killed in the firefight. After their whole long ordeal together, Gracia had to walk out of the jungle alone. The maddening confinement of being chained to a tree for hours, sleeping straight up, forced to beg for daily needs.

The pain of being wracked with incessant diarrhea, heightened by the indignity of having no place to retreat in private, no means of cleaning herself, and no escape from the unsanitary conditions that only worsened the disease. The exhaustion of being strapped down with fifty-pound loads of gear to walk miles over rugged ground, with precious little on the outside to shield away the elements and even less in their stomachs to sustain their weak, weary bodies.

And when not mortally afraid, anger.

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I wanted to scream. I blamed the terrorists; I blamed the Philippine military for their ineptness; I blamed the American government for not waving some magic wand to free us; I even blamed God because Anger in the face of trauma is understandable. The alternative, of course, was to forgive, even without the benefit of an apology from the offender.

I could choose to forgive, all by myself. Her anger cooled down. The hurt began easing away. I would be faced with a fresh need to forgive. This was a conscious decision I would have to make and remake as time went by. In fact, it became a pattern. And therein lay a path back to self-control and composure. The task was squarely mine, although once I chose to obey, God certainly gave me the strength to do so emphasis added.

But she would tell you: We identify the sin. We clear our conscience toward the offender. We choose, yes, Lord, we choose, to forgive. Do you think your situation is just too hard? Several years ago, I watched a dear friend go through deep waters in this whole matter of forgiveness, not just once, but again and again and again. I vividly recall the day her husband of twenty-three years confessed to her that he had been involved in a sexual affair with another woman for six months.

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That part, the sheer fact that he had broken their wedding vows, was bad enough. Things went on pretty much that same way for more than a year. He actually showed no evidence of true brokenness and grief over his sin, and continued in it, sometimes almost flaunting it in my face. This hurt me and our children more than I could ever describe. But I remember that first night after finding out about the affair, I fell on my face before God with an open Bible and poured out my heart to Him.

I could only think of Christ on the cross and how He asked His Father to forgive those who were killing Him.