PDF TO HELL AND ALMOST BACK: Life of a Seriously Disabled WWII Veteran

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Life of a Seriously Disabled Wwii Veteran Sam Jones. continue speaking English rather than German and the right of antiwar demonstrators to demonstrate in.
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Takes the judgement right out of them, because your answer caused two different reactions to occur. Caused a distraction by redirecting any previous thought they had focussed on originally, regardless of what it was. And 2. Changed the entire conversation, thought process, negative feelings and everything else, by making it neutral territory. All you have to do at that point, is to allow them to easily and clearly see your integrity easy enough , right?? It is, however when dealing with the VA know this, they review tens of thousands of veterans cases and face to face discussions with them as well.

So while you can do this to any person with ease, including VA personnel. Sorry for such a long reply, I do that sometimes then forget what the topic was to begin with. Have a great night, thank you all for your oath to defend the Constitution of the United States of America. Got sick after about 6 weeks, went to VA Hospital for 4 weeks with mono, got sent home.

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Was supposed to report for 6 more weeks in , instead resigned and became private in USMC reserves. In went for weeks combat training. No other reserve time, no other service. Is he a Marine? Is he a veteran? I served 4 years of active duty in the AF. I have a DD with honorable discharge. Recently, I changed jobs, and in completing the questionnaires for being a Veteran, the choice given do not include the time of my service — and there are no other options available for being a Veteran in a non-conflict era. I delayed enlisted approx 15 days after the Viet Nam period and discharged in I am miffed each time the questions arise on applications and do not provide recognition for non conflict related time periods.

However, I received another graduate degree 2 years ago, and was again recognized as a Vet from the University.

What is a Veteran? The Legal Definition

Recently, I attended a conference, and the speaker was not Military, but only used the war time periods to define what a Veteran is. Can anyone help me understand when and why the changes were made toward war time periods only? You are a Veteran in our eyes. Different organizations and companies have different factors they require for services they provide. I served 24 continuous months active duty, from , and received an honorable discharge upon my scheduled ETS date.

The US was not engaged in warfare during the time of my service, I am not disabled nor recently separated. We did go TDY for four months on what I recall was a police action, but cannot remember how it was officially classified. So, am I not a protected veteran even though I served honorably? Thank you! Question for any that may point us in right direction. My grandfather served in the marines between to he never saw any combat. He served is time and was discharged. At his current age his health is poor and we have had some tell us to look to the va to possibly help?

Question is without him being in service during active war will they help him? They will be able to determine his eligibility. I was in the Army from Dec. I was Honorably Discharged. Could anyone tell me if i qualify for VA Benefits?

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I cannot get a straight answer from anyone. I would appreciate any feedback! Thank You For your Service!!

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Ron Barton. They will be able to determine your eligibility.

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National Guardsmen and Reservists that were honorably discharged are considered veterans by the Government in the most basic sense.. However, they are not entitled to any type of benefits unless they meet the criteria in the above article. Is there a controversy in the Pentagon concerning this issue? Is there resistance from career active duty personnel? Other definitions provided above are precise with respect to benefits but vague regarding status otherwise. Criteria seem to include 1.

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Active Duty status; 2. Perhaps others. This matter could likely be cleared up if Congress simply defined a Veteran as anyone who served honorably in any capacity under any US military status. It may be that Congress has not passed such a statute because of concern over additional claims to VA and, perhaps, some resistance from active duty personnel.

I am like many other reservists, served in Coast Guard then Naval Reserve for six years. All service was non-active duty reserve, but two week duty may have been active? Not concerned about benefits, just protocol.

When attending a Navy Ship Commissioning or other official ceremony, and the Master of Ceremonies asks all Veterans to stand, should non-active duty reservists stand? Many have asked variants of this question. Could Veterans Anonymous experts provide a definitive answer? Thanks for the efforts by Veterans Anonymous. I thought I was one of the few who had this concern but apparently many are not sure on this point. When I signed the papers, the requirements for veteran status was days consecutive active duty.

Now the VA, headed by some Navy veteran who never served a day on a ship tells me that I need 24 months consecutive service. Are they truly going to be this anal over 8 days? After having some issues with the headaches I received an Honorable Discharge and the requisite paper work including the Honorable Discharge. As I approach 71 this becomes more and more important to me. Can I claim Veteran Status and get a grave marker? You need to contact your local county VA representative. They will be able to assist you better than anyone on this topic.

What does your DD stay? What type of discharge? Did you graduate basic training? Do you have continuous active duty days stated on your DD? I was in the AFRE from to I developed problems with migraine headaches and received an Honorable Discharge and DD I was offered a small disability but declined it. I have been told I qualify as a veteran and as per the changes can salute the flag even being in civilian clothes.

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Are persons that were honorably discharged from the Army National Guard eligible for any benefits? I served as a full time Air Technician for over 3 years. I wore my Air Force uniform to duty everyday, upon being released from the unit I received a DD with an Honorable Discharge and a DD indicating the number of days I served a full time member of the unit.