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Vae Victis, A Journal of Internment [Frederick Russell Fisher, Alan Fisher McCrea​] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. Feel the experiences.
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Nevertheless, t he group broke into a standing ovation for the "hero" in our midst and into a ton of puzzlement while trying to conceal our dismissive comments under our breath. They killed them all with their bare hands, grabbing them two at a time by the hair and smashing their heads together! Hitler, according to him, had issued strict orders if he were to be captured, he not be executed.

He was to be brought to Berlin so Hitler, himself, could execute him!!! He was from the environs of Thebes, Greece, claiming that the Symmorites guerillas had pillaged his village, stolen his folk's goats and burned his family's house. Tassos, unaware of Mr. The old man was taken aback. He was horrified! Rest in peace Mr.

I guess my father realized that I was not the little boy anymore that he had to protect from the ugly realities of the war and its aftermath; he opened up and told me several stories. Moreover, I doubt if he could find Moscow on the map! Evidently, it became clear to the Government that most of the prisoners did not present a clear and present danger to the security of the country.

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So, the government tried various ways to sweeten the deal. My father, prudently, obliged them. All was good. The uncle was persuaded.

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The only thing remaining was the next day's formalities before the " prodigal son " free of the communism miasma could return home as a certified real patriot. Smiles and "attaboys" were floating all around. The warden was happy, the colonel elated, my father content, and the gendarmes all trying to conceal approving smiles under their authoritative Gendarmerie mustaches. Freedom was at hand, nothing else to be said or done! Alas, this chummy muster of sweetness, fellowship, and good manners came to an abrupt end when the colonel shoved a form in front of the uncle and ordered him to sign it.

A dispatch?? From wheeere??? My father was thunderstruck, the warden dumbfounded, the colonel furious, and the gendarmes went wild. Nevertheless, the uncle not only survived, but his business thrived, as well! Incidentally, this story-telling with my father took place after we had returned from visiting that uncle in Kranidi see picture below. Naturally, the uncle was an old man by now and his donkey had died long time ago. However, he was still peddling pins and needles, but from a small ultra-modern fabric store he owned!

And although the country was in peril, in my opinion, there is no excuse for torture and brutality of prisoners and detainees. But with McCarthyism sweeping through America and to keep the Marshall Plan pouring millions of dollars to resuscitate the country after the devastation of the WWII war and the fratricide of the Civil War, in the eyes of the powers that be, the " Policy of Containment " justified anything and everything. The grim alternative, of course, would have been Greece becoming another Eastern Block satellite, struggling for food and freedom under totalitarian slavery until the fall of the Soviet Union.

However, in my opinion, and with the benefit of seventy years of hindsight since the civil war, reprisals not only should have been prohibited but severely punished. The victors should have reached out to the vanquished across the chasm of the national schism to expedite reconciliation and national unity for a faster emergence of a new and dynamic post-war Greece. It's a story about those who willingly or unwillingly had sought refuge in the communist countries at the end of the Civil War and now wanted to return to their towns and villages in Greece.

It was apparent that he was intimidated by the proceedings and very reserved with his answers. I tried to allay his fears by asking him questions about general and well-known events of the Civil war because from his answers to the other Board members and the security reports I had seen it was evident that he had committed no war crimes.

I was stunned. They had promised us Equality under a new Greece. I believed them.

5. Symmorites - ADRIAS

I fought and killed compatriots. Please forgive me. I want to die in my village! These reveal themselves not in the carefully staged French propaganda that came out of the camps, a Potemkin villages record Feichtinger, , p. The fact that the Algerians interned in camps were overwhelmingly women increased their fears. The FLN-ALN recognized that sexual violence had served France as a weapon to divide Algerian society raping women compromised the family structure as it later did in other contexts Shalhoub-Kevorkian, , and they worried that the same tactic would be used in the camps These fears manifest themselves in ALN reports about girls recruited as French spies in the schools and women who had been drugged and raped by the French, forcing them into prostitution and alcoholism Such women were considered so dangerous, the documents suggest, that they were subject to execution In short, FLN-ALN documents show that they placed a priority on women as an important site for their own claims to sovereignty.

In the nineteenth century the French army conducted scorched-earth raids they called razzias, appropriating an Arabic word for raid Gallois, , p. These targeted the economy and society of rural Algeria, combining attacks on harvests, food stores, and livestock with the psychological shock or terror produced by more or less indiscriminate killing.

Such violence was calculated to produce subsistence crises that would break an elusive enemy.

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  6. This culminated in the great famine of when an estimated , Algerians succumbed to hunger and disease Kateb, , p. By the s Algerian demography began to bounce back from its steep decline, but this added its own set of pressures, as the resources available to growing Algerian families became smaller and smaller. New regimes of individual land tenure, the sequestration and fines following revolts, and, more generally, the effects of a capitalist economy resulted in the massive land transfer to Europeans and the concentration of Algerian-owned land by a few powerful families.

    The cumulative effects of this crisis meant that by the average Algerian peasant family lived off less than 5 ha hectares of land, half of the amount needed for subsistence Kateb, , p. Poverty forced hundreds of thousands of people to the coastal cities, inland towns, and metropolitan France.

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    The Algerian population of Algerian cities over 10, inhabitants grew In Algiers, migrants first found housing in the Casbah, the old Ottoman section of the city. Although a few families had lived here continuously since , by the mid-twentieth century, the old quarter was home to about 60, new arrivals The Casbah had all of the features that define modern slums: poor access to water, no sewage or sanitary services, high rents and insecure contracts, and, of course, poverty, precarious employment, disease tuberculosis and syphilis , and high mortality It was also extremely crowded.

    Algiers had been a densely populated city back in Ottoman times: when the French first arrived, the people of Algiers lived about to the hectare Berque, , p. At this time, people used every part of the Casbah as sleeping and living quarters: roofs, workshops, courtyards, stairways and halls, balconies, cellars, and the street. This made it one of the most densely populated slums of the twentieth century. The first modern shantytown of Algiers, Mahieddine, emerged just prior to the First World War on the slopes rising above Belcourt and Mustapha, the working-class outer districts of Algiers—near the port, warehouses, and slaughterhouse House, , p.

    Not all shantytowns were equal. Mahieddine offered good proximity to jobs and streetcars, and it became a preferred neighborhood.

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    At the beginning of the Algerian war in , 7 people lived in Mahieddine, and six years later its population had risen to about people Photographs give the starkest expression to this, revealing houses made from all sorts of salvaged materials. They found narrow, circuitous pathways without distinguishing points of reference. Unpaved, such pathways turned into thick cold mud in the rain, and the sewers of the shantytown ran open.

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    A new type of man is born in the bidonvilles : these neighborhoods of shacks are the crucible from which the townspeople of tomorrow will come. The European city was unable to integrate these uprooted people; [living] apart from the town that they borrow, they do not adopt its cultural values. The newcomers from the Algerian countryside have no connection with the bourgeoisie or artisans of the old cities of the Maghreb, and they have no knowledge of the sophistication of their theocratic order.

    For many then, the shantytowns represented a severe crisis, that of extreme anomie. Even as they suffered appalling material conditions, people made do in the shantytowns, and the efforts they put into to making their lives livable should not be underestimated. Indeed, while their voices fall silent in the archives, the reformers produced data about them, which when read against the grain show trends marriage patterns and household composition which strongly suggest that social and cultural norms made their way from the countryside into the shantytowns, and that they tightly structured social lives.